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TO INCREASE VALUE OF FUTURITY NEW YORK. N. Y.. January 10.— The West-Chester Racing Association has announced that it would run the Futurity of lilJS according to Unoriginal conditions of the race, which called for 0,000 iii added money and a first subscription of 5. Since the passage of the Agnew-Hart law the -take has had only So. 000 in added money and each first subscription cost . The change will be made by the board of directors, of which Augu-t Belmont i- chairman, because of the phenomenal entry received for the 19J2 running of the race. Never before were the nominations for the historic even I -o large. They reached the record figure of l.Lll."i If the -take wa- decided thi- year under the original conditions it would have a gross value exceeding the i cord of :1.07.. of 1S90. when the late August Belmonts, Potomac was returned the winner. For tha; raie there were only 91." nominations. The change undoubtedly will be received with ioy by horsemen all over the country. For more than •i year they have been complaining about the guaranteed stakes and lack of added money. Some of thane -ecu la-t night declared it was a goad liegin-ning and were confident all the purses as well an lie- stake- would In- made more valuable. o