Third Race [3rd Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1919-07-01

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THIRD RACE 34 Mile 3ycarolds and upward Allowances June 27 1914 111 5 116 BROMO b h 6 109 109S4 By Broomstick Lcayonara E Trotter S4 65 Empire 1 11G 146 fast 30 122 2 2 2 2S4160 1 1 1 = F Robson 5 St Isidore Ballad D Williams S4160 Windsor 1 18 l54good 195119 656 C 6l 710 F Robson 8 Old Rosebud Boots Hodge 34322 Aqduct 1 116 l40slow 2 120 3 1 2 214204Aqduct 2 2 2 k J Loftus 3 Old Rosebud Chiclet 14204Aqduct 78 l25fast 115122 223 2 2 2J F Robson 9 OKosebud TheFinn OldKoenig 2994 Aqduct 6J f 119 fast 135119 4 3 1 I2 I2 F Robson 8 H ODay Mad Curie WiseMan 32635 HdeGce 34 l12fast 35 118 6 4 422SS1 4 4l 51 F Robson 7 TothMning WMan SMoney 22SS1 Belmont 34 st lllfast 710 127 2 5 5r705 4 4J 2i J Notter 30 Gillies Spnr Puss In Boots r705 Belmont 34st Ulfast 920 125 9 7 7224G9 B BootsB 3J 2 T McTagtlS Thunderer Achievement Spnr 224G9 Saratoga 34 l13fast 25 127 2 5 6 6 6 J J Notter 13 PinBoots Dominant B Smoke SmokeBy KIKU br f 3 By Sweep Silk Maid W L Lewis 996 Latonia S4 l12fast 245 93 2 LegalC 1 31 rJ S Boyle G MarscJohn Dragoon Legal 42944 Latonia 34 l15mud 9 lOtt 5 4 C 51 G1 H Thurber 7 JanePennybaker Toto Lancelot 42874 Latonia 34 l12fast 9 100 7 6 5 B2 21 H Thurber 8 Troilna GalliCurci Bon Tromp 42834 Latonia 34 l14Vfeslow 14 107 6 6 3 2J 2 H Lunsfd 8 Madras Gingham Legotal Jap 42776 Latonia 34 lllfast 41 101 8 8 7 6i 671 C Robson 9 Bon Jour Toto Joe Stahr S0035 Latonia 58 l01fast 9 112 6 4 3 4 1 G Molesthl2 Retta B Lady Manager Grace 3S953 Latonia 58 l01fast 14 112 1 3 3 31 Sl G Moles th2 Vansylvia WarTax UlsterQnen UlsterQnenBy STJBAEDAR br g 4 109 10942HS1 By Delhi Runaway Girl L Erb ErbB 42HS1 Latonia 34 l13cood a 109 5 4 442S97 B B1 7 = 5 C Brown 12 MarsJohn HJewel MGingham 42S97 Latonia 34 l12fast 7 115 3 1 142S74 1 31 3 C Brown 9 Bagpipe A N Akin Bullion 42S74 Latonia 34 l12fast 1 108 1 1 1 2i 6 J C Brown 8 Troilus Kiku GalliCurci 42755 Latonia 34 l12fast 61 110 1 1 1 22 21 C Brown 10 Tacola Legal Walnut Hall 42618 Belmont 34 st lllfast 5 110 3 3 3 31 3 i C Kummer 7 Arrah Go On Vague StarRealm 42523 Belmont 34 st lllfast 20 117 5 8 8 9J 811 A SchugrlO Hollister Geo Starr Woodtrap 42178 HdeGce 34 l12fast 910113 2 2 2 in ink E Sande 7 Jack Leary Onico Rol Craig 42102 HdeGce Bi f l06fast 7 111 3 2 2 21 21 J Williams 7 Louise V Jack Leary Mahony 40297 Plmllco 34 l13fast 4J 115 6 2 2 32 3s C Kummerll ArGoOn LouiseV SSpangled HERALD b o 4 109 109429S1 429S1 Latonia 34 l13good 10 114 11 9 6i 65J W Waronl2 MarsJohn HJewel MGingham 42955 Latonia 34 116 hvy 4910 107 3 5 5428S6 B1 G J H J Burke 8 Dr Carmen JoeStahr MadgeF 428S6 Latonia 34 l12fast 8 306 1 3 2 2i T Murray 4 TothMing PDpeau Drgoon 42835 Latonia 1 116 l45sood 15 107 4 3 3 6 6 H J Burke 5 Dodge Vulcanite Bribed Voter 42755 Latonia 34 l12i l12ijfast jfast 7 310 5 7 61 64 H J BurkelO Tacola Subahdar Legal 42705 Latonia 34 l12Mfast 24 107 1 1 2J Legal2J 2 H J Burke 6 Leochares Hendrie Aurum 42577 Churchl 1 18 l54hvy 25 107 5 5 5 B1 B E Sande 7 Basilius Silv Light HarvKlng 42507 Churchl 1 143 hvy 18 109 7 1 1 9 9 H J Burke 9 Mis Polly DrOarmen HarKing 42444 Churchl 1 l41hvy 4i 106 4 2 2 2 21 C Robson 4 GGrass SewCombs JHfering 42419 Churchl 1 116 l45fast 33 105 2 1 1 3 3 H J Burke 8 ChrLeader Hocnir JHeffering 42387 Churchl 1 l42mud 135101 611 I1 I1 C Robson 8 SofPleasure DrCarmen SGod 42332 Churchl 1 116 l44fast 34 100 3 2 2 7 7 S Boyle 7 Courtship Omond VivaAmerica TOP COAT blk g 4 109 By Star Shoot Raglan T M Botts 42945 Latonia 34 114 mud 7 301 1 1 11 21 H Thurber 6 Beaverkill GrnGrass HighCost 42900 Latonia 34 l12fast 9 103 4 2 6J 53J H Thurber 7 War God Tacolu Iwin 42848 Latonia 34 l12fast 15 102 2 1 2 2nk H Thurber 6 HCost TothMornirig GGrass 42800 Latonia 34 l12fast 13f 112 3 2 41 9 J Groth 12 WWHings BPdler HByne 42718 Latonia 3 4 l15hvy 2710 105 2 1 lj 2nk T Murray 4 JasTClark LookingUp SKnob 42302 Churchl 34116 hvy 115111 4 1 1J ink H Lunsfd 8 Skiles Knob Squeeler Pullux 42403 Churchl 34 l15alow 2i 107 1 1 1 I1 H Lunsf dlO MadGingham Pullux D Craig 42301 Churchl 34 l16hvy 175 111 7 3 B1 41 J Howard 8 Green Grass DrCarmen Pullux 41751 Oaklwn 34 l14slovr 4 106 3 4 31 2 M Garner 6 Ultima Thule Kama Valor ValorBy FERN HANDLET br f 4 104 By Brya Kawr Snarl J J Troxlert 42922 Latonia 1 116 l4Smud 195101 611 1 l i T Murray 9 Huffaker Wcnonah Aztec 42819 Latonia 1 18 154 mud 6f 107 3 3 3 6l 6l H Lunsfd 12 SMcMeekin BourLad Corydon 42793 Latonia 1 l39fast 6 107 2 7 7 7 731 T Murray 9 Grace Lady Rachel BonnieTess 42590 Churchl 1 12 233 fast 3310 104 2 2 3 B B l T Murray 7 El Rey Quito Chick Barkley 42554 Churchl 1 18 l56mud 12 105 1 2 2 3s 3 J O Willis 7 Brynlimah Sun God Bogart 42483 Churchl 1 116 l49hvy 6 303J 4 4 3 41 6 O Willis 5 Basilius SofPleasure Hnnovia 42419 Churchl 1 116 l45fast 24 106 8 8 8 8 8 C Brown 8 Cheer Leader Hocnir Herald 42213 Lexton 34 l17hvy 2110 105 3 3 3 2h T Murray 5 Port Light Warsaw Manokln 42130 Lexton 4 l13fast 30 111 7 7 4 3 T Murray 7 DrCmen GQueen AMdleton AMdletonBy BEWELL COMBS ch c 4 112 By Jack Atkin Royal Captive Gallaier Bros 42919 Latonia 1 116 147 mud 7 10S 6 2 1 21 C ° J O Willis 0 Harvest King Precious Redmon 428S8 Latonia 1 116 l45f art 24 109 223 2 4 = J F Murphy V America BPeddler B Voter 42847 Latonia 1 139 fast C 113 1 1 1 Si 5SJ F Murphy 11 Tippo Sahib Hirv King Blaise 42680 Latonia 1 l38fast 41 115 5 4 3 4J 4 1 F Murphy 7 Old Rosebud Buford Dodge 42444 Churchl 1 l41hvy 1710 106 2 3 3 3 31 M Garner 4 G Grass Herald JiraHefCerhis 42407 Churchl 1 116 l46slow 12 303 321 4s 4l C Robson 7 Midway Beaverkill Hodge 42303 Churchl 5i f l08hvy 8 103 4 5 31 3 F Murphy 7 High Cost Amcr Ace Bon Jour 42254 Lexton 34112 fast 11 310 4 5 4 ST F Murphy 5 High Cost Tacola P of Como 42198 Lexton 34 l16hvy 125 115 5 3 11 14 F Murphy 8 High Cost Herald High Low 42128 Lexton 34 l12fast 9 110 6 6 3h 4 j p Murphy 9 Tacola Walnut Hall Kll Boy 40505 Latonia 34 l13good 51 106 7 7 61 781 F Murphy 7 Sedan Bon Tromp Skiles Knob KnobBy NAROSLA b e 4 M 109 By Sir Geoffrey Sunshine Girl J T Hughes SS037 Lcxton 1 l4lfast 31 301 8 D 7 9l S1 R SimpsonlO WMnster GreenGrass Redmon 36328 Latonia 34 l13fast 23 112 4 7 73C235 10 = 10to J Morys 12 Bon Tromp Rog Duke of Savoy 3C235 Latonia 5J f 108 mud 45 112 7 G1 62 J Howard 11 Tacola Tanlac Duke of Savoy 26106 Latonia 5J f l09hvy 151 112 2 4 E1 61 J Howard 12 SewcllCombs BMillion CBoris 36050 Latonia BJ f l07fast 34 103 9 6 6i 6J3 iP Murphy 12 HVlley RLOwen HmiltonA 35670 Douglas 34 114 fast B7 112 6 4 31 4 3 H H Plipsl2 Clrvoyant SAlyssum BTromp 34939 Saratoga 51 f l07fast 12 105 8 11 11RET 111 12t M Rowan 12 High Cost Atalunta Salvestra RET EL PLEASANTON ch c 4 109 JBy Rey Hindoo Margio D P J Sullivan 42194 Plmlico 34 115 slop 173 115 7 G Burns 7 Old Rosebud Flags Peter Piper 41891 Bowie 78 l27fast 56 109 5 7 6i 61 ° R Pauley 7 Dan Bright Mahony Belario 41609 Jefson 1116149 fast 6 110 2 6 6 4s 4 J Mooney 0 Sleeth Alhena J Walker 41528 PGnds Im70y l45fast 15 106 3 4 6 710 7 j R Pauley 8 Harry Breivogel Parr Alhena 41439 FGnds 5J f 109 hvy 30 113 6 8 8 8 L Gaugel S Kil Boy Sabretash Korfhage Korfhagelli 39918 HdeGce 1 116 148 fast 77 309 9 10 11 lli u j r e Ford 13 Bierman IrishMaid BSimmoni 29820 HdeGce Im70yl44fast 30 105 8 6 C CSARASOTA 8i 911 J Do Ford 10 King John Mose Indian Chant SARASOTA ch f 3 100 By Rapid Water Mettie BereaudCTWorthington 42929 Latonia 34 l15mud 23 304J 7 7 71 71 c VanDun 9 L Rachel Sam Reh MarseJohn 42787 Latonia 34 113 fast 40 104 6 4 6h 4s J Kederis 12 Discussion Vsylvia AAlexder 42682 Latonia 1 116 l46 fast 40 100 7 1 1 75 8 H Saladin 10 Lackawna Huntermann LFrog 42549 Churchl 34 l15ysmud 8 112 4 4 31 310 E Pool 12 Lady Rachel Flfi II Lillian G 42263 Churchl 34 l13fast 79 101 6 4 61 4i J Kederis 12 Lancelot Gold Stone L Rachel 42114 Lexton 34 l13fast 147 110 6 10 10 10 B KopmnlO Lillian Shaw Regalo Legotal 41092 Havana 6J f l07fast C5 105 5 4 41 4ZJ W Kelsay 7 MajDomo LckyLady Comfort 41030 Havana BJ f l09faat 85 107 6 1 1 1s W Kelsay 11 L Langden Fustian Aunt Flora 40781 Havana BJ f l15hvy 12 110 7 5 6 61 J Maher 7 Major Domo Croix dOr Ivry 40689 Havana 68 109 hvy 1 110 9 6 6First 31 li J Maher 9 Surplice Quickstep RFavorite First start for the following followingOAFIES OAFIES CHILD b f 3 M 94 By Woolwinder My Oath 0 Easton ESCQVAR br c 3 M 89 By Sweep Valeureuse C W Clark Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched JOHN 0 b c 3 M 99 99First By Sir Jolin Johnson Countess Wanda 0 Rogers RogersBy First start startRANCHER RANCHER b h 7 109 By Galveston Sweet Lavender G X Hendrie HendrieG 42901 Latonia 1 13S fast 13 117 4 6 7 G 41 53i W Waronl4 Courtship St Bernard Dodge 42756 Latonia 34 l12fast 1910 117 3 4 4 3l 2l D Connlly 7 War God Skiles Knob Basil 42668 Latonia 1 116 l43 ifast 185 118 3 4 3 6 31 371 M Garner 9 Frcntter T Porter VAmerica 42614 Churchl 34 l121ifast 1910 117 7 6 C IB 2fc IM Garner 9 MajParke BlackDaw Courtship 42346 Churchl 34 l12fast 9 116 6 6 7 4 2i D ConnllylO BlackieDaw HighCost MMiller 40319 Latonia 1 116 l44fast 75 119 2 3 3 4 2i 2 D Connlly 7 Beaverkill Fruitcake Precious 39934 Douglas Im70y l42Vifast 2310 119 3 2 2 239S73 2 21 3 i L Mink C Freecutter ManWaite Pif Jr 39S73 Douglas 1 138 fast 1 116 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 L Mink 5 VAmerica Fruitcake CLeader

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Local Identifier: drf1919070101_4_1
Library of Congress Record: