Fair Grounds Entries and Past Performances for Friday, January 30, Daily Racing Form, 1920-01-30


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Fair Grounds Entries and Past Performances for Friday, January 30. WEATHER WET. TRACK HEAVY. I ■ o The figure! under the heading; "Reo." in the I entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1917, no matter where it finished. In casei where record was I made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. o o Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00. ® Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. :: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. • Apprentice allowance. First Race — 3-8 Mile. 2 year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Track record: .I.ui. 7, l!»l»i 35.-.— 2 -115. Todays Ind. Horse. Vvt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 45573 *Aunt Deda 113 :3li it! X 725 45553s Abatraz US :3 ! 115x720 J".til7- Tutt 114 :3.S.-, 107.. 715 45107 Tenite 112 :35V, 114x710 455.X7 Frank Moody 110 :3!»-,h 110.. 705 Coombs, b. e, by Raaayaaeae — Dorothy S 110 •Hazel W., Ch. f, by F.verett — Lukeramus 99 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 9, 191H— 1 :11 V 0 110.1 45479 Rappahannock III.. 115 l:17%h 4 115x725 4.".5ti;- •Trieaaphaal 112 1:13V.-. 4 no.. 720 45554 Columlua Tenn ...110 1:14.-. 4 115.. 715 43999* lim Dudley 105 1:14% 4 115.. 715 44825 *l.e Balafre 4 1194:710 3SU77 *Charming 102 1:11% 5 107X710 45400 Nanette Flack 101 ..1:15m 5 110*795 44545 •Mitchell Mav 100 1:16 4 110.. 705 S8911 Hrooklatul 5 115. .700 45212 Dr. Crigler 5 115. .794 45524 •Harry Rudder 110 1:17% 4 119. .799 4513S •Riddle 109 1:10% I .17..700 Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched: 45479 Brewa Bee 100 1:17% 4 105.. 705 4SW8* •Huron II 105 1:10% 4 114x715 45588 •Adrianne R 103 1:18%b 4 105. .795 45555 *I Am Firs; 1011:20-:,h 3 95.710 Third Race — 3-4 Mile. 4-year-ohl- and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 9, 1918—1:11% — 0 — 110. 45889 *Hadrian 109 1:19% 4 110X725 45589 •Bttahe 198 1:13 5 110x720 I5..s!t Kedland MS 1:12% 8 1130715 45500 Geaeral 102 1:13 10 m®7i5 45479- •Beaatelle 198 1:13% 4 103*713 45401 •Madras Cingham ..UN 1:18% 4 104X715 44030n The I.elgian II. ..110 1:10% 4 122*710 450OS Alex ietz 112 1:13% 7 1OO071O 45178 Sa.vonaira 112 1:13.-. 7 191X193 451L-0 Lady Mar.ithoiilM 1101 1 :17 4 09..7O0 4557S Comaeho 115 1:10s 0 101® 700 l.v.ss •Prephecy M 198 l:18%h 4 89. .799 Also eligible to atari iii order named should auy of |he above he scratched: 45489 PoaMacy 117 1:13-. 4 117X710 45120 •Korfhage 148 1:12% 9 101x70 » 45.5X9 Kultur 110 1:13-. 0 100x715 45559 Raul Connelly 198 1:14% 5 111x715 Fourtli Race — 1 Mile. Dolly Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Track record: .Ian. 11, 1910 1:37-. 5 KM!. ■45521 Midge F 10-J1:3s. 1113X750 45591 Eulogy 100 1 :3!»--. 7 101 X 745 45522 Doitie Yindiv.r ... 9s 1:88 4 198X745 15412 Cobalt I-is- 101 1:89% 5 193X749 455111 Antoinette 107 1:41.. 4 144X748 45550- My Dear 198 1:42% 3 9SX740 l."570 Tailor Maid 88 1:98% 4 101x735 43989* Alula 103 1:45%m 3 M*7SS Fifth Race — 1 Mile. 3 -year-olds. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 11. 1914 1:87%— 5— 199. 13558 BOBBY ALLEN .. 198X128 1 155711 •■olden Dawn 70715 45575 »Fle..r 97 1 :47%m 95/715 45494 •Dolph 112 1:42% !»2y7i5 45093 Lonely 101x710 45494 •Warlike 115 1:42% 111705 15575s Heavy Weapon ... .105 1:4S% 98.. 796 45288 *Swirl 100X705 45555 .Mm Hastings 118 1:42% 110X700 4."49l Iindar M 90 1:4.-, its. Ton Sixth Race-.-l 1-8 Miles. 4-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track recerd: Mar. 14. 1908—1:51%— 3-122. 451 85 rienty 100 1 :50 .-, 5 1 0S X 725 45013 *Iit 100 1:53-. 7 103x720 45559 Boeabasl 112 1:48% 5 112x715 45592 *Capt. Hodge 105 1:52% 5 107X710 4557*n *K1 Rey KM! 1:53 0 102X705 45577 *Rookery 103 1 :5l% 5 ps . . 700 Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 3-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 13. 1415— 1:44%— 3— 194. 45579 •PUeea US 1:48% 8 111x123 43558 *Sempcr Stalwart ..102 1:48% 7 100X720 43519* Prune a 113 1:48% 5 1 1 3 X 71 5 45579" *Rlue Thistle 114 1:49% 11 100X715 4557s •Keziah 198 1:48 7 101x710 45403 Alexander 107 1:48 8 198x103 4558S *Bahy Girl 4 84X193 45559 Napoleon 119 1:47 0 111X705 [5430 •Battle Mountain ...92 1:59% 3 871.193 45578 Caballo lol 1:47.-. 4 119X198 45013 *Suipa— ing 194 1:47% 9 194X199 43850 Starter ioji:48 oni®7oo 45148 Yodeles 1111:47-. 8 111x740 45488 *lluviada 102 1:49-. 4 9t..70:» Also eligible to start in order named should any of the ahata be scratched: 1557s Flapper 100 1:47--. 5 100x710 4555! Al Pierce 111 1 :48% 7 111 ®7 5 4557! «Mavor Jalvin 119 1:47 n 4 100X715 45593 •.luanita III 104 1:39% 5 101 715

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1920013001/drf1920013001_3_3
Local Identifier: drf1920013001_3_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800