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ORMONDE BEST0FALL ENGLISH HORSES Some [e« rears ago a number of prominent Kng-lish racing nun were Baked to give their opinion of what tiny considered tie- lit-t kHW they had ■ v. r eeea. Out of seventy -seven pinion- expressed. Ormonde, with twclit.l -eight rates, headed the list, followed b St. Simon with nine: Gl-idiatcui-, six; Pcr-sinnnou. Bayard... Bpriagfteld and Virago, three each: 1-ingln-- and Spcariuint. two each. Ormonde ..blamed the ote- ef Lord Derby, Lord llewe. IaiviI olrertoa, Ix rd Southamplon. Mr. ;. II. Veriall. Captain Faber. Sir Thomas Gullauav. Mr. F. Alexander, Mr. P. 1. lv.M - Mr. W. !. Itnhlliaan; Mr. T. Coulthwaite. Mr. S. 1!. Joel. .Mr. Tom Cannon. Mr. I . Waugh. Mi. 1. Co-en-. Mr. II. Melh-h. Mr. W Walters, Mr. T. Sherwo..,l. Mr. s.nn Puling. -Mr. Jouepb Cannon, Mr II. Brain.-. Mr. B. C. Mitchell. Mr. c. Wood, Mr. B. F. With ington. Mr. I". Cannon. Jr.. Mr. A. da Neuter, the Dnke of Westminster. Mr. J. 1.. Joel and Mr. J. dm . Mr. W. Walter-, the Newmarket trainer, -aid: "The beat bene ! here ever Been was Omaeade, beeaaaa be wa- much better than Minting, arldcb era* better than It.-ndigo, arhicb era* a lot better than Carlton. Vet the latter won ten race*, finish. ing with the Jlaacbeeter Handicap, carrying 13s pound*. " Mr. .! . B. Joi-i nald: "The beat barae I have ever Meg was Ormonde. I think his performance- at Ascot in 1SS7 arere nallv BMrvekMK, for undoubtedly at that time be wa- a rearer, and to will the Rqaa Meanrtal Btakea, gmug Kilwnriln, th.- future st. beget wiun-r. 25 peaada and an easy beatiag, and on tb* nexi day to beat Minting and Bendigo hi tin- Hardwick.- Stake* were eotainly areaderfal iwrformauceti.