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Aqueduct Entries and Past Performances for Thursday June 26 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the beading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each bone at the distance since January 1 1917 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling SellingTrack Track record July 8 1018 5S 2 112Todays Todays 112 Tml Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan42S932 42S932 Fair Colleen 102 101 f 102 725 42938 Copyright 107 102 110 720 12820 Miss Shukleton 100 102 102X717 42893 Fanny Cook 102 102 102X715 42893 Drusilla 107 102 107710 10771042S7S2 42S7S2 Who Cares M 110 101 105 710 71042S3S 42S3S St Germain 107 101 110X705 42807 Eastern Glow M105 102 102 705 420105 Roseland M 105 705 70542S44 42S44 Glen Light M110 102 105X700 4293 llackamore M 109 103 105 700 42928 American Boy M115 103 103 700 700Fair Fair Colleens fonn seems best bestSecond Second Race About 2 Miles MilesSteeplechase Steeplechase Steeplechase4yearolds 4yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Oct 4 1917 108 1 145 145427C11 427C11 Hollo o the Sea 134 700 42912 Klysian 13iC95 42911 Corps a Corps M 130 G90 42924 AVhist II 135 S5 39139 Bronze Eagle M 130 585 42193 Mohican M 130 CS5 CS5Bonnie Bonnie Garry for by Garry Herr ¬ mann Silver Silverdeer deer 130 Belle o the Sea is a promising juniper juniperThird Third Race 34 Mile Itoseben Highweight Handicap Handicap3yoarolds 3yoarolds and upward Track record July 0 1915 111 3 115 42894 The Boy 101113 3 97750 4K5083 Assume 107 112 5 1151745 305022 Ultimatum 118 112 5 1180745 118074542S94 42S94 George Starr 122 110 4 131740 13174042S942 42S942 Peter Piper 122112 5 138 740 74042SG82 42SG82 Whimsy 102112 i5 112 735 42923 Startling 128111 5 120 735 429231 Rodgers 108112 3 108 735 42930 Cirrus 108112 3127X730 42935 Andrew 1101M 8 108X725 108X725The The Boy is fast and lightly weighted Fourth Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds Tenth 3yearoldsTenth Running Union 3yearolds Selling Stakes Guaranteed Value 2000 2000Track Track record July 4 1918 123 u 122 12242SGSS 42SGSS 105X75042S42 YOUNEED 105X750 42S42 War Zone 103740 42855 Lion dOr 112 740 74042SOS 42SOS Diiydue 103 128 100X740 42474 10017354288O Phantom Maid 1001735 4288O Scoots 94X735 42842 War Mask 10 X735 X73542869s 42869s Esquimau 111X735 42937 Comme Ci 101X730 42895 Thistledoii 90 X 730 42821 Keen Jane fi725 42570 Mormon Elder 100X725 100X725Youuccd Youuccd has been showing much speed speedFifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Sent 10 1918 144 1 109 42940 Little Cottage 114 l47 3 5 1020725 42725 Gcx 105 148 5 103 720 42S922 N K Beal 110 147 5 1140715 42905 Snapdragon II 108 l50h 4 113 715 429051 Ixrd Herbert 101 148 4 110X715 401103 Conduit 105 140 i 108 715 41720 Ticket 108 145 5 1130715 42940 = Jack Mount 42854 = Our Nephew 42795 Gala Dress 120 152 42841 Miss Bryn 99 147 42351 Ballymooney 42905 Piedra 42892 James 107 150 42879 Zinnia 108 148 42892 Sasin 107 145 42351 Graphic 105 147 42853 Salva telle 91 150 42795 Stitch in Time 97 147 42953 Tenons Bon 42892 P G King M 1091148 4 103 700 42181 Itockport 105 14S 5 98 700 42S92 Chester Two 111151 4 105 700 700Little Little Cottage is in favorably favorablySixth Sixth Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Furlongs2yearolds Fillies Maidens Special Weights Track record April 15 1908 52 2 105 1054275S 4275S Retrieve 114 725 72542S5 42S5 Lovely 114 720 72042925s 42925s Violet Tip 114 715 4253 Polysanda Ill 5Cis 114 715 42807 Light o Love lit 705 70542J9S 42J9S Flying Flower 114X705 42220 His Choice 109 50 114 700 42231 Orleans Girl 114 700 700Weddaig Weddaig Cake folk folkf f foy Rock View Latona 114 Bridge Player ch f hy Ilanbridgc Misplay r Ill Laughter h f by byFayctte Fayctte Tickle 114 Tachc oGaunt b f l y J h u oGhunt Sabre ¬ tache II 114 lionet tc ch f by Oiseau San SanCoenr Coenr 114 Sub Rosa for f by Disguise Kin KinRose Rose 114 Mile Vivian br f HoneyBee hy Celt Honey Bee u jill4 JSiincy Ann fo f by Plaudit Mary MaryMorris Morris 114 114Richochct Richochct ch f Star Shoot Re ¬ bound 1 114 Lady Lucille ch f by Ormondale OrmondaleOrigin Origin 114 Retrieve seems best of those which have raced