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KENTUCKYS ANTI-BETTING MEASURE Public Hearing to Be Held Next Tuesday on Simms Bill Against Pari-Mutuel Wagering. LEXINGTON, Ky.. February 21.- Senator New-ion Bright, chairman of the committee on agriculture, today definitely fixed the hearing on the II. II. Simms bill again-t pari-mutuel betting for ktexl Taeadaj evening in the senate chamber ar Praakfert. a delegation of the breeders, owner-ami trainer- i nun the Pine Glta legion will be in. - nt to voice their protest again-t the measure, which, -lnaild it be placed upon the statute- of the -late, would cause immedia tely a great depreciation in the raise of thoroughbred and standard-bled horses, and within comparatively short time result in the abandonment of the light hur-e breeding in. iu-tiy. which the United Stale- government. through the activities of the remount branch of the war department . i- endeavoring to foster, to the end I ha I I he country may replenish the already depleted horse stocks. A bulletin .ju-l issued by the remount a— nidation deals with tiie difficulty the purchasing board i-having in -.curing 4.088 riding h arses for the 4 nit. .1 Stat.- army, and -how- conclu-ively that if racing i- noi fostered tie- army will have trouble securing the proper mount-. I p to February 0 the |Hir insing board, which began buying in October, had secured only 3,888 of the required 4,888 horses, ami the bulletin recites that "the remount service i- finding ;i Increasingly difficult to obtain riding heme* of suitable class for the army." And further along says: "Everything must be done to encourage the market on riding animal-. "For a number ..I rears draft animal- have generally brought higher price- than riding animal-, but in the ne. ar future mi- will he reversed and the riding animal is t" be saved frosr extinction." Another feature of the rase, continues the bulletin, "is tin- fanner inu-t he brought to nnderstaad that it roots do more to raise a good animal than an Inferior on.-, lb- should, therefore, gel good mares and the services of the best stallions." In a nutshell, the farmer will not be able to get ... 1 mare- and the services of the best stallion-UUlesa then- i- racing, and it ha- been proved definitely thai racing cannot be maintained without betting at the rnce courses. There i- no reveane ,,, ti„. race track companies from betting away from I he la. ill-.-, and likewi-e no revenue to breeders or saraee* i race homes from that source .