untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1919-12-10


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DandIrYBCING WORM, Daily During Winter Months. Daily Excopt Monday, Balance o the Year.. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 -PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. Entered as seconrt-class matter, April 2 1800. ut the post-office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1873. . New: York City Office, 1482 Broadway ROOM 804. . .Geheral Representative, ED COLE, All dealers supplied from this of flee. Back numbers and monthly books supplied. For sale nt all hotels and news-stands. 1 1 - ; i SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. Per Week $ 1.00 Tor Month. -. ..00 Half Year. .... . . . . . :....:. . i. . 15.00 One Year 30.00 The above rates are for single copies as scaled Ictters-ftfirst-claKH mail., BACK NUMBERS TEX CUXTS EACH. If sent by mail first-class only twelve cents. Dairy TTacing "Form rublishiiigGo. prefers "to send iiigle copies as f irst-chiss mail in - all cases. Local subscriptions outside tlie down-town district will be declined, at other than first-class mail matter rates. , . A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by - i . Telegraph., . .. Editor and Proprietor. F. II. Brunell. Associate Editor, Clinton C. Riley. Secretary, Mrs. F. II. ;DruneIli TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON. For business attd circulation purposes only. This telephone lias no" connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot be used "to communicate -with them. " , I i " i - ; To be. considered and answered, all queries to Daily Racing Form must be sent over the full name and Tvithj the address of, writer. The names and ad- dresses are- subject to a. local and foreign directory test. ST. LOUIS, .MOrOFFICE,. rONTIAG BLDG., 7TH AND, MARKET STREETS. "Win. Laser, General Agent. . BeU . Phone. . Olive 4655, Back numbers and monthly books , supplied. CINCINNATI, ,0.. OFFICE, 720 MAIN ST. Ileverin News Company, General Agent, successors to W. S; Manns. Telephone Canal. 1877-i Back "numbers and monthly books supplied. DETROIT, MICH., OFFICE, S3 CONGRESS ST. West, Corner Wayne Street. L. Grosscup. General Agent. Telephones Main 3252; City 3252. Back, numbers and monthly books supplied. LOUISVILLE.. KY., OFFICE. 222 W. GREEN ST. Heverin News Company, General Agent. . . . - ..Telephone City 2077. . Back numbers, monthly books, Annuals and Manuals supplied. - -SAN FRANCISCO1. OAtl. Johnson News Company, 71 Turk Street" Back numbers can be obtained. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, DECEMBER 10, 1019.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919121001/drf1919121001_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1919121001_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800