untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1919-06-01


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GENTLEMEN GENTLEMENMy My advertisement of last Sunday stated that 1 would have two real good things at Belmont Plans are changed Tie only play I will advise at this track will be Monday Tune 9 We will positively send a horse on this day which is considered a certainty There is no horse eligible for tins race which can possibly beat it in view of the form this horse will surely win Further ¬ more we expect a good price priceThis This is only one of the few REALLY GOOD THINGS which I will handle from time to time timeI I make no extravagant promises regarding long shots but I guarantee LIVE INSIDE INFORMA ¬ TION which with any kind of racing luck will average a high percentage of winners winnersNothing Nothing sent in plain English Wire or write at once for code Considering the class of my infor ¬ mation the terms are reasonable the winnings of ten on first transaction and if O K the winnings of twentyfive thereafter Remember Monday June 9 Let me prove I know whereof 1 speak Address J J MCCARTHY 8 Martense St Brooklyn N Y

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919060101/drf1919060101_6_3
Local Identifier: drf1919060101_6_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800