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LIBERTYVILLE RACING PLANS GROWj I Plans for the proposed Libertyville 111 rac f meeting to begin July 4 and run indefinitely are B still being made Some thirty workmen were busy f yesterday patching up the stalls and stand roofs and i fences The Libertyville folks seem to be heartily C in favor of the event to come The Law and Order r League officials fully expect that the betting of the e meeting will be prevented by the state authorities s and BrundageThe have appealed to Attorney General Brundage The projectors are planning to use the socalled Bowie bystem of betting by which all bets are P taken by clerks and registered on one large mutuel i machine and calculations displayed on a huge black ¬ board This is a mere makeshift and not a satis ¬ factory system even with experienced operators Missionary operatorsMissionary work is being done in Kentucky and 3 seven cars with some 100 horses are expected to 0 leave Latonia for Liberty vile Tuesday or Wednes ¬ day The horses are of the poorer class The e Libertyville promoters are advancing shipping ex ¬ penses to most of the owners of these horses 1 Tony Wallace is to be the presiding judge and d James Osbourne the starter for the meeting The Libertyville project if it grows to action i does not seem to have any aspect of general health b for racing about it It is calculated to do much b injury to the healthy movement going on among K some of Chicagos best men to revive racing on the e basis of a new North Shore Country and Jockey Club b on the lines of the once glorious Washington Park k Club