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. MANY ENGLISH HORSES FOR BRAZIL LONDON. England. January 8. tine of the most important shipments of blood-ioc k and pedigree cat lie ever se-nt to Itiazil has just left UTerpoet per -team-hip Nile, a large new steamer of tin- I nmport and Holt Line. The at animal- were all BOaght and shipped by ihe British Blaodoaeek Ageacy, which took all available apace oa Ihe stc-ann-r. The thoroughbred- included Theadara, by Dareyra -Mtaaata, which co-t 3,888 at the Deeeaahat -ale-; T. L.. by Captivation -Maiy Theresa, which cost a like -urn boob after the -ah-, and al-o the colt by Cock-a llcM.p Sucrose, which w.i- -eoonil to Slurbowe ai Itirniinghani. Then- were other colts by lister King. Bleaeaky, Beeraaaa, llarajax, Booefatad, and fillies by Lonvoi-. Simon Square-. Carry ta, Fee* Bap, Ampelion. Captivation. Florist. Kings Proctor and De-man. Brazilian owners have Ixiiight and exported nearly eighty English mares and young horse- during 1010.