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OLD BRINGHURST STILL ABLE TO WIN NKW ORLKANS. La.. .lanuaiy 10. The recent victory of Rringhnr-i brought back to the local racegoer- memories of the year when he was the premier sprinter here, upon which occasion !•/• was owned by Loui- Timber, trainer for John W. Schorr. In those day- Rringhiii -t picked up an impo-t of 130 pounds and ran three -quarters of a mile in 1:12, or even better, and nothing was. thought of it. With increasing age his ability waned, however, and now he is leaning with Belling platers. Though 1, in- years old he still -eem- to have a few winning race- eft in him. and he showed his usual high early -peed when he wa- returned victor here. Ibis now owned by II . R. Pa tt-rson. who was his aii taker when George V . Barnes had him. A