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URGE KILLING ALASKAN BROWN BEARS WASHINGTON, D. «., January 16— Thomas BiggS .lr Governor of Alaska, is expected bl here thi- week, one object of his visit being to urge the Fnited State- government to take off all protection from Alaskan brown bear- of the COaal ivi;:..n. These browa bear- constttate a little group of uni.|ue animal-, the largest carnivorous land animal- in the world. They occupy ■ narrow range along the const of Alaska and the adjacent Islands, and they have a considerable north and south extension; but because they live along the COBSl and because at certain seaasna of the year they resort to the salmon streams to feed on the salmon, they an- eaaily destroyed by people who know how to hunt them . . These beats are now protected south of latitude-02 degrees bv regulations i-sued by the Department of Agriculture under a law of Congress issued in 1903. Former Coagri -sman W. E. Humphrey, who drew tin- bill, went to Ala-ka and thoroughly la-vestigated the bear qneetiea. The intent of the law he drew waa to have tin- term ••brown" cover all the bears of Alaska except black bears. A certain proportion of tb" population of Alaska believes ileal lhe-c Ileal- should be killed and their -kin- exported; that their protection keep- out of the country money which might be had if their Indiscriminate killing were allowed.