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"STRIKE" AT NEW ORLEANS Horsemen Ask ,000 Daily Purse Distribution at Jefferson Park. ; «. Pledge Themselves Not to Race at ; Shrewsbury Course Unless Demands Are Met. » — XF.W ORLEANS. La., MRHQ 1*1— T ark rlouds loam on th« racing huciaaa heir in connection with tin- catalog Jefferson Park meeting, .is ;1 result of a meeting held t«y sonic three or four hundred horsemen in tin- paddock :it tkc Fair Graaada yesterday, at which a strike vote was taken, ami all -ave two who participated la it pledged themselves not to liter or rare a horse at tlie Shrovvsbury traek unless the total daily parae distribution i lacreaaed from s-l.soo to *" ,ouo. Clyde Freeman and .f. Mcpherson wen- tin- two buargeata. This action was not taken in tlie name of the Thoroughbred Horse Association, bat tlie owners were aetiaa ladeaeadeatly. Their leaden *tale«L however, main members of the ThMaafklN-ei Borse s~ociation were active at the strike meeting, ami .lames Arthur, who is prominently identified with the organization, presided as chairman. Utc- discussing " merits of their demands far some little time a decision to take n strike vote immediately and avoid farther argument «U arrived at. and the announcement of this was greeted with cheers hy the horsemen. "You gentlemen know what you are nhout to do." slid Arthur, •■uid every man who expresses his willingness to refuse to enter his horses at Jef- ronton Park is expected as a man to live up to an pledge. Those who are in favor ol not ra cing it Jerferson Park unless our demand of V-OOO •l div is granted will please step to tlie light side uf the paddock. Those who intend to race there under pies.!,: conditions please step to the other sirte " Instantly there was a raah to the -strike side" and when the excitement -lied away I-reman ind Mcllnrson were Tti«- only taro who openly gave , ridence thai they will cuter and race at Jeffer-on Park. , , . U this juncture Maae GoWtdatt took a hand in the proceedings, am! in a brief speech made the annuuncement that all of the owners will he taken rare .f financially while the strike is on. and that those who desire to ship away will he sent to anv point that they desire. "NO man will leave lore GoldMatt. "and none ol owing any hills." said you need wi.rtv over financial a I fairs. He was backed up in this statement key chairman Arthur. J. W. SCHORR OFFERS PLAN. MM W Bekarr presented ■ plan that the bone-men tinder G. 1 . Bryaa. .Ir.. general manager of the ■ Jefferson Park track, make aa offer of K2.000 per • •lav for the plant for the twenty five days that the • meeting is scheduled to run. they to conduct it themselves. • •We will agree to give away ,000 daily in purse mom v " said Schorr. " and employ the same officials as have been engaged hy Mi. Bryaa, In short. WC can run the meeting .just the same as if he was l| the head of it. ami tlie lacing ass,, alien thereby can he aaaared of a 130.000 profit. 1 feel sure thai are an easily raise this amount and thai our • venture will "• a success all around, if Mr. Bryaa decides to accept it." Those most active in the strike meeting, and who i favored the "no entry" movement, were James ; rihur Mos, GoMMatt, Joha W. Schorr s. A. , h.ptoii .1 1. PhiUlpa, Will Woodard. John C. . 1 erriss. K. A. Smith. G. II. Keetie. Pat Knehel-kamp Pat Dunne and a number of others owning ; Ike beat horses here. This makes the situat.on all the more serious in .hat the leading awaeta Bad I trainers ar - among the strikers .... U 1 Bryan Jr. said after the meeting that In • is iloing sleag witli his plans for tl peeing at t Jefferaoa Park the same as erer, and be does not t inconvenience, even though the - expect any great "I will put on l horsemen live ,„, to their pledge. the races for them and they can run or retuse. was his eommeut. "1 have always tried to act fair with i ll,e horsemen, ale! still want to. but giriag them l tlie increase that they demand is out of the question i right now. We conducted our first two meetings at Jefferaoa Park at a loss, but we iiV.t took ani thins away from the horse me a, even when arc were losing moii. v. Then we bad a reasonable amount 1 of success with a ten days meeting last winter " and ill the fall we »..t an excellent weather break j and had a profitable me. ting. The horsemen treated Us liberally at tie- last meeting, ami to show our r appreciation 1 voluntarily increased the pur-e distribution 00 daily. •This broach! the total to SI.. "no each day. and I announced that thin fi.ure would stand for the coining meeting. 1 bare an agreement signed by T. C. McDowell. B. K. Pradhy. T. 1. Hayes and .1 i: Keapeaa at Latoaia last autumn, these gentle men representing the Thoroughbred Horse Ass. , i atiou to the effect thai -sH.sihi daily would be sat isfu. ton to the members of thai organization, and now aloaa comes some m called "iadepeadeat beree-nietr who would violate that agreement. Many ..f the independents are members of the Thoroughbred : Horse Association. They say thai they did not 1 know that tlie asieemeiit was for both Jefferson 1 Park meetings, but onlv for the first one. !t reads rery plainly tor winter racing, and the caaaiag meeting is certainly winter racing;. . "They ate unfair not only in their demand, but in other respects. I know that James Arthur re-eehred a telegram from i:. it. Bradley, on.- of the J ■igaera of the am i meat in which the latter told I . him that to strike for ae re purs.- m y would be out of older in riew of the fad -hat the .locum. -lit t providing for s:;.sOO per day still holds good, and I puis.s had already been increased to ,900, But be . • would not p »t it where the other boraeatea eoatd I nee it. As far as I am concerned the matter is , • tided. Tli.y inn take the i:tmi I am offering, or leave it." A charge was made by Maae Goklbiatl thai Bryaa 1 ohtaineii the signatures to the agreement by mis representation, and that upon four different occa sums dining the December meeting at Jefferaoa i - Continued on second page. "STRIKE" AT NEW ORLEANS. • entinuerl from first page. the pome money fell shafl of ft, BOO, lb- -aid thai i. ii Keene, acting as spokeaasaa lor a committee which . i-iii in Interview Bryan, accused Pry an i falsely nbtaiaing the sigaatnres to the paper, an " Ihal I he hitler. lid n-l ihii. it. Bryan said that any J sin h a.iii-atn.ii i- unfair, iiiilriic and unliiiiiided. I. lie I! in upon several ica-h n- races failed d i«i mi .n Jefferson, and an Inferior trade of h..i-- •s were given I ■-- n to run for, bat the difference II ,a- added t« other races la which a beltei class ■ s i. thoroughbred* participated.