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FIBST EACE 5 12 Furlongs 2yearplds Claiming July 22 1918 105 3 2 119 Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish By Golden Maxim Brightstone H Keusteter 1s1 A Schugr 5 Brutus Acid Test Bread Line 43195 Empire 51 f l13hvy 1110 104 1 2 1 H 2 L Fator 5 Barley Water FlyingOrb Jessie 43176 Empire 58 l03mud 5 101 2 1 2 2 2 H Hamtn 6 B and Call SHclene Encrlnite 43153 Empire 51 f l07fast 185 111 1 2 2 3s 3 L Lyke 9 WlmCares FColleen Cormoran 43022 Latonla 58 l00fast 16 110 7 87 Ci 53 W Ridenrl2 Catania Metem Military Girl 42905 Latonla 51 f l07fast 11 102 8 56 4i 5si W Wright 12 Annette Teller MabelG Jouett 42971 Latonla 68 l03hvy 12 103 G 4 5 5a 6 W Wright 12 M Minks AnTeller NWitwer 42885 Latonla 4J f 54fast 7 107 5 1 I1 1 T Murray 12 Catania Maize Parol 42801 Latonlgt 4J t 53fast 112 2 7 71 7i N Barrett 11 Miss Pnrncll Miss Minks Ziziz 427S9 Ziziz427S9 Latonla 45 f D4fast 6 111 1 7 7 7l 5li W Waronl2 Frank W Cancion A Jackson 42743 Latonia 68 l01slow 235 HOj 2 2 2 3i 3 W Waronl2 Alula Lady Roberts Maize 42678 Latonla 41 f 64 fast 16 115 6 3 21 3 W War onll Martha Luckett Alsace Midia 42530 BoyBETJTTJS Churcnl 41 f 64fast 7 106 4 2 2J SJ H Thurber 9 Friz An Teller Spartan Boy BETJTTJS h c 2 M 108 By Zeus Diplomacy A Johnson 43207 Empire 58 l03good CO 103 3 34 33 2 J J Pitz 5 RglitGold AcidTest BreadLine BreadLineOELEANS OELEANS GIEL hr f 2 114 By Jack Atkin Lady Installator W H Congdon 43212 Empire 5S l01good 135 105 1 11 1 13 A Schugr C Our Maid J Bullant Sain Rose 43170 Empire 58 l04good 6 11212 12 10 10s 1048 C Fbtherl2 Laughter Ednaris Ladylike 43045 Aqduct 58 57Jfast 25 115 8 10 10 101 10 = C Fbtherll Cobwebs Germa Flying Flower 42967 Aqduct 41 f 55slow 50 114 7 67 7l 6 C Fbtherl2 Vlo Tip Fly Flower HisChoice 42231 Pimlico 12 49 fast 81 97 12 8 102 II18 S WIda 13 Super OrientalPark WhoCares WhoCaresBAELEY BAELEY WATEE hr f 2 114 By Fitz Herbert Wheatear The Beach Stable 43135 Empire 5X f l13hvy 20 104 4 12 21 In L McAtee 5 Bright Gold Flying Orb Jessie 43153 Empire 51 f l07fast 25 109 6 5 C2 6 A Collins 9 Who Cares FairColleen BGold 4307C BGold4307C Aqduct 58 101 fast SO 104 C 6 6 6 5 H Ericksn 7 WthePlank Crmoran Ldylike 42975 Aqduct 58 l02mud 50 116 3 66 5 611 G Burns G Phan Fair Betslnda SwApple 42231 Pimlico 12 49 fast 66 108 11 11 11 9 A Collins 13 Super OrientalPark WhoCarea WhoCareaMAECELLE MAECELLE M h f 2 M 105 By Assagai Alpaca W S Murray 43212 Empire 5S lOH gbod 12 105 6 6 Fell G W Carl 6 OrleansGiri OtirMaid JBullaut 43153 Empire 5i f l07fast 15 10S 7 U 9 8s S15 G Corey 9 Who Cares FairColleen BGolcl 43135 Aqduct 58 l01good 8 112 1 1 2 3s 355 G Corey 4 FaisanDore SweetApple Dickie 4307C Dickie4307C Aqduct 58 101 fast 15 106 2 2 2 4i 4 G Ccrey 7 WthePlank Cnnorun Ldylike 4198G Ldylike4198G Bowie 12 49fast 2710 114 7 56 6 i G Corey 8 Dsilla BNaBreena MShem 41817 Bowie 12 60 fast 22 114 3 4 3s 3 R Pauley 8 F Witch Kallipolis BandCall