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LORD LONSDALES SERVICE TO SPORT There is every indication that Lord Lonsdale prouiset to be tie giiiUing gcniiiK of British sport jlns beivMefctryfeW years Ue has already carried tlirQUgli many rpforms in the losing ring Now lie has JaSen Epsom iiudep his view and it Is possible thanks to his inspiration tip famotjs courpf may be utade as it might be with little expense jUie ju st racing amphitheater in the world There arfe great difficulties in the way becauee Epsgni Downs are not private property but coimjmon IjindsJjsubject o public rights and vested interests which rest on such precedents as the staking out of a claim for a booth or a tent over a limMlwAlypirrs fgc This and many nther liffi ulties would Have to be met but ioubtle H with Lord I oiisdalfH push they will all be overcome Apart from racing Lord Lohsdale has dotientuch for horse breeding He is the creijtor and tlie guiding teaius of the great Olymjiian horse show Tid Uiis