Second Race [2nd Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1919-06-10

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SECOND RACE 34 Mile Palace Hotel Purse 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances June 27 1914 111 5 116 MINT CAT b c 3 M 110 By Catmint Arlette J F Schorr 524S1 Church1 34 lWhvy 19 106 7 777 7 II Lunsfd 7 Jago Mormon GalliCurci Church1 34 l13fast 8 112 6 6STEVENSON 5 6 4s 4 i II Lunsfd 12 AVar Idol Jorice Lucinda STEVENSON b g 4 M 115 By Hilarious Rcsponsful W J Young 42180 Church1 1 11G 153 hvy 11 113 3 2 2 3 G1 4 J Howard 12 Prospector ParMald DHogan 42365 Church1 34 l12fast 69f 106 11 11 11 11 11 = ° C Brown 11 GrGrass BrofWar HBurgoyne 42240 Lexton 1 l3Sfast 32 107 2 12 7 7 7 T Murray 7 Buford Pif Jr Hanovia 42212 Lexton Im70y l53hvy G5 112 2 1 1 1 11 4i M Garner 7 Cntilever Gourmand Hndhlue 36384 Latonia 34 l13fast 8 112 7 7 8 8 64 W Crump 12 WPDabny JackHill JWalkcr 36263 Latonia 34 l16hvy 5 112 8 4 1 1 24 W Kelsay 12 Count Boris Jack Hill OMalley 36213 Latonia 68 l02mud 11 US 1 3 4 81 42 W Kelsay 12 Kuklux St Jude Tippo Sahib 36142 Latonia 51 f l09hvy 22 112 4 2 3 3i 34 W Kelsay 11 Kale Tanlae Count Boris BorisBy HELMA br f 3 M 105 By Helmet Naulahka T P Hayes 42319 Church1 34 l15lmud 41 102 2 1 3 7l 11IT T Murray 12 Uuly Itachel Fifi II Sarasota 40331 Latonia 61 f l07fast 37f 101 6 63E092 1 1 21 31 F Smith 12 Iwinhvin D Carroll Cockroach 3E092 Lexton 41 f 55fast 21 112 6 6SERVICE 2 21 6 1 B Pool 10 E Randall Batter Cake Lecotal LecotalBy SERVICE FLAG b c 3 M 110 By Ben Trovato Royal Child Pastime Stable 42526 Church1 34 114 fast 143 10G 7 G G S1 S J Groth 12 Dance McVex Harry D 42403 Church1 34 l15slow 166 106JIO 9 10 10 10 = M Garner 10 TonCoat MudGiiigham Pullux THISTLES BEAU b g 4 M 115 By Bourbon Beau Youne Thistle M Doyle 42196 Lexton 34 l17hvy 17f 103 6 10 81 6 ° H J Burkcll Hnsty Cora Circulate Mustard 38557 Douglas 1 l39sfast 13 104 7 4 5 105 1010 E Sande 12 Regal Lodge Exliorter Lcixlip 3S4CC Douglas 1 l39jfefast 51 109 S 7 7 101 10 = S Gaar 12 Melus War Sod Tiiii McGee 38398 Douglas 34 lI2Vifast 150 105 8 7 71 63 S Gaar 12 KildurcRoy Pcclgor ToiriGooso 362G3 Latonia 34 llGhvy 9 112 5 1 72 903 F Cooper 12 Count Boris Stevenson JackHill C6235 Latonia 51 f 1OS mud 47f 112 3 2 25J 54 415 F Cooper 11 Tacola Tanlac Duke of Savoy CG142 Latonia 5J f l09 = ihvy 21f 107 10 9 81 7ie S Gaar 11 Kale Tanlac Stevenson 35SSO Cburchl 51 f 107 good 199f 103 8 10 10 10FIRST 10 ° 10J1 S Garr 11 Boniface Herald Tex Formal FIRST TROOP b e 4 M 115 115401CS By Duval Linolin W B Watkins 401CS Empire 1 l42fast 20 10SJ 2 4 4 10 91 9 M Rowan1 10 CIi Two PandCalls PtoPont 40153 Empire ImTOy 1 4 5f ast 40 110 7 4 4 4 4s 410 A McDottll Intriguer DauDiKle BPeddler 40029 Jamaica lni7tyl4Cfast 20 114 8 7 7 7 74W17 71 s F Hopkins 8 Bet Point to Point Santiago 4W17 Jamaica 1 11G l49ifast 20 IDS F 5 G 7 73W03 G C11 F Hopkins 7 Lively Wild Thyme Kebo 3W03 Aqduct 1 l42good 25 115 4 4 8 7 8 77J F Hopkinsl7 Bar One Assign Grouse 29SG3 Aqduct 1 l39fnst SO 113 2 3 4 4 41 F Hopkins S Alibi Past Master Bright Angel 3U1C8 Kmpire Ab34 110 fast 50 109 10 10 C CSU14G 10 13 ° F HopkinsM Onico Heredity Kirsties Cub SU14G Kmpire 1 l40fast CO 1041 3 4 4 C C3S9C4 G C F Hopkins G Gneland Bautry Daedalus 3S9C4 Aqtluct 1 l40fast 60 115 2 16 15 1C 1CSS790 15 1419J Radgez21 Riverside JcfSpades Dragoon SS790 Aqduct 1 139 fast 20 110 10 11 11 12 123S722 13 1222 II Ericksnli Elmcndorf PDpeau Dniaturge 3S722 Jamaica lmOyl4Sfslop 30 103 2 7 10 11 112S6S4 92 9 J Wessler 13 RoyccRools WViolet AfArrow 2S6S4 Jamaica lm70yl4Giifast 30 115 3 2 2 2 2SAUER 2 23 J Heupel 4 JauBout Sungold Impartiality ImpartialityBy SAUER b g 4 M 115 1154L By McGee Frances S T G Morris 4L G25 Church 1 1 llCl47fast 7 107 9 10 9 6 G GJ C Kobsonlti SayWhen Bruncttcl Tliirteen 42252 L x ton 34 l134ifast 8 11010 7 6 6PS834 GJ 78i T Murray 12 Vision Miss Manage Hopover PS834 Lntonia 1 11C l51hvy 2G 107 2 3 3 4 43S533 4 42 C VnDun 7 JohnlDay Augustus TimMcGee 3S533 Douglas 34 l10 fast SCf 10411 11 11 11SffiSSG 11 J0Z2 c VnDunl2 Troilus Boniface IcliiBan SffiSSG Latonia 34 l13fast 1131 93 9 10 10 102029S 91 911 O Willis 12 KHngj Miss Agnes Leta 2029S Latonia 5i f lOShvy 52 103 5 24 243G142 3 Gi E Martin 10 Kling Postmaster Rdg 3G142 Latonia 5i f l09hvy 21f 112 7 65 653tOfi2 92 9 D Connllyll Kale Tanlac Stevenson Stevenson9s 3tOfi2 Latonia 34 l13fast 57 112 10 10 10 1035IS09 9s 94 J Dreyer 10 Spearlene JStnart D of Savoy 35IS09 Church 1 34 l15good 11 118 8 78 78TROOPER 71 721 D Connlly 9 R L Owen Sirocco Bon Tromp TrompBy TROOPER ch g 4 M 115 By Trap Rock Ecstacy T C McDowell 42705 Lulonla 34112fast 72 107 4 44 44RAMEAU C 511 J Howard G Lvocliares Herald Hendric HendricBy RAMEAU blk c 3 M 110 By Ethelbert Roxanna J K Redmon 42077 Latonia 34 V13 fast 38 10610 11 11 113l075 111U1013 O Willis 12 HGoLucky B Joe Impressive 3l075 Latonia 58 l01 slow 152 112 12 12 11 11MAGIKON II3 112 C Dishmnl2 Salvo Silvery Light Bob Baker BakerBy MAGIKON ch h 7 M 115 11541S74 By Marathon Sorrel Top J L PontiusJ 41S74 OaKTwn 34 l15mud 4 107 2 33 35 21 W Wright 10 Guy Alf Venizn Revolution 41US2 Oaklwn 34 lir fast 10 118 2 9 8Jt G Molesth 9 Plenty Rayonnant Verna B 399S9 Church 1 1 11G l47fast 23 114 5 6 9 81 S G MolesthlO Glasstoi HBreivogel Exhorter 374G8 Oaklwn 34 115 fast 25 9 8 G Molesthl2 Leicester Dienero Gertrude C 37213 FGnds 31 115 fast 7 10 9 G Molesthl2 Petrograd Tolerance BKathryn 21378 Dcvshiro 34 115 fast 35 114 2 22DG42 12 1214 G Molesthl2 Crumpsall JanUary Spring Song 2DG42 Devshlro 51 f l00fast 38 120 7 7285TO 7 6 G Molesth 8 Recluse Viley Sal Vanity 285TO Windsor 34 114 good 90 114 2 92 710 G Molesthl2 Sansyming JWakely R Square 24273 Juarez Bi f 106 fast 30 OG G GMATHER 6 G14 G Moles tb 6 Lukemae Bev James BillyJoe MATHER b g 4 M 115 By Martinet lady Esther W C Covington Covingtonfi2 42429 Church 1 34 l15mud 2G2 102 7 fi2 I W Wright 7 DrCarinen AmEagle CaneRun 4240 Churchl 34 l15slow 262 100 8 8t 8u T Murray 10 TopCoat MadGiugliam Pullux 423o Churchl 34 l13Vffast 1G3 109 3 9s 95 C Robsonll PortLight BParadise Squeeler 29943 Churchl 34 l13fast 94 105 8 9 9 J Kederis 10 Dragoon S Alyssum Kil Boy 39913 Douglas 34 lllfast 71 93 G 5 5 J Grubei 5 OlWood Tumbler Beaverkill 39814 Douglas 34 lllfast 125 104 6 6h 7 7 J Dursch 7 Sedan Courtship Skiles Knob GESUNDHEIT ch h f 3 M 105 By Meelick Gay and Festive G L Blackford First start Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched DICK HORN ch c 4 M 115 By Dick Welles Lumar J M Trout First start startDISCORD DISCORD m f 3 M 105 By Meelick Agnes Dale R F Coppage 42032 Oaklwn 34 llG slow 135104 7 419SO Oaklwn 34 l14fast SO 102 1 3S04 Douglas 4 f 55 good 1 G 112 1 95 7 J G Mdlesthll Bnlldoze Turpentine I eoti Fay Fay3S323 3S323 Churchl 41 f C4fast 20 112 1 9 7i 716 D Connlly 9 Madras Manicurist TheGleanier TheGleanier3S1C9 3S1C9 Churchl 12 4Smud 44 112 Left at the post H LunsfdlO Regalo Lance Jap JapRAY RAY MAXIM b e 3 M 110 By Golden Maxim Mary Reardon J T Flanigan 42553 Churchl 1 1lti l5U mud 47f 107 523 G 91 9 J Groth 11 Leap Frog MissProctor Uoiiefnl Uoiiefnl424SO 424SO Churchl 1 11G 153 hvy G9 106 5 3 3 G 91 98 E Pool 12 Prospector ParMaid DHogan 42343 Churchl 34 l13fast 5Sf 0410 9 10 11 ll J Majestic 11 Kildare Boy DayidCraig Vision 40042 Churchl 5i f l07fast 4f 109 9 11 12 12 122 J Hanoverl2 McVex Stockwell Serbian SerbianZliMl ZliMl Churchl 55 f l074 fast CGf 102 12 12 11 11 = llzl J Gruber 12 Lancelot JoeStabr Sentimental SentimentalTHE THE GA1LANT br c 3 M 110 By Bourbon Beau Dividend W Grater 42C25 Churchl 1 lli l47faat HanQverl2 SayWliun BrunettoIL Thirteen 42553 Churchl 1 1lfi lrilmud 14 112J 7 79 9 S1 71J D Connllyll Leap Frog MissProcter Hopeful I 42480 Churchl 1 11G 153 hvy 4 110 9 7 10 11 10 10 D Connllyl2 Prospector ParMaid DHogan 42417 Churchl Im70yl447sfast 47 110 5 5 5 7 G C C8 C Hobsonl2 Jorice Porte Drapeau Gibby GibbyTHIRTEEN i THIRTEEN blk c 3 M 110 By Coy Lad Rnn of Luck H H Hewitt 42025 Churchl 1 11G l47fast 14 107 3 7 7 7 3 3 H J Burkel2 SayWhen BrunettcII Daymon 42553 Churchl 1 116 l51 mud 19 106 3 6 G 7 71 S20 H J Burkell Leap Frog MissProcter Hopeful 42480 Churchl 1 116 153 hvy 10 109 1 5 G 8 S 87 H J Burkel2 Prospector ParMaid DHogan DHogan423S8 423S8 Churchl 1 116 l51Vfemud 13 IOC 2 4 G 3 3 3 i II J Burkell Lackawna W Willow Parking 42214 Lexton Im70y l53hvy 15 107 6 G G G 31 351 H J Burke G WarTax Parking ColHarrison 42182 Lexton F C l12hvy 70 105 3 89 92 9 H J Burkell Lancelot SnsPeurll Dcussion 42144 Lexton F C l10fast 22 112 4 9 9 9 92 H J Burke 9 Loyalist Lorena Moss LFPlay 40503 Latonia 34 l15good 27f 102 G 54 7l 9s H J Eurkel2 CarrieMoore Cockrch Emunale Emunale404G1 404G1 Latonia 61 f l10Vislow llf 113 6 5 5 71 10 D Connllyl2 Sningdale ETranter BBaker BBakerPIZARRO PIZARRO b c 3 M 110 By Bonarosa Becky G J Long 42717 Latonia 34 115 hvy 92 10S 5 C G G 722 J Groth 7 American Ace Toto Sway 42679 Latonia 34 112 fast 112 107 4 C 7 7i S J Groth 10 Bon Jour Legal Lady Fair Play

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Local Identifier: drf1919061001_3_4
Library of Congress Record: