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FINE ARRAY OF ENTRIES « Aqueduct Stakes Nominations Large and of Good Quality. * Commander Ross Names Many of His Stars — Whitney and Hil-dreth Well Represented. ♦ NEW YORK. N. Y.. February 18.— The AfM*M t -takes, which closed mi Monday last, tare fill l exceedingly well, compui iiig favorably with all the other HHtm tracks whoso stakes have closed. Lw-r.v stable if prominence is represented, and liy • very good horse in them. The Brooklyn Handicap tilled well, among llie entries being I goodly nuni-her of three -year -olds and horses that are coming link to the race- after sickness, sneh as llohoy I.aker. Sunny Slope. Old Koenig and Eternal. Naturally. Samuel C. llildreth is a heavy nominator in the many races, having eleven horses named, including lurehase. Lucullite. Mad Hatter. Thunderclap. Ilominiiiue. Corn Tassel and Valor. Mis thr year-old Krewer is a No prominent in some of the raees. Commander Ross has made the largest number of entries, being represented by nineteen different horses, including Sir l..irtoii. War Pennant, Roni-f:H-e. King Thrush. Royal Jester, which has not yet faeed the barrier: Milkmaid. Constancy, Foreground and others ,,f more or less note. II. 1*. Whitney will come with a rare good band of hois.-, especially in the three -year old division, including John I. Offer, Wildaii. lp et. the liorse that bent Man • War the only lime lie was bejiteir. Damask. Leviathan. Af lernoon. Cobweb-, Panoply and five other of lesser Bate, having thirteen nominations in all. Among the other prominent owners represented in the list are A. K. Macomber with six. K. IV Wilson with six. Willis Sharpe Kilmer with six, tjeorge W. I»ft with four, including his exceptionally fine prospict. Donnacona: Rnl Parr has named five, including Blazes and Paul Jones: Monforr Jones also has five named, including Itrookholt. his high priced Mil that he purchaseil from John K. Madden: W. U. CM has named ten of his stable in the -overal evenis. including Natural Hridge. Daid llarum. Shoot On, Cinderella and Cleopatra. The entries may not ;ill be in. according to secretary Kehberger. owing to the inclement weather and the lateness of the trains from the west and Mirth. Among the t vvo-yoar-old nominator- are John K. Madden. A. II. Morris. J. W. McClelland. II. IV Whitney. Commander J. K. 1.. Koss :i n.l ino-t all the noted breeders and prominent owners.