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THURSDAY GALLOPS AT NEW ORLEANS TU7T XEW ORLEAXS. La.. December 25. Training gallops at the local courses here this morning included the following: At Jefferson Park. Weather clear; track fast 144 Antoinette, three-quarters in 1:21. 143 Arrowhead Inn, three-eighths in 37. 137 Airdrie. five-eighths lu 1:02. 142 Accelerate, five-eighths in 1:02. 83 American Ace, half mile in 52. 145 Assume, fire-eighths in 1:03. 144 Bar One, half mile in 53. 144 Bagpipe, fire-eighths in 1:02. 134 Blue Star, three-eighths in 39VS. 133 Bajazet. three-quarters in 1:19. 143 Challenger, three-ciuhths in 37. 144 Cracow, mile in 1:50. 144 Dorothy J., three-quarters in 1:18. .139 Durward Roberts, mile in 1:44. 145 Duchess Lace, three-eighths in 3S. 144 Dorcas, three-quarters in 1:18. 140- -Dandy Dude, three-eighths in 40. 133 Duke John, three-quarters in 1:20. 144 Discussion, half mile in 4S. 138 Early Sight, three-quarters in 1:23. 144 Fifi II.. half mile in 48. 103 Flying Frog, half mile in 49. 135 Frank Mattox, five-eighths in 1:05. 145 Gleipncr. mile in 1:55. 133 Gordon Roberts, three-eighths in 41. 144 Glasstoi, fire-eighths in 1:0-1 Mi- 137 Grey Eagle. . half mile in 52. 145 Hadrian, half mile in 48f.. 144 Huron II., half mile in 53. 141 Jim Hastings, three-quarters in 1:15. 144 Kultur. three-quarters in 1:19. 140 Kentucky Roy, five-eighths in 1:05. 144 Louis A., five-eighths in 1:00. 138 Lady lone, half mile in 52. 128 Mar Tom, mile in 1:50. 143 Magikon. five-eighths in 1:01. 133 My Grade, three-eighths in 43. 140 Xeppcrhan, mile in 1:50. 145 Ornery, half mile in 51. 144 On Higii, three-eighths in 37. 144 Ormonda, mile in 1:43. 144 Plurenzl, three-eighths in 39. 118 Phantom Fair, three-quarters in 1:22. 145 Quick Fire, five-eighths in 1:09. 145 Ratmauanuock III., five-eighths in 1:13. 12S Rib. half mile in 51. 144 Retta 1!., three-quarters in 1:10. 131 Ruth Harrigan, fire-eighths in 1:00. 145 Speedster, half mile in 53. 145 She Deril, five-eishths in 1:07. 143 Sweeping Glance, three-quarters in 1:18. 130 Sayonarra. half mile in 52. 145 Spokane Queen, half niile in 49. 144 Sandy Mac.- fire-eighths in 1:04. 143 St. Germain, three-eighths in 30. 144 Tailor Maid; mile in 1:46. 144 Thursday Xighter, mile and an eighth in 2:02. 144 Thrills, half mile in 53. 131 Tommy waac, three-quarters in 1:18. 144 Ulster Queen, three-quarters in 1:10. 145 Vausylvia, half mile in 51. W. F. Knebelkamp, three-eighths iu 37. 144 War Club, fire-eighths in 1:03. 144 Warlike, seven-eighths iii 1:35. 143 Ynphank. five-eighths-in 1:04. 143 Young Adam, mile in 1:45. At the Pair Grounds. 144 Apple Jack, half mile in 52. 144 Bronco Billy, half mile in 50. 140 rBarenka. three-quarters in 1:19." 140 Barrys Pet, half mile in 51. 144 Baby Lynch, mile in 1:47. Catherine K., three-eighths in 39. 136--Cobalt Lass., five-eighths in 1:08. 141 Cormoran. three-quarters in 1:14. 140 Drummond. mile and an eighth in 1:58. 145 Damask, three-quarters iu 1:15. Filmore, mile in 1:50. 145 Fleer, half mile in 4S. 145 Flying Witch, three-quarters in 1:17. 144 Gain de Cause, mile in 1:50. 140 Gourmand, half mile in 52. 145 Hong Kong, half mile in 50. 145 Huutermaun. three-eighths in 39. 144 Harry Burgoyne, three-eighths in 38. 145 Irish Kiss, mile in 1:47. 140 Inquiry, three-quarters In 1:19. Josephine K., ihree-eighths in 39. 144 Jorice, three-quarters in 1:15. 145 J. P. House, half mile in 51. 144-1 im Dudley, three-eighths in 37. 141 Jim Heffering. mile in 1:45. 144 Legotal. three-quarters in 1:15. 144 Le Bleuet. mile in 1:4S. 141 Lady Longfellow, seren -eighths in 1:33. 144 Liberty Star, five-eighths in 1:05. 144 Larigden, three-quarters in l:li. 144 Lucius, three-quarters in 1:23. . . . 140 Lorena Moss, half mile in 52. 139 Mahony, half niile in 49. 145 Marchesa II., half mile in 49. 143 Xellie Witwer. three-eighths in 36. 144 Ninety Simplex, three-quarters in 1:20. 142 Producer, half mile in 50. 145 Poultney. three-quarters in 1:18. 145 Quito, mile in 1:50. 144 Repeater, three-quarters in 1:20. 145 RacOnteuse. three-quarters in 1:20. 145 Rainbow Girl, half mile in 52. 14" Rapid Traveler, three-quarters in 1:14. 145 Rookery, half mile in 52. 13C Sweet Apple, five-eighths in 1:00. 144 Simpleton, three-quarters in 1:15. 140 Sir Grafton, mile in 1:45. 142 Stickling, mils in 1:48. 145 Servitor, three-quarters in 1:17. 14" Sway, three-eighths in 37. 138 Surpassing, mile iu 1:47. 142 Unomcal. half mile in 51.