Stake Winning Horses of 1919: Third and Last Installment of Thoroughbreds Successful in the Principal Races Run during The, Daily Racing Form, 1919-12-01


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STAKE WINNING HORSES OF 1919 THIRD AND LAST INSTALLMENT OF THOROUGHBREDS SUCCESSFUL IN THE PRINCIPAL RACES RUN DURING THE PRESENT YEAR The third and final installment of the stake winning horses of the year includes Commander J. K. L. Ross crack three-year-old Sir Burton, the leading money winning horse of 1919. Sir Rartou has won 7,750 in stake races, including the Kentucky Derby, Ireakness, AVithers, Belmont, Potomac and Mary-, land Stakes, in addition to the two weiglit-for-age events run at Pimlico during the fall meeting, besides finishing second in the Dwyer Stakes and third in the Havre de trace Stakes and Pimlico Autumn Handicap. Conceded on every side to be a horse of superior qualities, Sir Barton, after meeting witli defeat, came back stronger than ever late in the fall and showed the same brilliant form that made him invincible in the early spring. Another wonderful three-year-old is also found in this list in S. C. Hildreths Purchase, which defeated Sir Rarton iu their only meeting and later fell lame, being forced into retirement early in the fall. Purchase won eight stake events and was only beaten twice in the Rrooklyn Handicap and the Saratoga Cup. Purchase is one of the handsomest horses on the turf and it is sincerely hoped that he will return to the track next year entirely recovered from hismisliap. Other horses in this list that raced brilliantly during the year are The Porter, Star Master and the wonderful steeplechaser, The Brook. The horses and the stakes they won, with other details, follow: Pilg-risn, b. g, 2, by Garr7 Herrmann Zcola, by St, Gatien. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Oakdale Handicap 2 Aqueduct September 25 $ 400 Kemsen Handicap 1 Jamaica October 9 2,075 Autumn Days Handicap 2 Empire City October 23 500 Total $ 3,575 ri Polka Dot, ch. f, 3, by Celt Network, by Eon. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Pimlico Oaks 4 Pimlico May 17 $ 250 Coaching Tub American Oaks 1 Relmont Park June 7 7,700 Alabama Stakes 3 Saratoga August 7 750 Total . .$ 8,790 Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Southampton Handicap 1 Jamaica June 12 $ 3.S50 Stuyvesant Handicap 1 Jamaica June 19 3,850 Rrooklyn Handicap 2 Aqueduct June 23 700 Dwyer Stakes 1 Aqueduct July 10 4,8.10 Empire City Derby 1 Empire City July 19 3,850 Saratoga Handicap 1 Saratoga August 1 5,350 Saranac Handicap 1 Saratoga August 20 2,325 Huron Handicap 1 Saratoga August 20 2,325 Saratoga Cup ; 2 Saratoga August 30 700 Jockey Club Stakes ,. 1 Relmont Park September 13 5,350 Total ?34,150 Queen Apple, ch. m, 6, by King James Lady Appleby, by Meddler. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Martin Rehrman Selling Handicap 1 New Orleans March 1 $ 1,205 Recount, b. c, 4, by Ballot Censure, by Star Euby. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Stonybrook Selling Stakes 2 Aqueduct September 24 $ 350 Fordhani Selling Stakes 1 Empire City October 10 1,525 Total . ..$ 1,875 Regalo, b. f, 3, by Sweep Lady Strathmore, by Strathmore. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Ashland Oaks 1 Lexington April 29 $ 2.000 Rlite Grass Stakes 2 Lexington May 3 3,005 Latonia Derby 3 Latonia June 7 800 Latouiu Handicap . 4 Latonia September 24 170 Louisville Cup Handicap 3 Churchill Downs ...November 1 400 Total $ 0,975 Robin Goodfcllow, ch. g, 5, by Goodrich Lady Allan, by Allan-a-Dale. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Uroadhollow Steeplechase Handicap 1 Relmont Park September 1 ,090 United Hunts Double Event Steeplechase Handicap second part 3 Relmont Park Term August 30 Total $ 1,090 Roi Craig, b. c, 3, by Roi Herodc Candacraig, by Orme. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Highland Selling Stakes 2 Jamaica May 21 $ 300 Holiis Selling Stakes 3 Relmont Park May 2S 200 Ticket of Leave Steeplechase Stakes 2 Laurel October 29 500 Klkridge Steeplechase Stakes 1 Pimlico November 10 2,450 Total 3,450 Romany, blk. c, 2, by Ecouen May Dora, by Isidor. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Canarsie Selling Stakes 3 Aqueduct June 24 $ 200 Woodhaven Selling Stakes 2 Aqueduct June 30 300 Frivolity Stakes 2 Empire City July 14 350 Sprightful Selling Stakes 1 Empire City July 21 1.450 Total ... $ 2,300 Ro7ce Rools, b. g, 4, by Salvation Saintolai, by Sain. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Pimlico Spring Handicap 1 Pimlico....- Mav 7 $ 3.050 Kings County Handicap 1 Jiimaica May 17 4.S50 Howie Handicap i 1 Pimlico Novembers 7.100 Pimlico Cup Handicap 2 Pimlico November 13 1.000 Total 0,050 Sailor, ch. g, 3, by All Gold Boisterous, by Hamburg. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Mangin Handicap 1 New Orleans February 1 ,210 Pimlico Aulumu Handicap t 4 Pimlico November 5 250 Total $ 1,490 Salvestra, b. f, 4, by "Watervale Nikita, by Strathmore. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Ladies Handicap 1 Relmont Park May 31 $ 1,955 Sam Frccdman, b. c, 2, by Pataud Fcmetolc, by Sir Dixon. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Ibishford Manor Stakes 1 Churchill Downs May 14 $ 4,080 Harold Stakes 2 Latonia June 25 700 Total $ D.3S0 Shoal, b. c, 2, by Danger Rock Smirr, by Carnage. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Bouquet Selling Stakes 2 Relmont Park June 3 $ 300 Greenfield Selling Stakes 1 Jamaica June 12 1,450 Hudson Stakes 3 Aqueduct June 23 200 Frivolity Stakes 1 Empire City July 14 1.430 Sprightful Selling Stakes 3 Empire City July 21 150 Total $ 3,550 Simpleton, ch. c, 2, by Luko McLuke Booby, by Voter. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Troy Selling Stakes 2 Saratoga ,. August 25 $ 350 Mincola Selling Stakes 1 Saratoga September 3 1,585 Bainbow Selling Stakes 1 Empire City October 14 1.340 Total $ 3,275 Continued on eighth page. STAKE WINNING HORSES OF 1919 Continued from first ingc. Sir Barton, ch. c, 3," by Star Shoot lady Sterling, by Hanover. sta,kt- , Fin. Track. Date. Value Kentucky Derby 1 Churchill Downs Mav 10 0,823 Preakness Stakes 1 Pjmiieo ..Mav 14 24 500 Withers Stakes 1 Belmont Park MaV 24 8 075 n l"tntc,Sfakes 1 Belmont Park .Time 11 11 950 Dwyer Stakes r 2 Aqueduct July 10 700 MovJiaCiAkeS i;V Pavre de Grace September 13 0.900 iif Stakcsi 3 Huvre de Grace September 27 1000 Maryland Stakes ....... 1 Laurel October 4 7 7X0 Iimlico Autunm Handicap 3 Pimlico ...November f. 500 lmko Fall Serial Stakes No. 2 1 iimlico November 7 300 Iimlico Fall Serial Stakes No. 3 1 Pimlico ...... November IX W.Y.V.Y. 2M0 al .lirjio Skibbereen, br. g, 9, by Hawkswick Trojana, by Galore. Stake. , . , , Fin. Track. Date. Value Meadow P.rook Steeplechase Handicap 3 Belmont Park Mav 31 50 J lilted Hunts Double Event first part 3 Belmont Park TerminalJunY 14 !..... Bayside Selling Steeplechase 2 Aqueduct June 25 1. "50 Lrouk Cup Steeplechase Handicap 1 Belmont Park September 13 ."..."!! 4,850 Tutal , .THo. Slippery Elm, br. g, C, by Bannockburn Schwalbe, by Sain. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. DEsperev Handicap 2 New Orleans ... . January 25 $ 250 Edward W. Magmn Memorial Handicap 1 New Orleans February "0 715 Harford County Handicap 3 Havre de Grace .... September 11 500 ! Toti1 -v-i ............ ......... 1Tm65 Smart Money, ch. g, 5, by Armeath II. Servilia, by Sensation. Stako.v ,. Fin; Track. Date. Value. Carnival Handicap 1 Havana March 2 .$ 1,580 Snapdragon II., b. c, 4, by Fitr Herbert Mistress Fenn, by Hampton. Stake , Fin. Tract, Date. Value. Nassau helling Stakes -. 1 Belmont Park September- 11 $ 1,470 St. Bernard, ch. g, 3, by Ivan the Terrible Beatrice K., by Handsel. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Quickstep Handicap 1 Latonia ...June 14 $ 3 705 Enquirer Handicap ... 2 Latonia June 21 800 TotaI .? 4,505. Star Court, ch. c, 2, by Star Shop.fcr-Courtmaid, by Prince Hoyal. Stake. Fin. . Track. Date. Value Pelham Bay Handicap 1 Empire City October 20 $ 2,275 Star Master, ch. h, 5, by Star. Shoot The lady in Blue, by. Himyar. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value Metropolitan Handicap 3 Belmont Park . . May 22 $ 300 Excelsior Handicap 2 Jamaica June 14 700 Eons; Beach Handicap 3 Jamaica June 21 300 Queens County Handicap 1 Aqueduct June 28 3 8"5 Carter Handicap 2 Aqueduct Julv 4 .. " .400 Merchants and Citizens Handicap 2 Saratoga August 23 500 " Manhattan Handicap .4 2 Belmont Park September 9 400 Aqueduct Handicap 3 Aqueduct . September 20 -50 " " Continental Handicap 1 Jamaica ....October 11 .. "17", est Chester Handicap 2 Empire City October IS "400 Victory Handicap 1 Empire City ....October 25 2.275 Total . Startling:, b. h, 6, by Marta Santa; Country Fraud, by Deceiver. Stake. . Fin. Track. Date. Value Newtown Selling Stakes 3 Jamaica Mav 19 . S "00 Myrtle Selling Stakes 1 Aqueduct Julv 11 1 775 Arrow Selling Stakes 2 Empire City July 22 !!! 350 ?otttl .$ 2,325 Stockwell, ch. c, 3, by Ballot Janice, by Midlothian. . Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value Twin City Handicap 1 Latonia October 4 $ 5 000 l.atouia Championship Stakes 3 Latonia October- 11 looo Louisville Cup Handicap 2 Churchill Downs November l.""!!!!!."" 800 Total .;;-.. v. .- .-.-.vr.-.- . ............ i .-, i .. -.v. .8 7,400 Stonewood, b. g, 7, by Wadsworth Tricauce, by Sorcerer. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value New York Steeplechase 3 Belmont Park May 22 .. "" $ lr6 Meadow Brook Steeplechase Handicap 1 Belmont Park..;.- May 31 . "" 1685 Cm ml National Steeplechase Handicap 1 Belmont Park June 5 150 Corinthian Steeplechase Handicap 3 Belmont Park September 8 "l50 Brook Cup Steeplechase Handciap 2 Belmont Park . September 13 700 Bushwick Steeplechase Handicap 1 Aqueduct .September 20 .!",!!" 1,455 Total , - .v. .$ 6,290 Subalxdar, ,br. , g, 4, by Delhi Runaway Girl, by Domino. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value Penn Selling Stakes 2 Havre de Grace April 23 $ "00 Chester Selling Stakes 1 Havre de Grace April 30 S8S Tot:l1 .$ 1,088 Sun Briar, b. c, 4, by Suhdridge Sweet Briar, by Poulet. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Aalue Mount Vernon Handicap 3 Empire City Julv 17 s "06 Dataware Handicap 2 Saratoga Augusts TOO ChamplHia Handicap 1 Saratoga Augusta 0 67r laurel Stakes . 3 Laurel October 25 "750 Total .$ 4,125 Syosset, br. g, 9, by Migraine Sister Stella, by Sir Dixon. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Valne Bayside Selling Steeplechase 1 Aqueduct -Tune 25 . 330 Chevy Chase Steeplechase Handicap 4 Laurel October 18 250 Total . 1$ 1.5S0 Talisman, b. f, 2. by Colin Pocketpiece, by Hanover. .Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value Debutante Stakes 1 Churchill Downs May 12 . $ T 0C0 Juvenile Selling Stakes . . 3 Churchill Downs May 21 !.!!!!".. l50 T,,.tnl , .$ 5.150 Tetley, b. c, 3, by Ormondale Tea Enough, by Ogden. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value Cuba-American Handicap 3 Havana January 5 $ 106 Oriental Park Handicap . 1 Havana January 19 1 760 Carnival Handicap 3 Havana March 2 lOO Melrose Selling .Stakes 2 Empire City Julv 28 T0 Mohawk Selling Stakes 3 Saratoga August 18 150 Huron Handicap 2 Saratoga .. August 6 " " 400 Jerome Handicap 3 Belmc.nt Park September " "00 Nassau Selling Stakes 2 Belmont Park September 11 350 Gleucove Selling Stakes 3 Aquodrct September 19 150 ttowanus Selling Stakes 3 Jamaica September 30 150 Total ,...$ 3,710 The Brook, br. g, 6, by Troutbeck Hattie, by Kendal. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value International Steeplechase Handicap 1 Belmont Park May 26 $ 1 310 United Hunts Double Event Steeplechase Handi- cap first part 1 Belmont Park Terminal. .June 14 1,750 Great United Hunts Steeplechase 3 Belmont Park Terminal. June 21 . "50 iV1."1!1 StM,ll-!las 1 Aqueduct June 28 1,790 Shillelali Steeplechase Handicap 2 Saratoga August 1 250 Total .$ 5,350 The Decision, b. g, 6, by King- James Verdict, by Tyrant. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Amateur Cup Handicap 1 Belmont Park June 7 $ 570 The Lost Bird, ch. m, 5, by Oiseau Destitute, by Inverness. t:,ko,- . F1,n- ... TraFk- Hate. Value. i- Kings Plate 1 Blue Bonnets ....September 1 $ 550 The Porter, b. c, 4, by Sweep Ballet Girl, by St. Leonards. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. .Kentucky Handicap 4 Churchill Downs May 24 $ 100 Inaugural Handicap 2 Latonia June 4 70! Quickstep Handicap 3 Latonia June 14 250 Unrfonl County Handicap 1 Havre de Grace . : September 11 3, 650 liavr.- de Grace Handicap 4 Grace September 27 500 laurel Stakes 1 Laurel October 25 6,000 Iimlico Fall Serial Stakes No. 2 2 Iimlico November 7 500 Total .2,000 Thelma E., ch. f, 2, by Harrigan Lady Maxim, by St. Maxim. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Beldame Handicap 1 Aqueduct September 22 $ 2,350 Thistledon, br. c, 3, by Olambala Madchen, by Knight of the Thistle. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Seneca Selling Stakes . 3 Saratoga August It $ 150 Mohawk Selling Stakes 2 Saratoga . August 18 350 Amsterdam Selling Stake 1 Saratoga..... August .28 1.950 Total . 2,450 Thunderclap, blk. g, 3, by Vulcain Bandana, by Star Shoot. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Southampton Handicap 3 Jamaica. June 12 $ 300 Travers Stakes 3 Saratoga. August 16 1,000 Jerome Handicap 1 Belmont Park September 2 2,575 Itoslyn Handicap 1 Aqueduct ......September 23 2.750 Maryland Handicap 4 Laurel October 4 500 Annapolis Handicap 1 Laurel October 11 5,800 Total i-ii.... .2,823 Ticklish, b. c, 3, by King- Jameo Tickle, by Filigrane. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Wilmington Handicap i.... 3 Havre de Grace April 21 $ 100 Fleetwing Handicap 1 Empire City.... July 30 2,323 Total .$ 2,425 Tippity Witchet, b. g, 4, by Broomstick Lady Frivoles, by St. Simon. Stake. FJn. Track. Date. Value. Rainbow Handicap 1 Jamaica June 17 $ 2,325 Toujours, b. f, 2, by Eyebrow Estimate, by Sir Dixon. 1l?kcL.. Fiu- , Traek- Dat;- Value. Uoscdalc Stakes l Jamaica June 14 $ 2,325 Trompe La Mort, eh. c, 4, by Verwood Marsa, by Adam. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value. Brookdale Handicap 1 Aqueduct July 5 $ 3,000 Trumpator, ch. g-, 6, by Garry Herrmann Ambrosia, by Hanover. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value Green Spring alley Steeplechase Handicap 3 Pimlico May 10 $ .-hi Crickmore Steeplechase; Handicap 3 Pimlico May 16 . . no Great United Hunts Steeplechase 1 Belmont Park Terminal. .June 21 !.!"!!.! 2.125 Total .77 Ultima Thule, b. c, 4, by Ultimus Rubia Granda, by Greenan. . stake- . Fin. Track. Date. Value. Belgrade Selling Stakes 1 Jamaica October 6 $ 1430 Kingsbridge Highweight Handicap ..; 3 Empire City October 15 200 Total .$ 1.IB0 Under Fire, b. c, 3, by Swynford Startling, by Laveno. Stake.- Fin. Track. Date. Value. Byning Handicap 1 New Orleans January 4 $ 1 315 1 Mangin Handicap 2 New Orleans February 1 "50 Blue Grass. Stakes ,.. 2 Lexington Mav 3 350 Kentucky Derby 3 Churchill Downs Mav 10 1 000 Twin City Handicap . 2 Latonia October 4 800 Total .$ 3,715 Upset, ch. c, 2, by Whisk Broom II. Pankhurst, by Voter. , Sakt- . Fin- Track. Date. Value. Juvenile Stakes 3 Belmont Park.. May 30 $ 500 United States Hotel Stakes 2 Saratoga .August 2 l,r,0 Sanford Memorial Stakes 1 Saratoga August 13 3 9"5 Grand Union Hotel Stakes 2 Saratoga August 23 . 1500 Champagne Stakes 2 Belmont Park September 0 V.00 Total . .$"923 Vexatious, b. f, 3, by Peter Pan Contrary, by Hamburg:. v,StakCo . Fin- Track. - Date. Value. Alabama a, Stakes 1 Saratoga August 7 $ 7,205 Lawrence Realization Stakes 1 Belmont Park September 6 20.540 Total .7,805 Vindex, b. c, 3, by St. Victrix Bellefontaine, by Watercress. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value Susquehanna Handicap 1 Havre de Grace April 26 $ 1,359 War Cloud, b. c, 4, by Polymelus Dreamy, by Saraband. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value Saratoga Handicap , 3 Saratoga August 1 S 506 Belmont Park Autumn Handicap 1 Belmont Park September 1 3 100 Bayview Handicap 1 Aqueduct September 15 .."."."..... 2925 UJJ I I :. I I Total 3 War God, b. g, 4, by Uncle Tehera, by Nasturtium. . S.tak?i ,. Fin- Track. . Date. Value. t Latonia Handicap . 1 Latonia September 21 $ 0,010 War Spirit, br. g, 3, by Vulcain Thirty-third, by Sir Dixon. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value C.lenccive Selling Stakes 1 Aqueduct September 19 S 1,440 Latonia Championship Stakes 4 Latonia October 11 .nso TotaI , .$ 1,800 War Zone, b. g, 3, by Dorando Boco, by Matchmaker. Stake. Fin. Traek. Date. Value Harlem Selling Stakes 2 Belmont Park June 11 S 300 Tarrytown Selling Stakes 1 Empire City Julv 15 1450 Melrose Selling Stakes 1 Kmpire City July 28 1,450 Total .71 Warlock, br. g, 8, by Bryn Mawr Ruth Parrish, by Top Gallant. Stake. Fin. Track. .Date. Value Green Spring Valley Steeplechase Handicap 1 Pimlico May 10 .. S 4 TiO Crickmore Steeplechase Handicap 1 Pimlico May 16 Vim Chevy Chase Steeplechase Handicap 3 Laurel , , October 18 . 500 Manly Memorial Steeplechase Handicap 4 Pimlico November 4 !!!!!!!!!! 500 Total $ 6,050 Wedding- Cake, blk. f, Z, by Bock View Latona, by Sain. Stake. Fin. Traek. Date. Value. Splnaway Stakes 2 Saratoga August 16 $ 1.0U0 Tomboy Handicap 1 Belmont Park September 1 1,805 Total - . .$ 2.S05 Wise Man, ch. h, 6, by Giganteum Magnetic, by Armeath II. 1 Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value New Years Handicap 1 Havana January 1 $ I "o6 Moro Castle Handicap 2 Havana January 26 .. "50 Havana Handicap 1 Havana March 16 . I.ogo Total .$ 3,110 Wyoming, ch. c, 4, by Bryn Mawr Star of. the West, by Montana. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value Catskill Selling Stakes 1 Saratoga August 14 $ 1,956 Younocd, b. c, 3, by Ogden Tho Nurse, by Yankee. Stake. Fin. Track. Date. Value Olympic Selling Stakes 3 Jamaica June 18 $ "06 Union Selling Stakes 1 Aqueduct June 26 1 450 Rockaway Selling Stakes 2 Aqueduct July 2 300 Tarrytown Selling Stakes 2 Empire City July 15 " 350 Glencove Selling Stakes 2 Aqueduct September 19 1 440 Bedford Selling Stakes 2 Empire City October 22 350 Total ,090

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