Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1920-02-22


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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Sunday. February 15. 1920 — Twentii th day. Lower California Jockey Club. Winter .Meeting of loo days or more. HH. wards, I. I. Baae, U Wait. I. W. Oadbath. si.ni.i-. Harry Horriaaey. IUm ing Secretary, W. W. Finn. Baring starti at 2: « i . at. Chleaga time. 4: M . 1 4piQQ9 First Race— 5-8 Mile. Jan. 8. 191G— 100 17 a paa; a ffl. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 5300; :ccond. 5: third, 5. Baaiv. Odds. lad Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. Kill Saiala 111 l I Connelly 710-100 l.".«." l-l;.n Payne 113 V 1! Tulb-tt 830-MI ATyllTt Ogden Girl lol 31 R Ryan fUt-14d ISStS Modist,- Ml 4?. B Smith 010-100 15 750-Arietta HM B* C Duggan f 14111 Sage II n "■• I C MoCorfcle 1020-100 -15!»l!-C.ol.l Flush 113 ■■ V .Martin./. 250-100 lapaaun i"i V J Ma.ie.stu- 1324t-M8 Iddlt Review MB : s .1 Fnuli + 45« t8 Stirrui s K IS* v Maaden -158!»H Lottie Lee 181 11 B Burns 10540-MO v.Mutuel fi.1,1. 82 amtaels paid. Katala, si LSB itraight, 88.40 plaee. SI. 10 tbaw; Ben Payne. S5.20 place. 88.88 show: Ogdea «.iri. field, S2.tii show. Time. 25. 50?-,. 1:0335. Track good. Winner l. Pittiags br. at, Id, by The Major— ■ Baavita, by St. 1a arda trained by G. Boyd; bred by Mr. K. Henderson t. Went t.. post at 1 :52. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights Sage Ben, 5 aaaads; Modiste, 4; Ogdea ISirl. 8; Bevlew, 5; Stirrups, 8. /KQOQ Second Race— 1 Mile. June 17, 1916 — •xuuutJ 1:3g — 3_95_ , purSe 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 5: third, 5. E.juiv. Odds. lad. Hone. Wl Ha. Jockey. Straight. 42*18 .M. Josephine Ml l" C Daggan 3Or»-lO0 45Bdd*Plsntagenel M8 -■ .1 Roberta 3T2O-100 49881 Dick Horn KB . Veargin 756VM0 ■l." !»5» Audi- v K. ill 4- I Martlaea 250-100 4MX8 .1. C. Caatrill 113 5 Connelly SS0-M8 IdBSd Marg*rite " 111 t C Gross I M8 ■l."»!5!» Muriels Pet MS 7-; C McCorkle M40 160 -1.5!»l8-l.it. Prim .s- li I It Ryan MS-MS «3 aiutnels paid. Mary laaeahine, 882.49 straight, 817.S8 place. 88.20 show: Plaatageaet, 88.88 place. 88.48 -lion: Di.k Horn, fl.j.80 sl„,w. Time. 25. 50. l:16/5. 1:4A«4- Track good. Winner j. .1. QaiahiBs h. f. !. by Transvaal— Rareasanna. by Tvaay trained by .1. J. Qalnlaa; I. red bj Mr. s. K. Kiebots. Weai to aosl at 2:M». .i post 2 minutes, start good and flow. Wli easily; necoad and third driving. A- •XxJUO-x Q Q 4. Third Race — 1 Mile. June 17. 191G— 1:38_3_95 , p„rse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 5: third. S 35. Bqulv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Kin. lackey. Straight. 15983 i...t.i tn 1; u Loa-e 588-Ml •15! j:; I .inster ! !• - » DagKan IMS-MS 43953 Thirteen 11 S«* C McCorkle 32S-1SB 45988 Patsy Mai . 113 1 | R Ryan 19M 1 B 459S9 Little Abe 113 .1 McBrid v i.mi 13982 l"i Morns M I 1 Roberta lllO-KM S2 amtaels paid, L-ta. 818.00 Ktraigbt, 85 80 pi::,.- 84 M abaw; Ueiaster, 88.28 place, 85.20 show : Thulern. KS.4M h"» Time. 25. 50 r,. 1:16. 1:44. Track good. Winner T. B. Baters eh. at, ■•. bj Meetiek Meadow, by I hi trained by T. B. Waters; bred bj Mr. Wade B, MrLemore. eni t.. post si 2:82. off il aace start g 1 and glow. Won driving; Ieeoad and third the ■asae. 4KQOC Fomth Race— 5-8 Mile. Jan. 8. 1916 — •XOVVU 19% , I — 97. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00. s,ccond, 5: third, 5. Kiiuiv. Odds. Hal Hat SB- Wt. Kin. Jockey. Straight. I5C79 Little Jake Hi 1 .1 McBride -■ IM . |59l9Ivanmls1 MS - C McXorkl 636-lMi 15989 .Miss I.ruKh 113 R Carter IS2S-10S 18954 Little SpWerVS I1 P .Martin, z 520-100 l5dSdDi viand 115 B«l J Praeh I42S-100 15918 Jake Argeal 1.3 • D «onn«lly 33fi0 Ion |.5.50 ; Itluck Win, lit 7 R Ijowe K5»-M» 1 P aiataels paid Utile Jake. 83.811 Klr:iight, s::. in place, 82.98 show. Iraaasist, si 98 place, 88.99 show; Miss Brash, S3.10 show. I I 1 I I Time. 24*5. 494i. l:03y3. Track good. Winner U. P. bevels eh. g, 19, by Kratach Stella Perkins, by Prophecy 1 trained by J. J. Bharkey; bred by Mr. L. T. Lee. Went to Ppsi at 2:89. Off at aace. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. 4 5QQfi " Fifth Race— 1 Mile .-nd 70 Yards. Feb. 1. 1920—1:43—0—122. Sangallo Handicap. Pur«e 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Net value to winner 50: second, 50: third, 0. Kijuiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Pin. Jockey. Straight. 15887 Jake Schaa MS l» P -Martines HOMOli 4SM7Brnco BillyM4 2s! R Ryan ESS MS 4S7SSBreese 135 3 : D Connelly 4S-10S tS7SSxClara MartinrU 1 v. Pool 170-100 82 amtaels paid, .lake Bebas, 825.20 straight. 88.49 place; Bronco Hilly. 88,49 place; no .show IIHltllels -old Tim-. 24. 48V 1:1*%, 1:42%, 1:47%. Track good. Winner . It. Irwins li. -. :,. by Norf..nl Lima !... by Pen Stroine trained by C. B. Irwin: bred by Mr. A. Neal. Went to post at 3:1S. Off at once. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. Overweights— Jake Brans. 3 pounds. 415007 Sixth Race— 1-2 Mile. May 12. 1916— ** 47%— 2— 123 . Whirlwind Handicap. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 70; second. 0: third. 0. Eijuiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Straight. I I 107 Ht.lus lis 11 B Turk ISS-MD 48924 King Dick 110 3* R Ryan 18S-KW •1.-.71H Lad] Mack MS :;- C .McCorkle M8D-1S6 45585 Phrone WardlSE I. R Lowe C340-MS 15879 Billle B. 110 1*1 H TaUett 69 1SS Vlrgie 111 8" M Woods laOSS-KiS 45288 Hats Off 107 7 D Conaelly 338-190 48545 B. I.ucilh- M7 I P .Martinez f ■ Mnln.-l fi. 1.1. s2 ntataels paid, Ltdas, 85.99 straight, 82.88 place. 82.89 show: King Dick. 88.98 ptace, .S2.i;ii ■haa : Lady Mack, field, 82.88 show. Time. 24V5. 48%. Track good. Winner R. r. Richs br. g, 7. by Boaate Joe Effie M.. by Bowling Green trained by A. Smith: bred by Mr. C. P.. Campbell. Weni to post at :;aa. At i ost 7 minates. Start goad and -low. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights- Hals Off, 8 pounds; P.illie I:.. 1. 4qQQ ■xuvuv Seventh Race_5-8 Mile. Jan. 8. 1916— 59%— 3— 97. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 5: third, 5. Eipiiv. Odds. lad Horse. Wt. Fill. Jockey. Straight. I5KKK Curlicue 11" 1- M Woods 110-100 48841Cy .Merrick US V I McBride 3S*-1SS 45955 tol Boyle MB 3* R Low- 2830-100 45921Mex 101 i- .1 Roberts 173S-M0 45992 -Ringleader 184 t* C Daggmn 139S-1SS I5!»M-Crisjie 113 8" P Martines 1348-MS 88282 Viva 113 7 B Pool .0 10S 82 aiatnels paid. CarUene. 84*29 straight. 83.20 place, 88.99 show; y Merrick, 88.09 place. 83.00 -how: CoL Boyle. 98.99 show. Time. 24%. 49. 1:02%. Track fast. Winner W. E. W Is h. g, it. by Handsel - Eva Kiie. by Masotto trained by W. B. Wood: 1. red bj Mr. T. B. Jones. Went to post al 4:15. At post 7 minutes. Stall ood and -low. Won easily; second and third driving. Ori rweight* CoL Boyle, 1 paaad. AFJOOQ Eighth Race— 1 Mile. June 17. 1916— •xvuou i:38_3_95. Purse 00. 4 -year -olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 70: second. 0: third. 0. Eaulv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 458 19 : Freedom M7 I" J Roberts ISS-MS 45800 Orlln Kiipo 197 -- « McCorkle 388 1SS 45921 Reydo MS :.- P Martinez 1340-MS 489542Reilloc MS -1 i: Smith MS-MS S5899 After Kight M8 V* it Ryan W20-M8 15918 Concha 113 8s! R Carter 26898-18 ITiXHl -Tlirills M7 7 C Dag !■" - MS 82 miitncL paid. Krecdoni. 85.29 Ktraigbt, 88.40 plaee, 88.99 show; Orlia Kripo, 88.90 place, 83.20 shoo : Reydo, 84.49 show. Time. 25. 50. 1:15%. 1:43%. Track good. Winner Polk and AafceyS ch. in. a, b Meeli.k Tea Beach, by Bohhy Beach trained by T. Polk; bred by Mr. O. ;. Parke 1. Went In |iosl :,! I -HI. l post 1 lllillllle. Still c«mmI and *loa Won easily; second and ihii.i drii lag. Overweights Keydo, t aoaads; Concha, 1.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1920022201/drf1920022201_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1920022201_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800