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SECOND RACE 114 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling Oct 22 1900 204 6 106 COMME CI ch g 3 108 108Formerly By Astronomer Keep Still Quincy Stable Formerly ran at Henry Boberts 4S187 Empire 1 14 212mud 1110 104 222 2 2s 2 = J L Fator 3 X K Beal Conduit 43143 Empire ImTOy l44fast 4S 110 4 444 4 4 4 45 3s T Rice K Marchesall NKBeal MPolly 43135 Aqduct 1 l40good 21 111 3 2 3 3 2 5 L II Rlce 10 Goaler Gath Court Gallant 43017 Aqduct 1 116 l45Vfast JO 109 5 3 2 3 i y13 5 Sdragonll AArrow P Whack 42965 A duct 78 l26slow 15 1021 896 6 5 5 L McAtee 9 Youneed War Mask Daydue 42937 Aqduct 1 139 fast 135 111 5 555 5 5 5 o 51 ° T Rice 5 DVandiver WSpirit S Verdict 42869 Jamaica Im70yl43fast 8 115 134 3 o3 11 T Rice 5 Esquimau Syrdarya Twiford 42794 Jamaica 1 116 l46fast 30 105 10 01010 10 10 10 10 7UT Rowan 10 Mlnto II FellSwoop Columbine 42658 Belmont 1 l38fast 185 110 1 133 3 3 4 31 4 T Rice 8 WarZone StarRealm Wndover 42295 Pimlico 1 l45hvy 32 107 6 652 5 2 1 14 1 T Rice 9 JofArc FShannon Tmywaac 42194 Pimlico 34 115 slop 75 109 C T Rice 7 Old Rosebud Flags Peter Piper JOHN I DAY b c 4 111 43193 Empire 1 l46hvy 15 10S 4 Vf oJ v TVcrt oodtrap Mat Idol DuchLace 43175 Empire 1 18 l56mud 31 110 4 i DuchLacei T Tv L Fator Mist Polly Conduit King John 163 Empire 1 ll54slop 12 110 5 41 A Klce ° Simpflragonll SRealm KJobn 43142 Empire ImTOy 145 fast fast4FJ15 12 i3 2 5 Rice H ODay KingJdhn Buckboard 4FJ15 Aqduct 1 116 l4Gfast 10 114 1 51 Ric ° Ivry Kins Johns Q o the Sea 42088 Aqduct 1 116 l46fast 75 10S 2 r Kelsay 10 Sunny Hill MIHrace Lucius 43044 Aqdnct 1 l39fast l39fastVZIVL 115114 1 I LuciusI i W Kclsay 13 Tantalus Goldvale ChesterTwo VZIVL Belmont 61 f l19fast 25 120 7 Kelsay 8 Out Uie Way K Bright Paddy 40438 Bowie Im70y l49fast 6 112 3 8 7 W Kelsay 9 King John Bravado Prunes 40367 Bowla ll46slop 7 102 2 S PrunesS S J J P arce 7 Kashmir KohiNoor MatIdol 40353 Bowie 1 l42fast 23 102J 5 f MatIdolf I T Rlcc 7 Dorcas G ne Cock Salvestra 40263 Pmltcp 1116 l47faat 7 106 5 5 A Colllns 6 Deckmatd DouglassS Whimsy 40234 Laurel 1 1 41 hvy 22 100 1 l k 2nk H Lunsfd 6 Douglass S Foreground Arriet 40226 Laurel 1 l39fast 5 104 4 3l 4si A Collins 6 Red Sox Tombolo Kate Bright BrightBy CADDIE b g 4 By Star Shoot Lost Ball J L Donovan 43184 Empire 1 l4 mud 20 204S151 7 720 T Rowan 7 Frogtown Daydue Albert A 4S151 Empire 1 116 l48Vfefast W 11 11 T Rowan 15 Mount Rose II Lucius Zinnia 42752 Belmont 1 l43mud 15 II ZinniaII I1 A Johnson 9 Goaler Wilfreda S Light III 42623 Belmont 78126 31 Ci 5 J H Hamfnll Dendera Wilfreda Muiti 42587 Belmont 1 lSrast 25 2543H 61 716 H Haiutn 1 Dun BcUringir Ilohokns 43H Pimlico 1 11C l491traHt 12f 8 = K Hall of Phofiilx 1 Moiiul XapoII 52 75J L Kaior IK Favour lin Alirv Hellc 1 Stjplitnlii Rlcctiilll sistcncy VMeOo Ol 0s T Itite 7 Kcsist Auclidiicer K Ajrrippa 4fl4 IfileGce 5S f lOUsop a 6 5 C Walls i Thorn Bloum Ideal lackUcalcv 40SSC Bowie Gl f l23hvv Sf rnk s1 H Myers 13 TDecision FirLine DrCpbelf 40499 Bowie Im70y l47 fcfast 20 41 7IS J McTagt 1 JiiMiuauUout PeerOnp Poacher 10420 Bowie Iin20y I47 g0od 13 1s 2l H Myers 15 Sibolai Alum B G WasUinston CONDUIT br m 5 115 By The White Knight Chute S Judge 43187 Empire 1 14 212mud 7 104 3 3 3 3 3 3 ° G W Carl 9 X K Beal Comme Ul 43175 Empire 1 18 l56mud 7 100 2 5 5 5 41 3 R McCrnn 6 MistPolly J I Day KingJohn 43057 Aqduct 1 5 16 213 fast 45 111 3 3 3 3 3 3 C Fbther 3 African Arrow Ticket 42966 Aqduct 1 116 l48slow 12 110S 7 10 8 10 10 7 C F btherlS Ticket Sasin N K Beal 40110 Jamaica 1 14 206 fast 2 110 2 4 4 4 32 31 F Robson 4 Dnds Choice GameCnck Sasin 40019 Jamaica 1 14 206fast 21 113 2 4 4 4 4 2 F Robfon 5 Hwodll BSnon Sdragonll 39940 Jamaica 1 14 206 fast 1710 113 4 5 6 5 3 2l F Robson 6 B Shannon Woodtrap JMount 39827 Aqduct 1 516 214good 115 110 346 1 1 I1 F Robson 5 J Wingfleld Piedra Uarwoodll