Empire City Meeting To Open July 12, Daily Racing Form, 1919-07-03


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EMPIRE CITY MEETING TO OPEN JULY 12 12NEW NEW YORK N Y July 2 The reproduction of Troyes masterpiece Roxanna and Her Foal by Rhynodyne on the cover of the Empire City Racing Associations program book is with the permission of the Jockey Club which owns the original Rox ¬ anna was foaled in 1853 She was by Chesterfield Levin by Tranby The foal was subsequently known as Blarneystone The Empire City Racing Association presents it because of its artistic qual ¬ ities and also as a reminder that all the pleasures of racing are not confined to the course Those who breed the thoroughbred have a satisfaction pecul ¬ iarly their own For such the picture of Roxanua and her foal should carry a sfxjcial appeal appealThe The summer meeting at Yonkers will open on Saturday July 12 with the running of the Empire City Handicap as the main attraction of an inviting program The Empire City Handicap is of the guaranteed value of 5000 at one and oneeighth miles and closed with fiftytwo nominations in ¬ cluding such as Sunny Slope King Plaudit Spur Be FiUnk Salvestra Purchase Regal Lodge Ex ¬ terminator Sun Briar Papp Star Master Roamer Thunderclap Midway Cudgel Foreground Tip pity Witchet Star Class George Starr Old Rose ¬ bud Vindex Lanius Corn Tassel and others A field oT ten or more horses scent probable with a splendid contest in view viewThe The overnight races for opening day will have 1505 added to the regular purses that sum being on hand as a result of surplus bids received on the last day of the fall meeting of 1918 The same will be divided among the five races making 301 for each race raceGeneral General manager C J Fitz Gerald has the as ¬ surance of plcntv of good horses for this meeting the addition of the Kentucky contingent swelling thu numbers to stable room capacity

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919070301/drf1919070301_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1919070301_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800