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DELAWARE HANDICAP CLAIMS NOTICE NOTICENotable Notable Because in It Sun Briar Established New American Record for a Mile This Years Entries NEW YORK N Y July 29 The Delaware Handicap at Saratoga last summer is chiefly re ¬ membered because Sun Briar established a new American record for a mile in competition in winning it A remarkable fast race it was the fractional being 23 46 111 138 which tima still stands as the best made in this country in a race Sun Briar is eligible to the same stake this year which will be run on August 5 and so is Midway which finished second last year also Old Koenig which made the time possible by setting a dazzling early pace In fact all the fast horses of the older division an eligible as well as the best of the threeyearold brigade It will be interesting to see how close this years winner of the stake will be able to approach the fast time made last year The following are the nominators and the entries to the Delaware Handicap which is for threeyear olds and over with a guaranteed value of 3000 3000K K D Alexanders Escoba br c 4 by Broomstick Christmas Star StarW W E Applegates Jack Hare Jr br c 4 by Marathon Moonet MoonetArmenia Armenia Stables Prospector b g 5 by Mushroom Clef dOr dOrE E R Bradleys Porte Drapeau br c 4 by Sunstar Bright Cherry Batter Cake b f 3 by Buckwheat Macaroon MacaroonB B J Brannons Colonel Livingston b g 3 by Handsel Axis Allah b s 3 by McGec Mirror Mrs R L Brcskrs Jock Scot br h 5 by Ogdcti Frankie FrankieUrookside Urookside S tables King Plaudit br c 3 by Plaudit Wild Thistle ThistleEdward Edward Ccbrians American Ace br c 3 by Von Tromp Roscgal Gifford A Cochrans Fairy Wand ch m 5 by Star Shoot Countess Wanda WandaW W R Coes Stepson ch c 3 by Uncle Katrine KatrineOver I Over There b c 3 by Spearmint Summer Girl GirlLaddie Laddie Boy b c 3 by Spearmint Miss Cobalt CobaltNutcracker Nutcracker br c 4 by Thrush Roman Slave SlaveJ J E Davis Ophelia b f 3 by Senseless Ghent GhentAzalea Azalea A II Diaz Zululand b c 4 by Assagai Lady Doncaster DoncasterFolly Folly Farms Uncle White ch c 3 by Uncle Busy Lass LassRobert Robert L Gerrys Delaware b c 3 by Ormon dale Livonia LivoniaJ J J Hallenbocks Kashmir ch c 4 by Delhi Gingham Salvestra b f 4 by Watervalc Nikita H P Headleys Duke of Savoy ch c 4 by Uncle Lady Savoy SavoyH H H Hewitts Skeptic b h 5 by Sain In ¬ spiration S C Hildreths Lucullite br c 4 by Trap Rock Lacky Lass Regal Lodge br g 4 by Beppo Oriana OrianaWalter Walter M Jeffords Routledge ch c 3 by Tod dington Understudy UnderstudyKentucky Kentucky Stables Minto II b g 5 by Sun dridge Miss Ronald RonaldWillis Willis Sharpe Kilmers Sun Briar b c 4 by Sundridge Sweet Briar Exterminator ch g 4 by McGee Fair Empress Mormon blk c 3 by Ogden Rose of Gold GoldD D Belmont Lesters Grundy ch g 5 by Roque laure Prude PrudeMrs Mrs L A Livingstons Starkader blk c 3 by Loretie My Star StarGeorge George W Lofts Papp ch c 4 by Peter Quince Phcbu G Rodgers b c 3 by Sweep Lardella M Lowensteins Cleek b g 6 by Yankee Gutta Percha PerchaA A K Maeoinbers Star Hawk b h 0 by Suu star Sweet Finch Star Master ch h 5 by Star Shoot The Lady In Blue War Cloud b c 4 by Iolymeliis Dreamy Hand Grenade br c 4 by Sunstar AH Green llollistcr br h 5 by Sunstar Our Lassie Ed Crump ch h 0 by Pclp oDay KvaliiiLLilH rly Loan blk h o by Dick Flnnell Martha Palmer I J Mahors Old Koinlg b h 0 by Golden Maxim Masthead MastheadFrank Frank G Martins Friendless b h 5 by Super ¬ man Luckless LucklessJ J W McClullands The Wanderer b c 3 by Vulcaln Ho p Tree II Eternal brc 3 by Sweep Hazel l iirkt 1 H MiUliiiils Diiytnrln b f 4 by P p oDay Victoria Al Al1dward 1dward H McLeans The Porter b c 4 by bySweep Sweep Jlallet Slrl J Jochares ochares b K t by itroom itroomstlok stlok Lviiyuiiuru lon Jour ch f 3 by Von Tromp Juiinlain Andrew Millers Kuuuvr U gi i by Knight Jir rant Rose Tree II Recount b c 4 by Ballot Censure CensureNevada Nevada Stock Farms Tombolo b c 4 by Grey Leg Bernina Oneek Stables Thunderclap blk g 3 by Vulcain Bandana Elfin Queen blk f 3 by Disguise Sprite r rJ J W Parrishs Midway ch h 5 by Ballot Thirtythird Bulse ch h G by Disguise Nether sole soleW W F Poisons Buford ch h 5 by Ballot Ollie Belle Basil ch h 5 by Voter Mintcake Hemy A Porters Sous Marine b f 4 by Marco vil Momentum High Born Lady b f 3 by The White Knight Lady Echline Pride of India b c 3 by Delhi Dominoes DominoesO O C Raschs Gloomy Gus br h 5 by Ogden Happy Kate KateCommander Commander J K L Ross Motor Cop b c 4 by Uncle Xarco Boniface b c 4 by Transvaal Cerina Cudgel b h 5 by Broomstick Eugenia Burch Billy Kelly br g 3 by Dick Welles Glena War Pennant br c 3 by Jlnr Gaffney Maltha War Marvel ch c 3 by Spanish Prince My Dolly Sir Barton ch c 3 by Star Slioot Lady Sterling SterlingSamuel Samuel Ross Ultimatum ch h 5 by Ultimus Speedmast Crank b g 5 by Celt Crosspatch High Time ch c 3 by Ultimus Noonday Bally mooney ch f 4 by Celt Lady Isabel n John Sanfords Tippity Witchet b g 4 by Broomstick Lady Frivoles Tnscaloosa b f 8 by Chuctanunda Sadaquada Alnhce b f 3 by Sar danapalc Noreen Agnes AgnesJohn John W Schorr Harry Kelly ch h fi by Ul timus Woodlane Jay Bird b c 4 by Peep oDay Red Bird II Morton L Schwartzs Enfilade b f 4 by Rain rod La Rillc Sylvester Stables Reveler b g 4 by Sweeper Lt Ribaude E H Taylor Jrs Col Taylor b e 3 by Plau ¬ dit Looking Glass The Beach Stables Flags ch g 4 by Whisk Broom ll Inaugural Wilfrid Viaus Normandie ch c 3 by Star Shoot Mamie Worth Wcsty Hogan br h fijby Dick Finncll Carrie Jones George Starr br S 4 by Jack AtkinsAfrica AtkinsAfricaF F D Weirs Old Rosebud b g 8 by Uncle Ivory Bells Toto b g3 by Ilippodrome Trip pirig War Machine b c 4 by Uncle Princess Orna OrnaII II P Whitneys Dominant b h G by Delhi Dominoes Vlndcx b c 3 by St Victrix Belle fontaine Headstrong b c 3 by Polymelus Per ¬ verse Bayard b c 3 by Bayardo Miss Hamburg The Ferryman b g 3 by Negofol Paradise II Blue Laddie b g 3 by Cylgad Blue Girl GirlGeorge George D Widcners Lanius ch g 4 by Liau gibby Southern Belle BelleJ J E AVldeners1 Trompe La Mort ch c 4 by Verwood Marsa Naturalist br g 5 by Rabelais Nature Grimalkin ch c 3 by The Manager Star Cat CatR R T Wilsons Corn Tassel br g 5 by Santo Cornfield Straight Forward b h 5 by Star Shoot Frankness Hannibal ch c 3 by Olambala Mexoana Thunderstorm ch e 3 by Olambala Nightfall