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JOCKEY DONOGHUES RIDING SKILL I..-1 year wa- the -ivili la aacceaaloa Btephea Donoghae beaded the li-t ot Jockeys in Eaglaad. hi- respective totals beiag: l»14. I2.i; liti: . 02: linn, tt; 1M7, 42: IflS, S3; Wit, I2». When lloaoghae won hi- !-■» raeea tn ltd I be had BtW noaata, agaiasl ".12 la-i year, when he recorded 1 abailar aaaaber of arias. From thJa it wooid -•I-:,, thai be i- baptorlag arlth .i». and experience . Referring to l ghats aeejaeace of aaccesses the followtog appeared in ■ rereal Issue of the London Spoit-iuan: "There areata a possibility, If urn a probability, of Doaoghw equaling the feat of Pred Archer, who waa la froal of all in- rival- for thirteen rona r atlrr year* froas 1S7I t.. 1881 m claslve aad "ii!. aiisoed thai position in the fourteenth i 1 roapte of pom;- Thai remarkable ami daring aorseaaaa held a place in tin- esthaation of the geaeral racing pabtir »ach a- none ether baa ever filled, am! thousands of backers la hi- era had • ■nix to know tliat Arch I wa- up on a hor-e to letenatar then- atleghiaee to It. Doaaghae baa al- im.t a- .•nthu-ia-lie and Kteoag a following in these day-, anil, a- In- eoiitinne- to 1 -cape the bqghear af increaslat areigbl ia quite a remarkable waj ii: t t . . 1 . . v% i 1 1 - 1- not leading to dimiaish. He wa- 1,.- ...: .ill.- to -.. to I be -1. ih- on "a 1 -nai al as luw a- 10] pound-."