Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1919-07-01


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LATONIA F ° BM CHART COVINGTON KY MONDAY JUNE 30 1919 Latonia Twentythird day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 28 days Weather clear temperature 85 ° Mewards Chas F Price S C Nuckols Jr and S Goodpastcr Placing Judges W H Edward Jasper and X II McClelland Starter A B Dadc Racing Secretary W H Sliellcy Jlacing stiirfs at 215 p ni Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B bllnkcrsi Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance A OCIOI FIRST RACE134 Mile June 27 1914 111 5 116 Purse 1200 3yearolds and rtfdiJijt upward Claimbing Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 AWtPPSt 34StTFln Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 41980 J P HOUSE ws 3 305 31 7 5 42 3J 1 ° F Stevens H T Batcnler t3SOO3CO 42753 BUSY JOB 4 WB G105 2 5 542049JACK 71 61 G1 2J S Boyle E R Bradley 505300 5053004i 42049JACK ODOWD WB C 110 9 6 4i 5J 54 3b C Robson G J Lonstorf 770300 7703008i 42845 SPRINGSIDE w 4 110 10 8 8i 71 2J 4 W AVright G M Hcndrie 1270300 1270300is 42531 ALLAH W3105 7 4 442871MAY is 3fc 3 5i E Pool B J Brannon 2430100 42871MAY MAUL9BY ws 4 103 6 9 9 8l 74 G = L Canfield J M Cooper t 42897 J J MURDOCK wn G 115 3 3 3 5 31 4 = 7 = K Lapaille J Umensettcr 200100 42073 KIRSTIES CUB WB 4 120 432 22 113 8 JS 8 D Connlly O Chancey 1SG5100 1SG510010WO1 4g7l X 01 LATQNA WB4335 510 10WO1 9 9 = J Hanover AVoodland Park Stable t tGt 42587 TRUANT w 3 105 11 Gt gt 10 = 30 H Thurber Dortch Bros 6385100 63851002i 42884 = PREMIUM WB 5 112 8 2 2i 21 2111 11 = 11 = C Brown J AV Fuller 6G51QO 6C51QO42572PRJNCE 42572PRJNCE IGOR WB 4 110 12 11 11 1112 = 12 32 32 T Murray K Spence 820300 Miituel neldr Time23 i 471s 113 Track fast 2 mutuels paid J P House lield 7800 straight 2270 place 920 show Busy Joe 570 place 430 show Jack ODowd 510 bliow bliowEquivalent Equivalent booking odds J P House field 3800 to 100 straight 1035 to 100 place 300 to 100 show Busy Joe 185 to 100 jdace 115 to 100 show Jack ODowd 155 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Marchinont II Fay House trained by L L Mason bred by Mr II T Batchlcr BatchlcrWent Went to post at 212 At poxt 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the samcv m tpJi HOUSB Railied steadily and raced into the lead when a sixteenth out mt tired near the end BUSY JOE closed a ga and tihislied with a rush JACK ODOWD might have won hut for swerv ¬ ing out in the last eighth SPRINGSIDK closed a big gap and so did MAY MAULSBY PREMIUM tired in he stretch J J MUUDOCK niiit ALF MI set a fast pace to the stretch and tired Kcfa1eh01dli = n74l Pjfs ffeTJiaiiW 110 42910 Butterscotch II 115 42020 ChicfUiiu 115 42S58 Lucinda 100 42479 Ruth Strickland 110 42787 Salute 105 SECOND HACE 5 12 Furlongs June 7 1909 105 3 93 Purse 1200 2yeax olds Claiming Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index1 Horses AWtPPStJi StnFin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 42971 = ANNETTE TELLERw 302 4 1 I1 1i 1 = 1 T Murray J C Jlilam 2CO100 42482 MABELpG nil Y40G 10C 4 i 21 2 J Groth W S Payne 40100 401002H 42U31 JOUETT w 107 1 2 2H 2 3 3 E Pool AV Moore flSSulOO flSSulOOII1 42931 PECCANT WB 102 5 5 542971BRIGHT II1 71 51 4i H Thurbcr Knebelk mp Howertn 1325100 13251005J 42971BRIGHT GOLD v 302 12 8 5J fi 41 52 AV Wright H Neusteter 1115100 42801 PUltL W 104 3 3 12 II1 7i G1 C Howard W F Poison T 42931 BURGOYNE w 107 11 32 6J 5 9 = 75 H Lunsfd R F Coppage GGO100 GGO1003h 42418 CLEAK THE WAY v 101 2 7 3h 44 6i 8 C Robson E Cebrian 2220100 222010010i 42917 MPLVIN w 104 s 4 442943JSPAHTAJC 10i 91 105 9 C Dishmn Williams Bros 2285100 42943JSPAHTAJC BOY WE IOC 7 9 942971MISS 71 301 11ilO1 J Hanover J H Baker t t8U 42971MISS PARNELL w 10S 9 10 1042931PLA1NBILL 8U 8J 8J11 C Brown L Erb 580100 580100fl 42931PLA1NBILL W 102 C 11 fl 12 12 12 L Canfioltl H Montgomery 1G25100 tMuriieMWId Time 2 24 48 100 107S Track fast 2 mutuels paid Annette Teller 720 straight 410 place 330 show Mabel G 710 place 570 show Jouett field 510 show showKquiviilent Kquiviilent Imoking odds Annette Teller 200 to 100 straight 105 to 100 place 65 to 100 show Mabel G 255 to 1IH place 185 to 100 Show louett field 155 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner MilamWont B f by Magneto Milldalc trained by J C Milam bred by Mr J C Milam Wont to post at 248 At itost 1 minute Htart good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ANNETTE TELLER away well and given a good ride led for the entire race and won easing up MABEL G away slowly rim a game race JOUETT was well up throughout but tired and just lasted toJiqld third place PECCANT cauie fast in the stretch MISS PARNELL pwas always outrun and can do niuch better CLEAR THE WAY tired tiredScratched Scratched 123i Alula 110 Kinbuni 109 42971 Emma AVcller 102 4295S Louis A 102 4295S Blue Jeans 94 429COBlack PrinVe 111 Overweights Mabel G 2 pounds Purl 2 Clear the Way 1 Miss Parnell THIHD RACE 34 Mile June 27 1914 111 5 116 Purse 1800 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1350 second 300 third 150 Index H ° rses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 4 081MAJlSBJQHN w 3 100L 5 3 11 1 = 1 = T Murray W V Thraves 555100 42086 DRAGOON w 4 10S 1 1 4 5JJ 2 2 = k H Lunsfd J W Schorr 1743100 42844 KIKU r 3 93 4 2 3 31 31 3 = S Boyle WL Lewis 4851CO 428 iJIlEX5Al w 3 107 6 4 2 2i 42 4 C Dishmn Williams Bros 1GO100 42874 GALLTCCRCI AVIJ 3 101J 2 6 5 = 4 53 5 C Robson W W Darden 400100 42981 JOE ST AHR WB 3 300 3 5 C 6 6 6 H Thurber ai Quinn 915100 915100Time Time 2314 47 112 Track fast 2iuutuehvpaid Marse John 1310 straight 570 place 3iO show Dragoon 1350 place 090 show Kiku 3150 show Equivalent booking odds 5farse John 535 to 100 straight 185 to 100 place 80 to 100 show Dragoo B70 it ilOO place 245 to100 show Kiku 80 to 100 shpw shpwWiHtier WiHtier Br g by Fayutte Martha Lee trained by 1C Spence bred by Mr Walter S Payne Went to post at 321 At post JL minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing MARSE JOHN began fast showed the most speed all the way and won casing up DRAGOON ran a Kpod race and made a game finish KIKU lost ground by racing wide on the turns LEGAL was taken back on the last turn biit tired after going fiveeighths GALLICUIJCI retired after running a good half mile JOE8TAHR was always outrun pVerwclgbts Marse John 2 pounds UalJiCurci 1 Jpc Stalir 2 FOUETH EACE 5 12 Furlongs June 7 1909 105 3 93 rosantirille Handicap Purso 2000 2yearolds Net value to winner 1500 second 325 third 175 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFln Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 42957 FRIZ w 109 10 1 1 1 = 5 1S2 1 J Hanover J H Baker 2940100 42918 MARJORIE HYNES v 112 63 2i 25 2 = 2 = J Groth C C Van Meter 535100 42917 CAPTAIN MAC w 112 78 7l 3 3s 3 = E Pool W J ioung t325100 42862 = LUNETTA w 310 42 31 6 4 41 C Robson Waldeck Stable 140300 42957 MYSTERIOUS GIRL w 105 2 G Gi BJ 55 5l C Dishmn AVilliams Bros 790100 42957 BREAD MAN wn 305 9 31 11s SJ S = fii H Thurbcr O B Pots J41S5100 42957 CH1SCA w 110 35 44 71 6 7s J Howard W G Shropshire t 42957 = FRANK W w US 12 7 81 4 = 7 8i H Lunsfcl R F Coppage 1445100 42957 RED RED ROSE w 112 11 32 10 91 9J Pi D Connlly Greentree Stable 830100 42930 = ALSACE w 103 1 10 12 12 10l 10J T Murray J N Camden 1780100 42918 WSON THE GREATw107 8 9 Oill1 11 = 11 = C VnnDun C T Worthington t t42957INSPECR 42957INSPECR HTGHESw 3in 5 4 5 10il2 12 S Wolstm M C Moore 2 2tCoupled tCoupled in betting as W G Shropshire and W J Young entry Mutucl field Time 23 47 100 106 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Friz SdOSO straight 3000 place 1400 show Marjoric Hynes 1000 place 710 show W G Shropshire and W T Young entry 700 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Friz 2940 to 100 straight 1400 to 100 place 530 to 100 show Marjorie Hynes 400 to 100 plaiL 255 to 100 show W G Shropshire and W T Young entry 250 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch c by Handsel Calanthc trained by J II Baker bred by Mr I W Scott ScottWent Went to post at 353 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same FRIX began fast arid showed high speed in paccmaking but just lasted MAIUORIE HYNES was going fastest at the end CAPTAIN MAC finished gamely LONETTA was forced back on the first turn MYSTERIOUS GIRL was also forced back FRANK W was outrun RED RED ROSE began slowly and was always far back backScratched Scratched 42S30Spring Vale 110 42957 Angon 118 42802 = Arrow Point 105 FIFTH iRACE l 18 Miles Juno 20 1914 150 3 105 Purse 1300 Syearolds and upward Maidens Special Weights Not value to winner 51000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt1 StrFin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 42956 STEVENSON w 4 113 32 3 1 = 1 = 1s 1s I1 E Pool W J Young 240100 42144 CONSTANTINE VR 3107 30 9 6 G rh 2J 2 = J Groth G J Long 510100 5101004295C 4295C JUDGE DAVID w 2 108 3 7 2h 2J 2J 3 = 3 = C Brovn I Weil 2K 42903 AV S CULBSON WB 4 113 G 11 9l 92 5J 4i 4 R Davies J L Paul 1151 42889 STARKEY w 5 113 8 6 55 4t G1 lib 5s II Lunsfd C E Lenahan t5S 100 42859 SAUER W 4 113 9 8 3h I1 4h GJ L Gentry T G Morris 710100 42861 THIRTEEN wan 3 107 7 2 71 7h 8 7i 7 II J Burke II H Hewitt t 42968 THE GALLANT wT 307 Ii 1 4 SP 7 8 8s H Thurber J C Cairn t 42553 LADY AVALDECKwB 3 103 410 8l S 93 93 9s S Boyle T M Murphy 1490100 42956 DIXIE GIRL w 3 102 1 4 30 30 30I3101010 = T Murray R E McMillan 3070100 36007 FRED LOWE w 4 113 11 12 US 11s II5 II5 11 T Mooncy J A Taylor 24S5100 42804 DiCIvHORN w 4 113 2 5 12 12 12 12 12 C Dishmn J M Trout C350300 C350300tMutiiel tMutiiel field Time 24 48 113 140 153 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Stevenson 680 straight 170 place 3GO sliow Coiistantiiic 720 place 580 show Judge David 10CO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Stevenson 210 to 100 straight 135 to ICO place SO to 100 show Constan ¬ tino 200 to 100 place 190 to 100 show Judge David 430 to 300 show showWinner YoungWent Winner Bv g by Hilarious Responsful triiihed by W J Young bred by Mr AV J Young Went to post nt 428 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing STEVENSON raced ililo the lead at once showed the most speed from the start and won easing up CONSTANTINE was saved in the early running then came fast in the stretch anil finished with a rush JUDGE DAiD was well up from the start but was tiring at the end WILLIAM S CULBERTSON was brought wide into the stretch STARKEY was going well at the end SAUER tired THE GAL ¬ LANT quit Scratched 12002sGibby 113 42947 Redstart 113 424SO Fluzey 102 42961sGourmand 107 42974 Ornella T 102 42920 Hurry Up 107J 107JOverweights Overweights Judge David 1 pound SIXTH KACE 1 MUe Nov 14 1918 137 4 105 Purse 1800 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1350 second 300 third 150 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 42933 ST AUGUSTINE w 4 107 2 2 1 li 1s 1 I2 J Howard T C McDowell 27C100 42919 TOMBOLO WB 4 107 5 3 23 2i 2 2i 2 C VanDun Nevada Stock Farm Farmf42955DR 450100 f42955DR CARMEN SB 7 107 11 5 41 3 3U 3 1 3 E Pool R L Baker G05100 42903 HAR BURGOYNEwn 4 130 8 4 3l 4 3 51 41 4 H Thurber P Dunne 1670100 42973 BRIBED VOTER W5135 1 1 5J 51 G = G 5h J Pitz J B Goodman 745100 7451003GGO1CO 42791 CLARA MARTIN WB 4 102 9 7 11 S1 1ll 73 GJ S Boyle C E Rowe 3GGO1CO 428471BLAISE 1GGO1CO428471BLAISE w 5 107 4 8 8 = 10 = S1 8 72 E Donhue AV L Drake 29851CO 3GGO1CO29851CO 42933 S OF PLEASURE w G 107 10 9 9i 6l 4 J 53 88 C Robson J M Goode 950100 42832 42832SNAPTHALIUS SNAPTHALIUS y 3 106 7 6 GJ lh 9l 9 = 9 = J Groth J AV Schorr 13140100 42875 TEXAS SPECIALwsh 3 98 6 10 31 11 10110 10 J Mooney A L Rogers t 42932 ED STONE w 3 103 3 11 10 9 11 U 11 H Lunsfd E AV Moore 3240100 3240100tMutucl tMutucl field Time 23 47 112 138 Track fast 2 mutuels paid St Augustine 740 straight 510 place 410 show Tombolo 600 place 440 show Dr Carmen 430 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds St Augustine 270 to 100 straight 155 to 100 place 105 to 100 show Tombolo 200 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Dr Carmen 115 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner McDowellWent B g by The Manager Caution trained by G Dcnney bred by Mr T C McDowell Went to post at 502 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing ST AUGUSTINE away well and showing high speed for the entire way raced into a good lead at once and easily won all the way TOMI50LO followed the winner in closest pursuit for the entire nice and outstayed DR CARMEN The latter had no mishaps and ran a good race H ARRY BURGOYNE was hard ridden and held on gamely BRIBED VOTER ran fairly well ED STONE began slowly aiul was always far back backSeratPhed SeratPhed 42948Jim Ucirering 110 42745sUocnir 115 42973 War Machine 107 429S3 Bellsolur 100 429S4Pastoiireiu 100 100Overweights Overweights Napthtfliirs 1 pound Texas Special 1 Ed Stone 1 SEVENTHT BACE l 116 Miles Oct 7 ISie 143 3 122 Purse 1200 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt J4 Str FJn Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 43791 BANDY3IP V W 4 108 7 6 4i 55 3 = H ThurberS D Lc 7W100 42934 AV H PtfARCE WB 5 105 11 S 7i GJ T2i Z D CahflcIdT1 JR Heed t541 1 0J 429 10 BREEZE WB 5 108 5 4 21 21 1s = 3 T Murray K Spence 170 100 42851 B McDAAVELL wn 4 108 9 10 C1 T1 7 = 6J 4 J AV AVritjht T J Pendergast 1335100 42902 BOURBON LAD WB 4110 19 3 4l 3l 21 5H 51 C Robson Gallaher Bros 2SO100 42889 BENEFACTOR w 4 110 1 9 G G 4 4 C8 S Wolstm M J Rooncy t 42858 RETTA B w 3 103 2 2 9 = 9 9 = 71 7 = H Lunsfd G J Long 134P100 4a369FLSH 134P1004a369FLSH OP STEELwB 5 105 3 11 31 ° 13 = 31 = lll 8i S Boyle C A Lehman 23S5100 42947 TITO WB G 113 4 8 10s 108 302 305 9J W AVaron AV E Dexter 4550rlOO 42793 MAB w 5 105 J2 5 7 8 SI 9l 30l F Stevens H T Batchler 2385100 42902 PHILISTINE wn G 113 Gil1 1 3h SJll1 C VanDun T F Bornman 1700100 42921 YENGIIEE wFt 110 83232 32 12 32 32 G Howard AV F Poison f tMntuel field Time 231i 47 113 139 145 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Baiidymo 1720 straight 950 place 450 show Walter H Pearce field 2370 place 670 th6w Breeze 330 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Bandymo 7 0 to 100 straight 375 to 100 place 125 to 100 show Walter H Pearce Held 1085 to 3 00 place 235 to 100 show Prceze 65 to llX show showAVinner AVinner BelmohtWent 15 f by Uncle Felicity trained by J S AVard bred by Mr August Belmoht Went to prfstat 537 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same BANDYMO well ridden moved up steadily and holding on gamely through the stretch drive outstayed WALTER H PEARCE The latter closed a gap ran a good race and was unlucky to lose BREEZE moved out from the others with ease after going threequarters and took a good lead but quit badly and swerved in the last sixteenth BROWNIE McDAWELL closed a big gap from a slow begin ¬ ning PHILISTINE set the earlypaee and quit in the last quarter RETTA B was bumped back at the start Scratched 42947 Kingfisher 108 42877 Sir Oliver 110 42972 Sosius 113 42838 Thinker 107 42034 St Jude 110 42921sLuckyR 100 100Overweighl Overweighl Retta B 3 pounds

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Local Identifier: drf1919070101_2_8
Library of Congress Record: