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MADDEN SALE POSTPONED UNTIL TODAY Wintry Weather Delays Auction of Hamburg Place Mares and Yearlings — Latest Blue Grass Gossip. LF.XINtiTON. Ky.. January 22. — Inder weight of ice- the sale tc at at Hamburg Place went down this morning, aeceea Mating the aaBtpaaaaaeajt of the auction of John K. Maddens thoroughbred maii-and yearling- until noon tomorrow. This unquestionably was the worse- day of the winter. The -leel of yesterday continued through the night, c-au--ing prostration of numerous wires and the breaking of tree limbs into roads, rendered slushy by a ■teady iaatBaaaar of rain until early afternoon. The forecast, however, is for fair and wanner weather tomorrow. The -ale of Kingston Stud Farm will be held at If oclock, and will be followed by the Madden sale at noon. On account of the inclement weather it was not |io— ible t load Cabal and the mares and weanlings In-longing to Kdward B. Meljean. and an effort will be- made to get them away to Virginia tomorrow. .lame- P. Kos-, as-istant manager of the Havre ch Grace track, arrived today from Maryland. "Kverything is in great condition a I Havre de Grace," said he. "Trainer Charles H. Hughes is there with a big ili lag of tara-year-eaia beleagiag to .lame- W. MeClelland and they are quite promising." William Wallace, trainer of a division of James McClellands -table-, ail lied from Iyiuisville this morning. "My hor-es all are doing famou-ly." he said. R. I. William- wa- another who came over from Louisville, nut when he found that the sale was pestpeaed In- weal back. "I have I went- four lior-e-there that need my attention." -aid he. "However. I may come back for the sale tomorrow, thouirh I am not in the market for anylhing. I have too ni.inv now and want ta -ill my mares and year-Bags."