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ACTOR FARNUMS FIFTY ONE TUNA He Takes 2761 Pounds of Pacific Fish in Seventeen Days DaysAVALOX AVALOX Cal July 8 The official records of the Tuna Club show no more remarkable record of tuna fishing for seventeen days than that recorded during these number of days in June by William Farnnm Farrium in that time took fiftyone tuna having a combined weight of 2761 pounds winning both the blue and the red buttons of the club founded by Dr Charles Frederick Holder HolderOri Ori a number of these trips for tuna Farnum also sought the broadbill swordfish the powerful fighting fish of the Pacific that every angler is so keen to add to his list of trophies He sighted but one however howeverWith With Capt Enos in the Vera on a halfday trip Farnum caught a tuna of thirtynine pounds and another of fortyone and onehalf pounds With Capt Goulding in the Ethel he took two tuna one weighing lOIa pounds and the other thirtyfive and onehalf pounds The remaining fortyseven fish NewberrySome were caught from the Ruth Capt Newberry Some of the fish were taken on light tackle others on the heavy tackle prescribed by the rules of the Tuna Club Heavy tackle includes a wood rod consisting of a butt and tip and to be not shorter than six feet nine inches over all Tip not less than five feet in length and to weigh not more than sixteen ounces Line not to exceed twentyfour thread threadIn In light tackle the rod is sir feet but fourteen inches tip five feet weight six ounces line nine threadr threadrThe The btye button is awarded to the angler taking a tuna weighing 100 pounds or over and the red button for a tuna fifty pounds or over taken on light tackle tackleMr Mr Farnums largest blue button fish weighed lisy pounds and his heaviest red button fish weighed seventy two pounds Eight tuna were taken on June 8 These fish weighed seventytwo seventy and onehalf sixtynine and onehalf thirtynine and onehalf light tackle thirtyeight and onequarter thirtyseven and onehalf light tackle thirtyseven light tackle and thirtyfive pounds Farnum had two other days when he took eight fish in one day June 4 when he killed tuiiu weighing sixtyeight and onehalf sixtysix forty thirtyeight thirtysix thirtyfive and thirtytwo pounds and June 7 when his tuna included speci ¬ mens weighing eighty seventyfour seventy and onehalf sixtyseven sixtyfour and onehalf thirtyfive thirtyfive and thirty pounds poundsJune June 8 was a sevenfish day the individual fish weighing seventy eight seventythree and one half sixtyseven sixtyone and onehalf fortyfive forty and thirtynine pounds poundsOn On many days when the actor caught only one or two fish invariably he was out on h locating rip for boardbill swordfish and trolled for tuna going out and coming back These days resulted in the following catches June 2 thirtysix and thirty six pounds June 5 seventyseven seventythree and onehalf sixty thirtyseven arid thirtyfour pounds June thirtysix and onehalf pounds June 10 eighteen pounds June 12 thirtyseven pounds Jiiue 13 eightyone and seventyfive anil oni hulf iMMinds June 14 eightyseven and Misty seven poun1 June If sixtyfive pounds June Hi one hundred five and a half and thirtyfive aul onehalf pounds poundsOn On Juni 11 Farnnm did not fish and on June 17 there was nothing doing on his trip looking for broadbill swordfish The out day that Mr Purnuiu sighted a swordfish was on June 13 but the anglers patience was unrewarded