Sixth Race [6th Belmont Park, Daily Racing Form, 1919-06-07

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SIXTH RACE 58 Mile Straight 2yoarolds Maidens Claiming Sept 12 1918 55 2 110 WHO CARES br c 2 M 115 By Wrack Lizzie H P A Clark 42061 Belmont 58 st 5Ufast 40 HOi 4 51 4s J Butwell S Paul Jones Shoal Yellow Hand 42548 Belmont 4Jf st 53fast 30 115 1 1422GO 12 Ifli L Bnsor 14 Upsat ServiceStar K Champion 422GO Pimlico 4i f 55mud 13 112 1 7i S18 A Johnson S Howes Bud Wendy Super 42231 Pimlico 12 49 fast 4310 110 9 9IRELAND 2Z 3 L Ensor 13 Super Oriental Park Tattle TattleBy IRELAND ch c 2 M 115 By Celt Votes R Parr 42151 Belmont 3lt st 54 slop 7 11C 1 4 47i T Davies 4 Fly Orb Peregrine East Glow 42373 Pimlico 4J f 54fast 8 115 3 342J3G 3 31 A Johnson 4 Anniversary Murray Titania 42J3G Pimlico 45 f 55 fast 65 115 1 1HAMPDEN 4s 3 L Lyke 7 MShacklcton Gallagher LIouc LIoucBy HAMPDEN ch g 2 M 115 By Sea King Unterock Oak Ridge Stable 42671 Belmont 58 st lOQiust 7 Ktf 7 742W6 2 = 2s W Bethel S Incinerator Ourmald SRlverll 42W6 Belmont 41f st 53 fast 10 102 8 6S 6 i L Fator 10 Tonjours Oceanna Mile Dazie 42490 Belmont 4Jf st 53good 8 10S 4 3 3 i W Bethel 5 Aerial Peregrine Sweet Apple 42441 Jamaica 58 102 slop 15 115 7 742T9 51 7 T Nolan 8 Betty J Shoal Northward 42T9 Jamaica 58 l01Vifast 12 107 6 6COPYRIGHT 6 r J C Kummer 0 ERnlmchcr FlyOrb FColleen FColleenBy COPYRIGHT b c 2 M 115 11542CC1 By Ormondaie Copyist J E Madden 42CC1 Belmont 5S st 59fast 12 10S 8 G = 5 W Kelsay 8 Paul Jones Shoal Yellow Hand 42584 Belmont 4Jf st 53fast 10 115 9 8l 91S W Kelsay 1U Wildair Homely Hoodwink 42548 Belmont 4if st 53ifast 15 115 9 9OURMAID 6l 7 W Kelsay 14 Upset ScrviceStar KChampion KChampionBy OURMAID b f 2 M 112 11242G71 By Uncle Busy Edith J E Madden 42G71 Belmont 58st l00fast 10 9 8 D 33 C dtcele 8 Inirator Hampden SRivcrll 42543 Belmont 4if st 53fast 20 100 3 3BACK 4 3 3 C Stcelo H Flying Orb PhanFair Urynhild UrynhildBy BACK HOME b f 2 M 113 11342CS4 By Cunard Tower of Candles G Peterson 42CS4 Belmont 4if st 54Vfefast 10 111 5 5425S4 5lu 4 L Lyke Betsinda Balloting Dame 425S4 Belmont 4Jf st 53fast 50 112 8 8First II1 lll A Johnsonl2 Wildair Homely Hoodwink HoodwinkBv First start for the following followingWALK WALK THE PLANK ch c 2 M 115 115FRENZELA Bv Cock o th Walk Privateer W H Henry FRENZELA br f 2 M 112 By His Majesty Connemara G A Cochran

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Local Identifier: drf1919060701_8_12
Library of Congress Record: