Answers To Queries., Daily Racing Form, 1919-06-28


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ANSWERS TO QUERIES Communications without names and addresses will not be noticed nor answered No answers will be sent by mail and none by wire unless reply pre ¬ payment Is made at time of wiring query R T B Lexington Ky When High Cost beat Prince of Comoat Lexington May 20 the track was fast J B JC Chicago 111 Yes Jack Atkin and Super ¬ man were both threeyearohls in 1907 In our opin ¬ ion Jack Atkin was the better of the two twoJohn John J M Louisville Ky A place parlay June 23 on Prospector and Chillum won as a single place wager on Prospector at 585 to 100 Chillum having been scratched scratchedG G S Chicago III After being informed by the layer that Glen Light was scratched in race 42952 a wager on St Germain at a price laid and accepted at the time vould have won wonW W J J Pittsburgh Pa Blue Gown 1865 by Beadsman Bas Bleu never stood in this country Be Waa bought In England by the late James K Keene from Sir Joseph Hawley but died on board a ship coming to New York

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Local Identifier: drf1919062801_2_4
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