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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF Hartford Race Horse Insurance John A Payne general agent Cincinnati Ohio Telephone Svest 2487 Adv AdvThe The stable of M L Schwartz will be shipped to Saratoga shortly shortlyGrand Grand Parade the English Derby winner is a certain starter in the Irish Derby to bo run at the Curragh of Kildare today Last seasons English champion Gainsborough i to do stud duty at Mnnton Wiltshire England next season at a fee of 400 guineas about 2050 2050Paul Paul Maderia who formerly rode for Major Au ¬ gust Belmont intends to resume riding shortly He just recently returned from France where he served during the war warLord Lord Glanely isi accounted to have made a bad mistake in declaring Grand Parade out of the St Leger to be run September 10 at Doncaster The declaration was made before the Orby colt had won the Derby DerbyBy By error Mr S K Nichols Paris Maids dam was printed as Militant and her breeder as Mr James Butler Mr Nichols bred Paris Maid and has owned her dam Maid Militant for many years There is now in his stable Cllntonville a twoyear old full sister to Paris Maid by Transvaal Maid Militant and on the farm near Lexington a year ¬ ling halfsister to Paris Maid by Great Britain and her suckling half brother by Jack Atkin