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BOOKMAKING UNDER ENGLISH LAW °e all live ii, times when lawyers are regarded P mosl a- pariah-, and yet it is useful to know a little law. Thus 1 am -un- Lord Lonsdale iii an interview reported the other day, weald not hive advocated the llceasiag of bookmakers had he realized that thi- would annul all the good effects of I ! mums Kemptaa Pail-: ease and would bring u-beek to the disastrous sitaathm which threatened ti make absolutely an end of racing under the deci-•i"li in the Dunn case, from which tjie ingenuity of Mr. Stutfield. resulting in the Kemptaa Park deci rioa, alone snved as. A -ingle licensed bookmaker appearing in an ini lo-uie and proo ling to transact business would render everyone in that inclosure bibb- iii arrest. The whole point of the Kemptoo Park deci-ioii. which was ratified finally by the House of I.,, r.l-. i- that people in a race course p. closure are lice to bet with one another, just a-they are nay where else, hat ao etfe ma have a pecial b.tling "near" of the place without bringing iii whole Inclosure under the art. Now i feel un that l/ird Lonsdale mast be well aware of the wi adorn of the old adage. "i.ei sleeping dogs He." I and that he would not saggfst an attempt ;., rai-e the belling i|iii-tioii in parliament. Put without legislative authority it is .piite out of the i|iiestion , I li think of licensed bookmakers. — W. Allison in Sportsmau.