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ANSWERS TO QUERIES M. M .. st Loads, Mo. Have na record of any horse named Cokocbo. o. 1. M.. acianatl, O. A race includes everything that occurs in it. from it- -tart :• the final iiffit-ial pliM-iaa by the judg.-. la rac 15785, after the di-.|ii iiiiicaiii.u ut s«c l liberty, the final Ida iux «.i- ArrwwlM-ad m-t. Mioot.- i. 1a -.-..ii.l. . i lag it. b ihirU and Su. el Lihi rtj last. Il i..ll.e.s ih.-u a wag.-r horse against hoi--. Sweet Libert again-: Flying VVitrii, would ml - Muu hi the backi uf Fly tug Witch.