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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO, 111.. January SI.— Iadletaaeata agaiast thirtj aerea meaaben of the I. v. w.. Including "Big Hill" Ilavwoo.i. were retaraed aecretly thi-morniag before chief Jastlce Crewe in the 1 it. litHl.lN. Ireland, Jaanary :.i Many sin-i c.-in leaders were arrested in 1 bin roundup early today. .-■■Mi! of the newly elected members of Ihe ntuniciiml nuiicll weir aaaoag those arrested. The militarj alone earried oat ihe raid. VIENNA, Hungary, January 2fi Delayed. I i--petrhea from Ituruaresl state thai the bolsfceriki ere waitiaa at the frontier to offer peace teraaa to Hoi mania, ir the term- an- refused, Ihe advices say, the soviet troops will adTaace. I.KHN. Switserland, Jaaaary II. The swi-- gor-ernment baa addressed a note to Ihe leagae of aa-iin- asking that the qaestiea of Swiss neutraliij be the firsi dealt with .• t the meet las of the coaaell of the leagae ia London Pebrwary 22. sr. LOUIS, Mo., Jaaaary SI. An order was issued lure today by the board of health dosing all pehlic and |ni it • schools m a ■■ nnt . f the epidemic • ■1 inflnensa. Tl rder swill l;.i Into rffeei at noon Monday. The order does not affeel colleges 1 universities . WASHINGTON. D. C. Jaaaary SI. The • ■ id A" waste of white paper by gorenunent departm m-came In for aapthet attack today In the Semite. Speeches on the peace treaty made up a book con tainlng more than 7.900.000 words, while separate articles relating to the treat] were almost beyond compilation, -aid Senator Saaoot. WASHINGTON, I, c. Jaaaary St. Approximately atii warships, Including sixteen dreadnaaghts, thirteen predreadnaughts, eight armored cruisers ami seventeen I iiili t cmisers. .ill be the peace -t law strength of the American n-. afl t next July I. the baase naval imittee waa told today bj Hear Admiral Taylor, chief of Ihe bureau-of construction and repair. IAHIs. Kranre. .l.inuai;. :il Gorges Gaatoa Qaien, nic waa »eateaeed I.1-1 September to die for the betrayal at Balth Cavell i. the Germans aad whose case was appealed bj !,i- eoaasel, was yesterdaj seatenced to tweat.1 j ai imprixnaraent for Intelligence with the enemy. The charge of hit betrayal of .Mi-- Cavell was given op at hi-lecoad trial. JASMIN., PON, D. C. .T.,lllu,.y SL-The army reorgoalaatlon bill with its compulsorv milita.V l.a.n.n provision reported by |hc Senate military ;•;:■"»"";■ .„%* °$ "ill cost „,, taxpayers aVira an a bill,,,,, dollars annually, bwt will result la "", "•"■sm "l" m:"1" «M a minority report riled tejM» Seaata today by Senator McKellar Den. I-AIUS I,;,,,,,-. JaSBMry «._ lu.lmlcl in the "M " •■ -" : »- whose sane r by the Berlin government will be .lem.i ,v ,,„. ,|lit.s „„. gj™ -•■ aris -;,ys. will be former Crown irinc Bap. .", " ""f-rta. rield Mar-hal Duke AlbreCt o Wuertteaahera, field Marshal roa Klmk. riehl Marshal von Baeiaw, field Marshal Markensen ;»»» von der lancken. former civil governor "f mussels, Admiral ron Capelle. former minister of "■rtae, and Meld Marshal I.iman von Randers. who Ike lurkish armies dariag the war.