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FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Claiming June 27 1914 111 5 116 STAR BABY b f 4 108 By Transvaal Star Lady C Phillips 42800 Latonia 34 l12fast 18 105 6 5 92 S11 J Mooney la WWHings BPdler HByne 42715 Latonia 34 l151ihvy 235 103 2 1 1 2 C Robson 10 Blaise Orenzo David Craig 42624 Churchl 34 113 fast 32 104 2 1 1 lk c Robsonl2 AMiddleton Billie B Dimitrl DimitrlI 42416 Churchl 34 l13 fast 2710 102 2 24089S I 1 Il 11 S Boyle 12 Billie B Sister Susie Mustard 4089S FGnds El f l07fast 5 103 1 1 11 1 C Robsonl2 Ophelia W LunKden Amelita 40819 Jefson 34 117 slow 31 107 1 1 1 M Rowan 8 B IVddler Bathilde H Mabel 406 6 Jtrfson 34 l20hvy 4 105 2 1 1 3i 4 i F Smith 7 WIIluckner American Hope 40593 JefHon 34 lilSHBood 7 104 1 11 3 32s 2s F Smith 8 Sayouarra OMartin GGrasa CANE RITN ch e 6 111 By Box Domino Noire W Perkins 42832 Latonia 34 l14slow 95 120 1 Bled R Simpsonl2 Bagpipe Bonstelle Napthalitis 42455 Cliurchl 34 116 mud 14 114 1 1 31 43J R SimpsonlO BBJohnson Lncelot Bllensry 42429 Churchl 31 l15mud 15 110 2 3 2i 3i R Simpson 7 DrCrmnn A Eagle Bsrotchll 41487 Latonia 34 l14yrKood 1S5 10S 4 1 3 51 R Simpson 7 HishGear BParadisc IlamA 40442 Latonia 34 l17hvy 2110 1111 3 1 2 33i S Wolstm 7 RafTorty Marasmus DrOnnrn 40345 Latonia 34 lllfast 710 107 3 340iG 1 lh 3l J Howard j WalHall PDrapenu Spenrlene 40iG Latonia 34 l12fast G 109 4 1 11 2h B Pool 12 Briimhurst DrCarmcn IlUcar 39951 Churchl 34 l12 fast 195 109 1 1MABEL 1 iu 2n S Wolstm 8 Purdey Kinney Dr Carmen CarmenBy MABEL TRASE b f 4 101 By Jack Atkin Balance All II C T Worthington 42416 Churchl 34 l13 fast 58 105 8 5 71 710 H Saladin 12 Star Baby BillieB KisterSusie 42315 Churchl 34 113 l13fast 7 100 3 3 4i 953 C Robsonll John Jr King Belle Sen James JamesI 42224 I exton 34 113 l13good E 105 1 1421S4 I 2l 2s B Kopmnll H Burgoyne CBnrns MBacou 421S4 Lexton 34 1164134S 116 hvy 4310 109 1 1 11 22 B Kopmn 4 The C Bawn G Queen LucileP 41348 Havana El t 108 l08slow 6 S6 5 3 I2 11 L Woods 8 Fort Bliss Dimitri Bettertoh 41281 Havana 34 115 good 75 111 4 6 6 6 ° J Dreyer CAp Wiske Anlace LadyJGrey 41127 Havana 1 l39fast 139 139MANGANESE 3 104 2 1 1 2 34 410 J Dreyer 7 Harwood II Ms Beau Lytle LytleBy MANGANESE b g 8 111 By Lithos Regea H W Plant 42884 Latonia 34 113 fast 17f 116 6 6 3 3 33 H J Burkel2 Larry B Premium EdGarrison 42624 Churchl 34113 fast 35 109 8 4 7 8 8 H Thurberl2 StarBaby AMiddleton liillieB 42326 Churchl 34 114 fast 9 111 5 12 12 12 12 E Pool 12 Dance McVex Harry D 42256 Lexton 34 114 l14fast 14 115 4 3 61 910 H ThiirberlU Capt Burns John Jr Nobleman 927 Havana 51 f 106 l06fast 75 119 1 6 5 G l 32i B Hileman 8 WeyGirl LitNephew DriHIeld 41883 Havana 58 59 59fast 2 115 1 3 4 3nk 21 B Hileman 8 Sister Susie Call Shot Encore 41825 Havana 34 112 l12fast 21 115 4 1 1 1 I1 J Frach 8 Senator James Sky Man Lola 41803 Havana 34 34114 114 good 85 113 2 3 3b 4 32 32 H Thurber 8 SenJames FEmbry Kick Kid KidBy PARLOR MAID b f 4 43S246 101 By Sweep Lithia G Borkel 3S246 Churchl 34 34114 l14 fast ISf 9812 12 10 7l 52 B Donhuelll Yrkville MBTrman VWelles 37798 Oaklwn 1 140 l40fast 20 103 3 7 7 8 Eh 51U J Scott 11 Thinker Wald Master Cobrita 37744 Oaklwn 34 114 fast 185 102 7 4 3 21 3k B Pool 12 Haseen BlackBass WaldMaster 37699 Oaklwn 34 34113fast 113 8 6 41 3i L Ensor 12 H Burgoyne Thinker Jack K 37615 Oaklwn 34 113 fast 12 6 6 J 6 1 H EricksnlO Onico Green Grass MarysBeaa 37589 Oaklwn 34 34115fast 115 7 4 51 3i G Molesthl2 VanWelles Haseen SBrderick 37503 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 20 100 4 5 5SANDY 5 3l 3 R Troise 12 M Murray MargN SILShapiro SILShapiroBy SANDY LAD b g 6 111 By Sandringham Belle of Memphis A C Dumestre 42851 Latonia 1 116 l46fast 41f 115 3 4 G G427SO 7 101 10 J Majesticlli BMcDawell HCBasch GGlow 427SO Latonla 1 116 l46fast 21f 114 6 6 5 5 51 7 L Canfieldl2 ThGreen DrSamuel Kilkenny 42707 Latonla 1 116 146 fast 15f 110 968 9 9J 912 W Wright 12 Philistine JackHill SenJames 42629 Churchl 1 18 l52fast 120 104 2 4 4 4 52 611 W Wright 10 Rookery Capt Burns Nashville 42526 Churchl 34 114 fast lOf 106 11 10 10 62 6 L Canfieldl2 Dance McVex Harry D 42416 Churchl 34 l13fast 86 114 10 10 10 81 8 M Gamer 12 Star Baby BillieB SistcrSusio 42330 Churchl 34 l13fast 72f 104 10 9 8 7l 7 W Ridenr 11 PortLJght BParadise Sqneeler 41595 Jefson 34 l16slow 4 109 6 4 4EORT 4 6 6 3 G PreeceJr G Romeo Toddler Valeric West WestBy EORT LIGHT b g 6 118 By Hamburg Morningsido L A Broaddus 42871 Latonia 34 l12fast 2910 109 3 1 1 21 4 = 3 C Brown 12 DrCarmen JJMurdock Breeze 42813 Latonla 34 l12fast 14 117 5 7 5 3 4i S Boyle 12 A N Akin DavidCraig Bullion 42611 Churchl 34 112 fast 165 110 2 3 3 41 4 B Sande 10 HBurgoyne BBJnson John Jr 42502 Churchl 34 116 hvy 10 108 8 8 7 71 7 J C Brown 8 Top Coat Skiles Kuob Squeeler 42429 Churchl 34 l15mud 75 110 4 4 5 610 B10 C Robson 7 DrCarmen AmEagle Cane Rim 42330 Churchl 34 l13fast 3110 110 1 2 2 2s 1 T Murray 11 BParadise Squeeler BigSinoke 42213 Lexton 34 l17hvy 21 108 2 1 1 I 1 M Garner 5 F Handley Warsaw Manokin 42168 Lexton 34 116 hvy 2910 107 3 2 2ED 2 21 22 T Murray 8 Squeeler Vignola Lady Luxury LuxuryBy ED GARRISON b b 6 111 By Ogden Country Fraud W Feuchter 42884 Latonla 34 l13fast 12 111 7 7 7 C3 41 C Robspnl2 Larry B Premium Manganese 42740 Latonia 34 l14slow 61 105 3 3 3 61 S C Robson 9 Dimitri Pullux Nobleman 42587 Churchl 34 113 fast 78C 111 5 5 5 62 5 E Pool 12 Bringhurst A Plotter ElMahdl 42442 Churchl 34 l15hvy 9f 107 10 11 II ElMahdlII ll2 11 S Boyle 12 Blaise Marse John ThistGreen 42383 Churchl 34 l14mud 32f 107 6 8 9 91 912 C Robsonll BBJohnson Circulate SJames 42280 Lexton 34 117 mud 20 108 3 3 2 31 4 T Murray 9 WoWisdm Rhymer LMexican 42196 Lexton 34 l17hvy 14 108 2 2 4 6l 7 C Robsonll Hasty Cora Circulate Mustard 42168 Lexton 34 116 hvy 16 101 6 6 6FREDA 5 62 6 C Robson 8 Squeeler Port Light Viguola ViguolaBy FREDA JOHNSON br m 8 106 By Radford Miss Matthews D Cornell 42791 Latonia 1 l39fast 100 106 11 11 11 11 11 11 H Lunsfd 11 Eulogy Bandymo Retta B 42753 Latonla 34 113 fast 31f 111 8 3 4 lOlll R Simpsonl2 Ladylvan MGinghaiu FPullot 42063 Oaklwn 1 l42fast 30 107 5 2 2 4 8 8 D Owens 12 S Urchin L Cochran Brlckley 41836 Oaklwn 1 l42fast EO 102 2 4 4 11 SllO1 F Cltilettil2 Bryne B Shilling Stkebreaker 41592 Jefson 34 l17slow 20 102 13 12 12 ll2 11 J Stapletnl4 Approval Marg N HasKichea 41577 Jefson 34 l18mud 25 103 2 8 8 810 83 Q Preece 9 Risponde Sosius General 39782 HdeGce 1 116 152 hvy 33 108 5 5 6 6LADY 6 6 6 1 Stirling G MIssFilley Tootsie FalryLegeud FalryLegeudBy LADY LONGFELLOW b f 4 106 By Zeus Olivia Miekle MarshaU Bros 42461 Churchl 1 116 l51mud 102 105 7 7 6 6 63 61B W Wright 10 Flapper B Lynch Lackawanna 42368 Churchl 1 116 146 fast 239 105 9 9 8 9 71 7 O Willis 9 Eulogy Lucky R Common Law 42315 Churchl 3 4 l13fast 30f 105 10 10 11 11 11 J O Willis 11 John Jr King Belle Sen James 41212 FGnds 1 116 155 hvy 7 105 6 10 10 10 10 10 G MolesthlO Ninety Simplex Tito Pulaski 41165 FGnds Im70y l47slow 10 102 10 6 5 8 11 11 H J Burkell Dioscoride Lottery Lib Sands 41119 FGnds Im70y l55hvy 7 98 4 6 5 4 4 6i H Ericksn 7 Jiffy Grayson Queen Apple 41087 FGnds 1116154 hvy 8 98 4 4 3 1 I12 H Ericksn 9 BrFavorlte Harbard Comacho 41050 FGnds 51 f l08good 15 10512 12 12ELKTON 10 101 91B S Sndmanl2 MerLaas OpheliaW TasSteel TasSteelBy ELKTON b g 6 108 By Dick Finnell Alice Baird G H Moore 42485 Churchl 1 116 l53hvy 19f 110 7 4 S 10 9s 9 J Hanoverll M Rose II Sungold Dioecoride 37120 FGnds 1 116 l52hvy 40 108 5 5 4 6 62 6 R Simpsonll Kingling II Ella Ryan TzeLsl 37104 FGnds 1 116 l53hvy 50 106 5 4 7 10 9 71 J Dursch 10 Dundreary Napoleon Tiajan 36811 Jefson 1 116 l53hvy 20 109 6 7 6 7 712 71S J Dreyer 9 Brian Boru Napoleon BlueRock 36744 Jefson 1116150 good 20 10513 6 7 7 ll2 1222 A Johnsonl4 King Hamburg Alston Dancer 35562 Lexton 34 114 fast 26 109 10 7 8 91 10 L Gentry 10 88sie MSrwood CaptMmnt 35293 StLouis ImSOy l53mud 21 108 2 1 1 2 2l 2 B Smith 7 Lady Rowena Borgo El Pato 35217 StLouls 1 116 l48fast 12 107 3 4 6 6FIRST 6 EH 6 N Burger 6 CKing Fleuronll Conflagran ConflagranBy FIRST TROOP b g 4 M 111 By Duval Linolin J T Buckley 42859 Latonla 1 116 l46fast 27f 115 4 6 3 8 91 910 T Murray 12 ParisMaid Stevenson Redstart 42754 Latonia 34114 fast 24f 115 6 11 11 Hi iflio F Stevens 12 Mint Cat Stevenson ServFlas 40168 Empire 1 l42fast 20 1081 244 10 92 9 M Rowan 10 Ch Two PandCalls PtoPolnt 40153 Empire Im70y l46fast 40 110 744 4 4 41 ° A McDottll Intriguer DanDude BPeddler 40029 Jamaica Im70yl46fast 20 114 8 7 7 7 71 81 F Hopkins 8 Bet Point to Point Santiago 40017 Jamaica 1 116 l49fast 20 108 5 5 5 7 6 6 F Hopkins 7 Lively Wild Thyme Kebo 39903 Aq duct 1 l42good 25 116 4 4 8 7 81 71 F Hopkins 17 Bar One Assign Grouse 39863 Aaduct 1 l39fast 30 115 2 3 4 5 4i 4J F Hopkins 8 Alibi Past Master Bright Angel Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched SOSIUS br I 111 42871 Latonia 34 l12fast 260 111 10 10 9 S2 8 3 W WaronlJ DrCarmen JJMurdock Breeze 42744 Latonia 1 l40slow 43f 111 2 28 7 ll2 lll D Connllyl2 SMcMkin SdmanlL SJames 42376 Plmlico 34 l14fast 48 120 4 6 6 6 553 W Kelsay G ThornBloom SisEmblem Onico 42314 Pimlico 1 116 l50slow 22 110 7 6 6 7 71 6 X Fator 10 Kilts II SisterEmblem Prunes 42288 Pimlico 1 146 mud 1910 J15 2 3 3 3 3i 31 J Wessler 10 Charles Francis Irene Bar Coy 42265 Pimlico 34 115 mud 9 117 1 87 T3 4 L McAtee 11 TDecision TBloom SEmblein 42209 Pimlico 34115 slow 94 11510 10 8 5 423 J Wessler 10 FiringLine MidSun TDecision 42177 HdeGce 34 l13fast 161 11513 11513HASTY 12 12 11 91 G Burns 14 Zouave General Sister Emblem EmblemBy HASTY CORA b m 5 109 By Hastings Northumbria J J Troxler 42479 Churchl 34 117 hvy 10 106 4 434114mud 3 2 6 8 S Boyle 12 Discussion Impressive Hnffaker 42383 Churchl 34114mud 34 102 4 434117hvy 3 1 31 781 S Boyle 11 BBJohnson Circulate SJamea 42196 Lexton 34117hvy 16 100 4 4FCl10fast 1 1 1 II T Murray 11 Circulate Mustard Waterford 42126 Lexton FCl10fast 43f 108 2 3 3 61 8 J T Murray 12 Nepe LadyRachel ThistGreen 42046 Oaklwn 58 l02fast 15 104 6 7 7 10 10 J MclntyrelO Sureget Doc Zab Thirty Seven 41129 FGnds 51 f 113 hvy 41 112 6 Pulled up R Troxler 6 ParBoy MarTom WHBkner 41097 FGnds El f 1U hvy 21 108 4 4J 3 3 51 71 J Metcalf 9 Ermitana Parlor Boy Trusty TrustyBr J J MURDOCH b h 6 111 Br Contestor Grotesque T Umensetter 42897 Latonia 34 l12fast 9 112 2 3 2 61 11 K Lapaille 9 Bagpipe A N Akin Subahdar 42871 Latonia 34 l12fast 9 HI 6 3 2 11 21 K Lapaillel2 Dr Carmen Breeze Port Light 42800 Latonia 34 l12fast 7 114 8 6 6 61 5J3 W War on WWHings BPdler HByne 42778 Latonia 1 l3Sfast 41 110 3 21 2 S1 933 W War on 9 Diversion Grey Eagle CLeader 40526 Latonia 34 l16mud 8 103 6 334 412 C Brown G DavCraig Optunity LLuxnry 40505 Latonia 31 l13good 11 104 3 3404S7 4 3 3K E5i N Barrett 7 Sedan Bon Tromp Skiles Knob 404S7 Latonla 34 l14Vgood 41 113 2 4 2 41 73 F Murphy 7 HGear BParadise HamiltonA 40358 Latonia 34 l15slop 41 11314 11314SOPHIA 3 2 22 31 C Hunt G Skiles Knob Pullux Felicidad FelicidadBY SOPHIA GATEWOOD br m 5 101 BY Radford Determination F J Miles 42850 Latonia 1 116 147 fast 15 110 6 4 10 12 12 12 L Canfleldl2 BonTess CrysDay Antoinette 42485 Churchl 1 116 l53hvy 18 108 4 85 5 8 8 E Donhuell M Rose II Sungold Dioscoride 42076 Oaklwn Im70y 146 fast 5 103 1 22 2 31 3s J Mclntyre 8 Jack K Miss Wells Leta 42037 Oaklwn Ll16 l48slow 4 100 4 22 1 li I1 C Robson 9 Parrish LitStrlng DkeryDare 41368 Oaklwn 34 l16mud 10 110 7 6 6 61 64i H Stearns 12 Velvet Huffaker Tom Caro 41633 Jefson 1 116 l49fast 165 107 8 82 1 3 3 H Ericksnl4 Handfnll EBaumn HRiches 41602 Jefson Im70y l47good 31 109 4 44 3 2 21 H EricksnlO Pluviada Margery LCochran 41576 Jefson 1 116 l51fast 21 106 2 2BATHILDE 2 C 4 31 B38 G PreeceJr 9 Tranby John Hurie Boxer BoxerB BATHILDE b f 4 106 B Astronomer Helen OO G W Grippes 112931 Latonia 1 116 l50mud 16 106 3 22 WHPercoII 2 5s 58i T Murray 7 FirLine WiseMan WHPerco 42921 Latonla 1 116 l4Smud 4710 100 3 II 6 10 10 C Robsonll Kenward Lucky R Dancer DancerIII 42850 Latonia 1116147 fast 31 112 1 142S32 III 31 41 D Connllyl2 BonTess CrysDay Antoinette 42S32 Latonia 34 l148low 33 115 5 6 6 52 5 1 J Mooney 12 Bagpipe Bonstelle Napthalius 42740 Latonla 34 l14slow 59 109 6 B 7 71 7s D Connlly 9 Dimitri Pnllux Nobleman 42572 Churchl 34 116 hvy 133 110 7 4 5 9 9 J Pitz 9 Redmon Gipsy Queen Pullux 42526 Churchl 34 114 fast 40 109 4 4 8 ll1 ll21 E Sande 12 Dance McVex Harry D 42021 Oaklwn 51 f l08fast 30 99 8 8M 8 8 8 8le M Cruise 9 MBThurman Sybil Sp Queen QueenBy M BERT THURMAN b g 6 106 By Bear catcher Aimee O W F CJoo 42303 Churchl 51 f l08hvy 60 106 1 2 6 7 731 O Willis 7 HighCost AmAce SewllComba 42059 Oaklwn 34 l15fast 165 108 1 1 1 I1 lh H Cassity 10 Sybil Ruth Strickland Kuklux 42021 Oaklwn 51 f lOSysfast 4 10S 1 1 1 11 I1 C Robson 9 Sybil SpokQueen B and Stars 41958 Oaklwn 1 l42fast 3 110 3 111 Ink 2 C RobsonlO DRoberts Revlution CMaster 41836 Oaklwn 1 l42fast 7 1046 33 3 3 44i C Brown 12 Bryne B Shilling Stkebreaker 41788 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 6 113 3 2 2 3 3el D Conn HylO Trusty JODowd WoWIsdom 41695 Oaklwn 51 f l07fast 10 111 1 1 1 1 Ifc O Willis 11 C Master Lerator SWJnson