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CHIEF OBSERVER OBSERVER25o 25o Per Copy at All Newsstands Everywhere Mailed Anywhere Ten Weeks 2 Six Months 5 5RlfUSRILEYI31802 RlfUSRILEYI31802 WON WONWas Was a nice priced S that the Chief advised in book No 12 A J orse hud not started for some time previous reat it shows that the Chief sure has a thorough line on whats going on onCOURTSHIP COURTSHIP 12302 WON WONIVRY IVRY 5l WON WONTAPAGEUR TAPAGEUR 4l WON WONvrc vrc among the other good priced winners the Chief put over in last weeks book bookSATURDAYS SATURDAYS FREE CODES CODESNATURALIST NATURALIST 3l WON WONSUBAHDAR SUBAHDAR 16802 3RD 3RDTODAYS TODAYS FREE CODES AQUEDUCT Michigan11720 LATONIA Neflf NeflforklOW orklOW Both of these have worked extra fast and appear to have exceptional chances of winning winningNEW NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY TODAYOnly Only 25 Cents Per Copy for Sale SaleCINCINNATI CINCINNATI O At All Newsstands NewsstandsNEW NEW ORLEANS LA World News Co CoMEMPHIS MEMPHIS TENN Samuelson 28 So Main St StMEMPHIS MEMPHIS TENN World News Co CoPEORIA PEORIA ILL Newsstand 500 Main St StHOT HOT SPRINGS ARK Ft Pitt News Co CoNASHVILLE NASHVILLE TENN 701 Church St StDENVER DENVER COLO 16th Curtis St Newsstand NewsstandKENOSHA KENOSHA WIS 271 Main St StLEXINGTON LEXINGTON AgencyLITTLE KY W E Hudsons News Agency LITTLE ROCK ARK Newsstand Main and andCapitol Capitol Street LOUISVILLE KY Eilcr Goodman 227 4th Ave AveST ST LOUIS MO Lasers Newsstand 7th Market MarketINDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS IND Mosline 112 Illinois St KANSAS CITY MO Newsdealer 9th Walnut St ST LOUIS MO Foster 410 Washington Ave AveChief Chief Private Service TERMS 10 WEEKLY WEEKLYOnly Only horses that haye shown the CHIEF enough to warrant them winning wyi be sent out Remit with correct address to l lCHIEf CHIEf OBSERVERS PUB CO COBoom Boom 515 25 West 42d Street New York City