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EMPIRE CITY FORM CHART YONKERS N Y TUESDAY JULY 29 1919 Fifteenth day Empire City Racing Association Sum ¬ mer Meeting of 17 days Weather clear temperature 85 ° Steward to Represent Jockey Club Andrew Miller Presiding Judges E C Smith and C Cornehlsen Starter Mars Cassidy Racing Secretary V E Schaumberg Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance IOOOK FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs July 22 1918 105 2 119 Purse 72860 2year 4O4M M 3 olds Claiming Net value to winner 52850 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 432I2ORLEANS GIRL vr 114 2 1 I1 I1 1 I C Fbther W H Congdon 1 fi5 71014 out 48195BARLEY WATER w 114 3 4 2 i 21 3 2 t C KunvTierThe Beach Etable5 C 6 95710 43207 tBRIGHT GOLD w 109 42 3 3 2 3 J StaplefnH Neusteter 5 C C 7535 4S207 = BRUTUS w 108 1 5 5 5 5 4 J Pitz A Johnson 6772 710 43212 MARCELLE M w 105 5 3 4 4 4 5 A Collins W S Murray 8 8 8 21 1 1tDisqualined tDisqualined for foul Time 22 48 101 107 Track fast fastWinner Winner Br f by Jack Atkin Lady Installator trained by W H Congdon bred by Mr Thomas Shaw ShawWent Went to post at 229 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ORLEANS GIRL set a fast pace from the start and had to be shaken up in the homestretch when challenged in the final eighth but was going away at the finish BARLEY WATER followed the leader closely in the early running but tired in the final sixteenth BRIGHT GOLD on the outside of the leaders for the first half moved up slowly after entering the homestretch but swerved in and Interfered with BARLEY WATER in the final eighth for which she was disqualified BRUTUS lacked early speed but closed up fast in the last quarter SECOND RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards July 20 1918 142 5 117 Purse 72850 3yearolds and upward Fillies and Mares Claiming Net value to winner 52850 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners 43197 = DOT VANDIVER w 3 100 6 2 I1 Ill1 1s 1 A RicncrkW V Casey 95 2 75 71013 43214 KEEN JANE wn 2 100 3 1 3 4l 31 3 2 A Pickens Sylvester Stable 15 20 20 8 4 43200 TAILOR MAID WB 3 98 4 3 4 3 2s 2 3s S Wida J Shaughnessy 68621 43211 FAVOUR w 6 110 5 7 71 1 5 4 4 A SchugrP S P Randolph 3 3i 3J C5 J 43214 GRAPHIC wn 5 109 7 4 2 21 41 5 5 T Davies J D Misick 4 6 C 21 G Gw 43217 MISS BRYN w 4 113 9 5 62 61 6 6U 61 C Fbther E S Gavett 20 SO 20 8 4 4 321 3211s 1s JO AN OF ARC w 3 99 8 G 8 85 7s 71 7l A Try on F Musante 15 20 20 8 4 443217SJ5INNIA 43217SJ5INNIA w 5 100 1 9 9 9 9 8 8 J J StaplefnC K Moore 20 20 15 G 3 427 0GALLANT KITTYwu 3 90 2 8 5J 51 8 9 9 F Cltiletti J E Seagram 15 20 20 8 4 4Time Time 24 48 113 140 145 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch f by Trap Rock llortensia trained by W V Casey bred by Mr Walter O Farmer FarmerWont Wont to post at 259 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing DOTTIE VANDIVER took the lead quickly set a fast pace and held the race safe all the way but was unnecessarily ridden out at the finish KBEN JANE began fast and was taken back in the early running then came again under punishment and outstayed TAILOR MAID in the final drive The latter moved up fast while rounding the last turn but tired in the final drive FAVOUR closed n big gap CUUHIO quit after going well for threequarters threequartersScratched Scratched 13217 Alma B 109 43183 LndyWanI 105 Overweights Joan of Arc 4 pounds THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards July 20 1918 142 5 117 Purse 82850 Index Horses O H C P 4 32 14 HAUBERK wn 7 117 2 1 I1 I2 I2 1 Il R McCrnnJ F Sweeney ll107513I013out ll107513I013out43208COMME 43208COMME CI wsn 2 112 1 2 2 2 3 2 5 2s G Walls Quincy Stable 3 3J 3 12 out 43071 DICK WILLIAMS w 6 117 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 J Butwell W C Weant 95 2 75 13 out outTime Time 25 48 11314 140 l45 5 Track fast fastWinner Winner B g by Martinet Druid trained by J Byer bred by Messrs Williams Bros Holland HollandWent Went to post at 330 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing HAUBERK took the lead at the start held the race safe all the way and won under stout restraint COMME CI ran well and easily passed DICK WILLIAMS in the homestretch The latter showed speed but tired in the final quarter quarterScratched Scratched 43187N K Beal 115 43214Gath 112 FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles July 11 1914 144 6 121 102850 Added 3yearolds and upward Handicap Net value to winner 75350 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 43213 WOODTRAP WB 5 123 3 2 2J 13 I1 15 1 J RodgezNorth Shore Sta 21 3 95 13 out out43138ELMENDORF 43138ELMENDORF WB 4 126 2 3 3 2l 2s 212 2 ° G Walls Quincy Stable l27101320out 43221 TUSCALOOSA WB 3 115 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 T Davies J Sanford 5 8 S 85 out outTime Time 24 48 114 140 147 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch h by Trap Rock Woodvine trained by J Hewitt bred by Mr August Belmont BelmontWent Went to post at 358 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing WOODTRAP raced into the lead on the backstretch withstood ELMEXDORFS challenge in the homestretch and was under mild hand riding at the finish ELMENDORF raced in close pursuit of WOODTRP and made a game challenge at the eighth post but ran upon the leaders heels then swerved to the inner rail and tired badly TUSCALOOSA set the early pace but quit under restraint and was eased up in the homestretch FIFTH EACE About 34 Mile July 22 1918 107 5 128 Purse 72850 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 52850 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners 43213 ADELE w 4 113 9 2 2J I1 I1 I1 T Nolan Curb Stable 2 211254525 21125452543190BILLIE 43190BILLIE B w 6 109 2 5 4 31 2 2 T Davies K H Harvey 7 88 3 75 42059 MISS KRUTER w 8 105 11 31 5 31 3 A Collins A Goodin 20 30 20 8 4 443190RESIST 43190RESIST w 3 113 5 4 8 = 62 4 = 4 J Butwell J W May 785 8545 4936 ANDREW w 8 109 4 3 51 4l 5 = 5 G Walls Quincy Stable 65 85 32 35 13 43157 T F McMAHON WB 3 102 8 S 6s 7 6 6 A Pickens Sylvester Stable 15 20 20 8 4 43084 OVERMATCH WB 4 109 6 9 9s 10 8i 7 W Obert I J Carey 50 100 100 40 20 43151 SIR W JOHNSONwB 8 112 7 10 10 91 9l 8 L Stalker R A Smith 20 30 30 12 6 43166 PINARD WB 3 102 3 7 71 S2 71 9 F CltilettlE T Zollicoffer 50 50 30 12 6 643046LADY 43046LADY IVAN w 5 106 10 G 1 2 10 10 S McGraw T J Buckley 8 20 15 6 3 3Time Time 22 47 110 Track fast Winner Br f by Burgomaster Elizabeth D trained by J J Murphy bred by Mr John H Mor MorS S Went to post at 430 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second driving ADELE showing excellent speed raced into the lead on the last turn and held the race safe to the end BILLIE B was a forward contender always and held on gamely in the final drive MISS KRUTER saved ground on the turns and outstayed RESIST in the final drive The latter closed a gap and finished gamely ANDREW ran a fairly good race LADY IVAN quit after setting the early pace paceScratched Scratched J3157 Valerie West 107 43190 = Onico 89 43211Toadstool 107 43072Marmite lOo 43213 Jack Leary 110 43210 Back Bay 111 43166 Peasant 112 43190 Malvolio 109 43172 Dendera 110 42769Mackenzie 112 112Overweights Overweights Miss Kruter1 pound Resist 3 Sir William Johnson 3 SIXTH HACE 58 Mile July 25 1918 59 2 118 Purse 72850 2yearolds Index Horses AWtPPSt l Str Fin Jockeys SchugrG w Loft 12 12 25 out 43162 GERMA w 112 1 2 2WB i A 43093 SUB ROSA WB 112 5 7 7w 21 2 C KummerC M Gairison 5 G 6 75 43194 s MILDRED w 112 7 5 5wa 31 3 1 T Davies N D Smith 8 10 8 2 710 43206 RUBIDIUM wa 112 G 3 3w 21 21 45 4 J Butwell Winous Ft Sble 12 15 15 PUNCTUAL w 112 4 6 6w 61 6s 6 51 J P Ryan A H Morris 12 20 20 6 21 43194 MLLE VIVIAN w 112 3 1 1vr 5J 7 7 6s T Nolan Casco Stable 15 20 20 6 21 43194 LIOLA vr 112 2 24 4 3 5 51 7 G Walls J Fitzsimmons 30 40 40 10 Time 23 48 101 Track fast fastby by M Hirsch bred by Mr 1 I but closed up steadily and easily passed MIL MILshowed showed speecfbut tired inthe homestretch RUBIDIUM had no mishaps and ran well to the stretch Scratched 13195 Lucie May 112