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MERCHANTS AND CITIZENS HANDICAP No Three Year Old Has Yet Woa This Popular Feature of Saratoga Racing NEW YORK N Y July 28 The Merchants and Citizens Handicap an annual feature of Saratoga racing since 1901 has proved a hard proposition for threeyearolds not one of that age being among its winners although a number of them have finished second in it The race is for threeyearolds and over at one and tliree sixtcentlis of a mile a distance sufficient to test the staying qualities of most horses For this years running of the event the best of the older division and some of the topnotch threeyearolds are eligible the notable exceptions among the latter being Purchase and Sir Barton As the Merchants and Citizens Handicap is of a guaranteed value of 3500 It is sure to attract a good field and it will come from the following followingW W E Anplcgates Jack Hare Jr br c 4 by Marathon Moonet MoonetEdward Edward Arlingtons Questionnaire b c 3 by Zeus Frances FrancesArmenia Armenia Stables Prospector b g 5 by Mush ¬ room Clef dOr Wise Man ch h 6 by Giganteum Magnetine Mrs James Arthurs Bondage ch h 5 by Ogden Fair Atalanta AtalantaLew Lew Blooms Lucy Lee ch f 3 by The Manager PhantasmaB Phantasma B J Brannons St Bernard ch g 3 by Ivan the Terrible Beatrice K KP P A Clarks Polka Dot ch f 3 by Celt Tfetwork Duhboyne ch c 3 by Celt Wbfkmald WbfkmaldGifford Gifford A Cochrans Fairy Wand ch m 0 by Star Shoot Countess Wanda WandaW W R Coes Sweep On b c 3 by Sweep Yod ler Over There b c 3 by Spearmint Summer Girl Natural Bridge b c 3 by Bridge of Allan Isette Stepson ch c 3 by Uncle Katrine Nutcracker br c 4 by Thrush Roman Slave SlaveFolly Folly Farm Stables Uncle White ch c 3 by Uncle Busy Lass J J Hallenbccks Kashmir ch c 4 by Delhi Gingham GinghamH H P HeadleyV Duke of Savoy ch c 4 by Uncle Lady Savoy SavoyG G M Ucndries North Sea b g 4 by Sweep Orange and Blue BlueH H II Hewitts Skcplic b h 5 by Sain In ¬ spiration spirationS S C Hildrcths Alibi blk c 4 by Tracery Amicitia Cirrus b c 3 by Tracery Morningside MorningsideWalter Walter M Jeffords Star Hampton ch c 3 by Star Shoot Dorothy Hampton HamptonKentucky Kentucky Stables Chasseur b c 3 by Light Brigade Panne PanneWillis Willis Sharpc Kilmers Sun Briar b c 4 by Sundridge Sweet Briar Exterminator ch g 4 by McGee Fair Empress EmpressLester Lester D Belmonts Beaverkill br h 5 by Ogden Dolly Higgins HigginsMrs Mrs L A Livingstons Henry G b c 4 by Ildrim Frosty FrostyGeorge George W Lofts Zenith br c 4 by Ogden Zahra ZahraM M Lowensteins Barney Shannon ch g 5 by Llangibby Princess Sterling SterlingA A K Macombers Liberty Loan blk h 5 by Dick Finnell Martha Palmer Star Hawk b h G by Sunstar Sweet Finch Star Master ch li 5 by Star Shoot The Lady in Blue War Cloud b c 4 by Polymelus Dreamy Hand Grenade br c 4 by Sunstar All Green Ed Crump ch h G by Peep oDay Evaline EvalineJ J J Matters Nolawn b c 4 by Sir John John ¬ son Onaga Fizer b h 5 by Transvaal Fondling The Trump b c 3 by Ormondalc American Girl GirlFrank Frank G Martins Friendless b h 5 by Super ¬ man Luckless LucklessD D E McGinnis Daytoria b f 4 by Peep oDay Victoria M MEdward Edward B McLeans The Porter b c 4 by Sweep Ballet Girl Mint Cat b c 3 by Catmint Arlette ArletteMrs Mrs S McNauglitons George Clark b g 4 by Kia James Mary Stuart StuartAndrew Andrew Millers Roamcr b g 8 by Knight Er ¬ rant Rose Tree II Recount b c 4 by Ballot Censure CensureNevada Nevada Stock Farms Tombolo b c 4 by Grey Leg Bernina BerninaJames James G Oxnards The Young Cavalier b c 3 by King James Cuileuu CuileuuJ J W Parrishs Midway ch h 5 by Ballot Thirtythird ThirtythirdW W F Poisons Buford ch h 5 by Ballot Ollie Belle BelleHenry Henry A Porters Sous Marine b f 4 by Mar covil Momentum High Born Lady b f 3 by The White Knight Lady Echline Pride of ludia b c 3 by Delhi Dominoes DominoesR R H McC Potters Bluirgowrie ch c 3 by Knight of the Thistle Belle of Pequest PequestO O C Raschs Gloomy Gus br h 5 by Ogden nappy Kate KateCommander Commander J K L Ross Cudgol b li 5 by rtrnuinstlck Eilgenia Hiireh Honifnre b o 4 by Transvaal Ceriiui Fortground ch chc c 4 by Fugle 7 mau SketclKs Billy Kelly br g 3 by Dick Welles Glcua GlcuaJohn John W Schorrs Jas T Clark br c 4 by Dick Fluuell raradisf Won Morton L Schwartzs Enfilade b f 4 by Ram ¬ rod La Rille RilleFrederick Frederick Slocums Star Class ch f 4 by Star Shoot Lady Bedford BedfordE E H Taylor Jrs Col Taylor b c 3 by Plaudit Looking Glass GlassThe The Beach Stables Sunny Slope ch c 4 by Astronomer Neva W WWilfrid Wilfrid Viaus Camoufleur ch c 3 by Astrono ¬ mer Penitence II Omur Khayyam ch h 5 by Marco Lisma Westy Ilogan br h 5 by Dick Finnell Carrie Jones Musito ch c 3 by Sweeper Musette Pibroch b c 3 by Macdonald II Melody MelodyF F D Weirs Old Rosebud b g 8 by Uncle Ivory Bells War Machine b c 4 by Uncle Princess Orna OrnaH H P Whitneys Dominant b h C by Delhi Dominoes Vlndex b c 3 by St Vlctrix BcIle fontaine Headstrong b c 3 by Polymelus Perverse Bayard b c 3 by Bayardo Miss Ham ¬ burg The Ferryman b g 3 by Negofol Paradise II Blue Laddie b g 3 by Cylgad4Biue Girl GirlGox Gox rge D Widcners Lanius ch g 4 by Llan gfbby Southe n Belle Rose dOr b f 4 by Garry Herrmann Golden Rose RoseJ J E Widejiers Trompe La Miort ch c 4 by Verwood Marsa Sundial II ch c 3 by Faucheur Martha Gorman R T Wilsons Straight Forward b h 5 by Star Shoot Frankness Thunderstorm ch c 3 by Olam bala Nightfall