Gloamings Australian Winning Way, Daily Racing Form, 1920-02-12


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GLOAMINGS AUSTRALIAN WINNING WAY Gloaming, i. ■ Australian middle distance champion, keeps up hi- winiiieg ways. At l.i- first appearance after a re-: G loam ing wen at Kydaej Ros hill, and wa- second to poitrel at Raadwick, Since then he ha- won live races in succession. Hi- record up to Jaaaarj 1 in Australia ami New Zealand wa* eighteen win- ami 5,490. Gloaming s.eiu- unbeatable under reasonable weight at all I distances from a hall mile to one and oBC half I mile-, ami always -how amaahtg hit- of .-peed: | quarters in 22 a mi-, halve- in -17 and mill around 1. :;-••. The gelding, by The Welkin Light, coal hi- owner. G. I. Greenwood. ,150 aa a drtlug, and has earned all hi- gtor in two years. Gloamiag may l. lo England with his owner, who i- aosa to leave New Zealand foe tan old country, as lie is but. four yeara old.

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Local Identifier: drf1920021201_1_11
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