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GREATER MONETARY VALUES , i i Empire City Stake Races to Be Worth More This Year. Increase Over 1919 Amounts to 3,500 — Geldings Barred From Empire City Derby. i ! I I | II NEW YORK. N. Y . !* »— IJ 13.— The Empire | i 1 1 Baelag Association iii the Brraagrm rnt of its | stake program for 1 1» - summer Bteetiag .it the Ynn-Itera course, which will be held this year from Wednesday, .lul.v 13 to Saturday. .Inly 31. has followed the lend of other New York racing organism -tions .iiid increased the mine of all it- oM fixtures ; besides adding i"* new feature in the Mt. Kisco ] stakes cif a guaranteed value of ,500, Altogether a . total of 1920.sh1,500 in guaranteed money is announced for ] sixteen stake rare*, which is 5.500 more thaa in ; 1010, when riftoea stakes of :i guaranteed value of ; s|s.ikmi hciv inn. In :ill tlio more hnpsftBBt create Hio increase .-1111011111- to SI.ikmi ttdk while in the others there i- aa hat nan of s.ixt each. Tho gala in endowment is shown in the following man- 1 paratire tahle of ralaea of lltl.t and M90: 1010. nso. Empire City lVrby ,000,000 Empire City Handicap 5,000 •: " » Whirl Stakes -"..MIO C.tKKI Baal View Stakes o.HM» r.. MHI Yonkers Handicap 5,000 4.IMKI .Mt. V. 111011 Handicap MM «.0O0 llonioi-olle Slakes 3.IMM 4.IXIO Fleetwiag Handicap /i.lKHl 13100 Knh kerb,,, ker Handicap 5.000 :t.r»Hi Wakefield Handicap MM 5.500 Mt. Kisco Slakes 2.600 Milm-e Slakes MOO 2.500 Arrow Slakes 1MMMI MOO Tarivtown Stake- -.MIO 2,500 I ri olity Slakes 2.000 L..".MI Kprightful Slake- i;. mm» 2, 500 Total sis.imki $ u.r.Mi Six -takes are provided for 1 wo-year-olds. three for three year-old- and seven for throe -your-olds and over. The tidal guaranteed value of the juvenile ..vents amounts to 4,900, for the three-rent old- ,000 and for the older divi-ion 5,000. The Whirl and Bast View Slakes of,000 ■■** are the principal two year-old fixtures, the Empire city Derby of is the big laroc-year-old feature anil the Empire City Handieap of,000 the hoadliner for the seasoned campaigners. Ccldiiijis an- aarred from aarttetpattoa in the Derby, the ion ditions calling for entire eolts and fillies. The following i- a list of the -take-, their values, distances and divi-ions: For Three-year-olds and Over. Empire City Handicap, one mile and an eighth; guaranteed value,000 Vonkers Handicap, oae" mile and a sixteenth: guaranteed value 4.H 0 Mi. i n:on Haadicap, om- mile; guaranteed value 4.IMK Flootwing Handicap, atoiit three-quarters of a mile: guaranteed value 5,500 Ml. Kisco Stake-, one mile and -evenly uiils: guaranteed value 2,500 Mclro-e Stakes Selling 1. one mil.- and a -ix- iceiiih: guaranteed value II.Tpim Arrow stake- hell lag, abool three-quarters of a mile; guaranteed value 2. alio For Three-year-olds. Umpire City Derby, one mile and an eighth; guaranteed value,001 Knickerbocker Handicap, one mile and a sixteenth: guaranteed value MOO I .11 r l.w 11 Stake- Helling, one inilc; "iiaran- leed value 2,500 For Two-year-olds. Whirl Stakes, five and one-half failoan. cuaiaiileed value,000 i:.i-i 1. u stake-, about three-qaarten of a mile: Koaraateed value 5,000 I -moi-elle Stak- Pillies. five and one hall liiilone.-: "itaianlecd value 4.IHMI Wakeri.-M Handicap, five and oae half fur- loli"-: eiiaianlced value :t.."ilKI rrivolilv Slake- Helliagi, five and cue half farloagn; guaranteed value U.alKI S|iriffhtfnl stake, getliac, aboat three qaar- tcr- of a inilc; yuaranlecd value 2,500