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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO 111 July 19 Weather forecast Illi ¬ nois and Wisconsin Fair tonight and probably Sunday Not much change in temperature Mis ¬ souri Partly cloudy tonight and Sunday Probably unsettled in west portions not much change in temperature General forecast With the exception of local thunder showers in the southern plains states mostly fair weather is probable in this fore ¬ cast district during the next 36 hours There will be little change in temperature temperatureLONDON LONDON England July 19 Nineteen thousand allied soldiers picked men from famous combat divisions the names of which are written large ou the pages of history of the world war marched through Londons streets today In celebration of the return of peace The line of parade was more than six miles in length and required over an hour to pass a given point The 19000 piiradcrs camped at Kensington gardens yesterday and last night They were drawn from British American French Italian Belgian Japanese Polish Roumanian Por ¬ tuguese Serbian Siamese and Czechoslovakia armies In the line of inarch the contingents were arranged in alphabetical order the Americans lead ¬ ing the parade The Americans led by Gen John 7 Pershing matched in three battalions of 33 of ¬ ficers and 1100 men each Belgium had in line 440 officers and ineii lod by Gen Gillian France was represented by 900 men and Italy by 835 There were 5 officers and 50 men for each of the other allied nations nationsOLD OLD POINT COMFORT Va July 19 The van ¬ guard of the Pacific fleet sailed from its anchorage here at 830 a m bound for the western coast via the Panama canal No unusual ceremonies marked the departure of the six supcrdreadiioughts and thirtydcstroycrs and tenders which are leading the way for the LOO naval craft assigned to Pacific waters The beginning of the voyage marks an epoch in American naval history For the first time the fleet has been divided with exactly half of its iwwer assigned to guard the western sea ¬ board For the first time also the strategic value of the canal is to be fully tested when Admiral High Rodman moves his armada through to Pa ¬ cific waters And for the first time Americans of the far west are to see with their own eyes the full pomp and power of the navy that has been their pride for years yearsEL EL PASO Texas July 19 Like the chain of forts built in the days of the Indians to guard the Staked Plain and the southwest from raids by marauding bands of savages the United States army is building permanent outposts along the Mexican border to prevent incursions by armed bands of Mexican bandits across the border These will extend from the Pacific to the mouth of the Rio Grande at Brownsville Texas and will be gar ¬ risoned by detachments of infantry and cavalry from the southern department departmentHELSINGFORS HELSINGFORS Finland Friday July 18 De ¬ layed Twenty thousand hostages are reported to have been arrested in Petrograd in the last three weeks and Petrograd newspapers publish almost daily lists of from fifty to 100 persons who have been executed for various reasons The names of all those in charge of the diplomatic archives of foreign legations in Petrograd appear on the lists A Russian general seventy years old is reported to have been shot for having in his rooms weapons which lie was keeping as trophies trophiesWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C July 19 The 613000000 sundry civil appropriation bill revised by Congress to meet his objections was signed today by Presi ¬ dent Wilson The new bill carries 14000000 for the rehabilitation and education of disabled service mn as against 0000000 in the measure vetoed y th prtsidfiit a wiuk ago Included In llu bill are appropriations for various government depart ¬ ments sonic of which have been twhiilially with ¬ out funds since beginning of fiscal year July 1 1WASHINGTON WASHINGTON D f July la Charges that John Skeltun Williams comptroller of the cur rcnoy aided his brother Louis B Williams of Richmond Va in negotiating for the purchase by the government of property in Washington valued at 4200000 and received part of the commission for the sale were made before the house rules committee today by Representative McFadden rep of Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaCHICAGO CHICAGO 111 July 19 The Chicago fire de ¬ partment responded to fire calls today with usual promptness and effectiveness despite the strike of nearly 250 engineers who resigned following their failure to obtain full satisfaction in their salary demands on the city Their places were imme ¬ diately filled by other members of the department who were familiar with the handling of both steam and gasoline engines enginesSPOKANE SPOKANE Wash July 19 Forest fires flam ¬ ing into the air from scores of points within an area of several hundred square niilcs in western Montana and northern Idaho early today were threatening at least three small towns in Montana and had consumed millions of feet oC valuable timber government and privately owned Three thousand men are employed fighting the fires