General News Notes Of The Day, Daily Racing Form, 1919-07-25


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO 111 July 24 Weather forecast Illi ¬ nois Fair tonight and Friday little change in temperature except cooler near lake Michigan to ¬ night Missouri and Kansas Fair tonight and Friday little change in temperature General fore ¬ cast The indications are for mostly fair weather with temperature above the seasonal normal in this forecast district during the next thirtysix hours However the temperature will be somewhat lower in this immediate vicinity tonight tonightWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C July 24 Although there were reports of isolated outbreaks by colored men including the firing into a street car last night passed without serious renewal of the race rioting which has terrorized the national capital since Sat ¬ urday Presence of 2000 armed soldiers and co ¬ operation generally by the public with the request of the city authorities that street traffic be held to a minimum resulted in quieting the situation situationCHICAGO CHICAGO 111 July 24 Pitcher Phil Douglas a righthander was traded to the New York Giants by the Chicago Cubs today for outfielder Dave Robertson it was learned here today Robertson has been out of the gnme all season having refused to report to New York It Is understood that Robertson lias signed u twoyear contract with the Cubs Douglas is one of the star pitchers of the Cubs staff staffCHICAGO CHICAGO 111 July 24 Cy De Vry keeper of the Lincoln Park zoo was discharged from that position today by the park civil service commission which found him guilty on four charges filed against him following an altercation in the park a month ago Mr De Vry best known animal trainer in the United States had been ia charge of the zoo twentynine years WASHINGTON D C July 24 An army bomb ¬ ing plane carrying a crew of five commanded by LieutCol R S Hartz left the ground here at 10 a m en the first leg of a flight of nearly 8000 miles around the rim of the country The first stop is scheduled in Augusta Maine 560 miles from Washington WashingtonWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C July 24 Two gigantic ocean liners larger than any ships now afloat and designed to cross the Atlantic in four days are to be built by the shipping board They will be 1000 feet long and of thirty knots speed and will be equipped for use as commerce destroyers in thft event of war warKANSAS KANSAS CITY Mo July 24 A strike call which will tie up the entire transportation system of Chi ¬ cago and cause the walkout of 15000 surface and elevated car men will be posted Friday morning according to information received today from friends of International president W D Mahon who left here for the east eastTOKYO TOKYO Japan July 20 Delayed The citi ¬ zens of Fukushima have started a movement against Japan participating in the international tribunal to try the former German emperor on the ground that such action would have a bad effect upon the Japa ¬ nese people peopleNEW NEW YORK N Y July 24 The completion of plans for raising a fund of 25000000 by popu ¬ lar subscription for the erection of a great Ameri ¬ can memorial in France commemorating Americas achievements In the world war was announced here today todayLEAVENWORTH LEAVENWORTH Kan Jul 24 Arrival of troops from Fort Riley Camp Dodge and Camp Grant today was expected to end the strike of prisoners in the disciplinary barracks to a minimum resulted IB quieting the situation

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Local Identifier: drf1919072501_3_3
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