Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1920-02-12


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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Friday. February C. 1920.— Twelfth day. Lower California Jockey Crab. Whiter Meeting of loo dayi i r more. Steward*, L. .1. Boae, L. Wlapi .1. W. Coffroth. stiiier. Harry llorriaaey. Baciac Secretary, W. linn. Baciag atarta at J:tio p. m. CUcasa tiaae IM. -xuuxv 481 fi First Race— 5-8 Mile. Jan. 8. 191G— aja _ §T. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S30C: .econd. 5; third, 5. Eqnir. odd*, le.l. Heree. wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight IS781*Col. Boyle 111 _ B Low.- 130 l 8 4S776*Satala !SS 1 Connelly B6S 18Q 4S757sMiss Parnell M ::- C Dogsan » V 45735 Doveridse l»4 4» B tart.-r I820-WC 45585 Bore! 113 :. T Hueil 5420-160 457 7 7 Squaak "i P H C.uy 5S2P-164 157 ;c, Jake ArgWBt 113 7 .1 Davis 1S10-100 IS7P8 Korin I V B Pass **** R| 4577»» Har. Mason 11". I .1 Morys S200-KW su niiitiieL paid. Col. Boyle, 811.08 rtralght, 84.86 place, SL.t.i *!iow; Satala. sI.sd place. 82.88 *liow; Mi** Parnell. si, lo abow. Time. £5. 49V5. 1:02. Track fast. Winner G. Addisons br. ". I. by Yorkshire Lad Annie W.ll*. by The Commoner trained by D. Scanlea: bred by Mr. Cha*. B. WUkiaaaa. Went to po*t at 1:32. At po*t 4 minute*. Start I od and slow. Won driving; second and third the same . Overweight* Doverldge, S pounds: .lake Argeat, 5: Satala. 5; Korin. 1"; S.piash, 2; Miss Parnell. 1. 4.81 7 Second R.-.ce— 5-8 Mile. Jan. 8, 1916— too-Li 5925_3_97. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 5: third, 5. K.piiv. Odd*. Del. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. J5G70 Ringleader 111 1*1 P Martinez le-im 45757 Muriels Pet !»• 2* D Connelly 820-10* 45778 Aline B. 11 ::- C Oroaa :;jii-l K 48788 Ioeman 113 41 C H Miller PW1-1C0 457 08 Sapernal 164 ■"•- R Low.- 4620-100 45755 Valli V. Ill I I B Pool 1020-100 15735 HV.s 1 Win W 7 I Q Yearin 10430-108 45714 W. C. DoorytPJ I C IfcCorkle 1016 166 82 mutueis paid. Blagleader, .86 atraight, .S4.no place, sl . in si„,u: liariela Pet, 88.86 place. s.3.oo show; Aline P... .•:.°..ll show. Time. 25. 49 H . 1:02, Track fast. ■Winner r . liiuelarf* ch. v, 4. by Harrigaa— Beatrice Boale, by Pop oDay trained by I. Kin hail: bred by Sir. P.en.ianiiii A. .Ione*l. Went to part at 2:21. At po*i 6 miuate*. Start ...1 mil Blew, Waa eaaily; second and third driv- bag • Overweielit* Supernal. 4 pounds; W. C. Dooly. 3: Foeinan. 1. KOiq Third Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, •±0 0 10 1916—1 :05V5_3— 118. Purse 00." 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 5; third, 5. Equiv. Odds. lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 4 57 31-11. Harriean as V C DoSSaa 160-M6 457 15 Lewis B. IM 2* B Lowe 130-Ht 4575S*Bea Payne 114 J* C H -Miller 9S0-169 687441 Col. Kk hrsolOa -il C Cross 3520 100 45751 Guardsman 109 W; .1 Roberts 20126-100 457 7 8 Red Alan 114 •;- D Connelly 7SD-100 45734 "HumsUy 117 1* S Brady 3620-100 487M Boerne v-r. s K Gay E2fl-166 82 atatoeb paid, Bath Harriean. 85.36 atraisht 83.80 place .S2.»i0 show: Lewis I... 82.88 place. 82.40 *h..w: Ben Payne: 82i88 abaw. Ti.e. 25. 493i, 1:02. l:08-/5. Tiack fast. Winner— Tarn OShanter Stable* b. f. 8, by Harriean Tyree. by Broomstiek itrained by II. Tul-lett: bred bv Mr. lten.ianiin A. .lone*. Went to part at 2:31. Off at once. Start goad and alow. Won driving; second and third the *.une. Overweight* -Col. Boekiii!rhor*e. 2 pound*. dR1Q Fourth Race — 1 Mile. June 17. 1916 — •±UOXU 1:38_3_95. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 70: second. 0; third, 0. Eiptiv. Odds. IM Ilor-e Wt. Fill. Joekey. Straight. 46678 Bron. Billy 111 1; D Connelly sO-UlO 48746 Kreedora M6 2" Ferry !3j W8 4577!Leta Ml ::s C Dussan 1!K-100 45»!I8 Quartette Itt 4s -I Fnuh ::nro-100 4572P After Nlsht 166 •".■ R Lowe ITS 160 4575! Ideal 101 i .1 .Morys 1130-160 s-J mutucl* phid, Broil, o liillv. 63.66 atrdigbt. 82.00 place, -2Q abow; Freedom. 83.68 place, 82.88 *iiou : Li la. 82.66 *how. Time. 2410. 49%. 1:15, 1:41. Track fast. Winner — G. B. Phillip* ch. h. 6. by Handsel — Lva Bice, by Masetto Itrained by ir. B. Fhillips: bred by Mr. T. B. Jaaee,. W ut to po*t at 3:22. At part 1 minute Btart Cood and *h... Won .li iv inu ; Iftoad and ihird the *arae . Overweight*— Ideal, 1 pound: After Night. 2. KOOfi Fifth Race— 1 Mile. June 17. 1916— •±0 0 4J 1:38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 5; third, 5. F.piiv. Odds. Tie Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 45802 1slv Mom gill L P Martinez 4a0 100 457201Yennak Wt --1 .1 Prach 100-lOfl 457 7 7 Onwa 110 ". C Cross 470 UK 487 79 * Louise Mackrai 4» C Dussan 360-160 43802 Gordon 113 •"■ S Brady 1746-100 45778 ch. Bolters Pis i, - D Connelly 5620-160 45751 L. Josephine 163 7 C McCorkle 4626-166 82 iniiuei* paid. Fro*ty Moraing, Sll.oo atraight. 84-00 place, 82.88 abaw; Yermak. 88J26 place. 82.26 ■ no.v: Gawa. 82.08 show. Tir.u. 2430. 49. 1:15%, 1:42. Track fast. Winner — C. It. Irwins ca. g, C , by Stalwart— L.nnpover. by Lamplighter itrained by C. IL- Irwin: bred by M: . It. H. Andaman. Weat M post at 3:50. At poal 1 minute, start ".mm! and *low. Wan easily; second and third driv- iag Overweitht* — Christie Holters. 3 pounds; Lady Josephine, l. /IKOOI Sixth Race— 5-8 Mile. Jan. 8. 1916— tOOX 592._3_97. purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 5; third. . Baair. o.l.l*. Ti„|. Hor-e. Wt. Fin. Jockey. BtraJSht. 487 IP Kins Dick 118 1 B Pinnegar 89-160 »57 7 Crtapie 113 -■ P Martinez 1411100 457 18 Keillo. 118 I* K Pool 250-100 4577fiMiss Brush 113 V It Carter 4820-160 1575! Choir Masterll", ., .1 Davis 920-MO 3941 1 -Iatsv Mack US 6*1 B Lowe .740-160 :iil«7 Debutey 115 7 K Pegs 10626-100 82 annuel* paid. Kiag Di.k. 88.28 atraight, 82.80 place. S2.20 show; Cri*pic. |4.46 place. 82.80 show : Beilloc. 82.26 show. Time, 24i, 4825, IM%. Track fast. Winner L H. Tryaala br. h. ti. bv B4ck Pinnell Mi** Peggy, hy Bax trained by L. H. Tryoii: bred by Mr. Walter Showallerl. Went to poal at 1:17. Al paat 2 ininute*. Start good and alow. Won ea*il : seend and third driv oi . Overwiht* Choir Ma*ter. 2 pound-.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1920021201/drf1920021201_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1920021201_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800