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1 1 1 FOREMOST EPSOM DERBY ELIGIBLES! ! Ar. Expert Can Not See Defeat for Tetratema If He i j Can Stay the Distance. At this time of the year it may not I tit of 1 place for a lit ie gossip about the Derby, which I I originall] cloned with 2C4 cattle s, aad amoag those left in are Allenby. Archaic. Bruce Hodge. Celestial, j j Daylight Patrol, Bth Divhdoa, Golden Guinea. Great | Joy, He iocs. Herd Thaaot, Merry Din. Orpheus, j j Pelops, 1oltava. Polydipsia, Pontelaad, Priace Galahad, I Sarehedoa, SUvern, Soraaas, Southern, spear | want. Spimi Kop. Sprig of Orange. Swynhnrn. let- j | rat ma. letrameier and Winiasn These appear to I j he the oniy "poasible" oaes among the public performer-, I and. so far a- I am aware. Hie only ] j "darkle" which might affect a sin prise i North j fleet, now I he property of Sir .lames Ituchanan. I he having been purchased on his behalf bj Mr. ! ! Livock In 3,5dt guineas from among Sir John j Thursbys horses in tratatag at the December Bales. of "ouisi- horses change tremendously from two to three years, an! nobady in the January before they won the Derby would have fancied such as Signoi inetta. Mlaortl or Ahoyeur: hut I must aay popular "Any" Peraac, who trains them at Chatti-Hlll, doe- seem lo hold Hie key t 1 the situation thi- year with Priace Galahad and Tetratema. -,, I will ie 1 discus- the others in the race. The former handsome ehestaat son of Pi Intra Palatine won the 1 In—ham Stake- in great style at Ascot. after -tilling aa slowly that in the earlier stage- i he seemed quite out Of the hunt, and the hard gri ami there having affected ids hocks, these had to he piaflred. so consequently Prime Galahad, by this Mm" named, did not appear again before I be Dewhursl Plate, wherein, in receipt of three pound-, be upset by two lengths the odds laid on Orpheus. Owing to having done badly in a gallop on the previous Saturday, the winner was not greatly faaeied by the connections of the Chattia Hill Stable, but lie ran the seven furlong- of this rai e like a thorouiHibred stayer. ORPKEUS WINTERING IN FINE STYLE. Orpheus irp 1 1 ilea was considered aeeaad best if Ike year, but although he is wintering extremely Mil probably, indeed, better than gay COIt at Newmarket I do not expect, after seeing the Dewhursl Plat" race, that Sir Hugo unliffe -Ow« 11- son of orbj will heat Priace Galahad mi even terms. There have been adverse rumors, probabij without any ji-i ■ .11-". igaiasl Prince Galahads st.-iid,-roaapaaion, Tetratema, which won all hi- five race- with great ease, ending up by securing the Middle Park Plate in the finest style I have -ecu this laci- won since Bignortna captured it in ;ssj 80 far ih" unbeaten sun of Tin- Telrarch ha- earned 4,755 1 ■■■ hi- owner and breeder. Major McCal moat, -.. thai if he never succeeds in winning another race, Tetratema ha- proved a splendid frii ml P. ih. major, hi- aggregate nearly equaling tin amount secured by his unbeaten sire, who-. 1 tut stand- at 0,680. The Tctrareh. a- most people an aware, never -aw a race course after winning ihe champagne stakes ai Doaeastcr. but iii a home gallop over a mile He followiag April he -hi.w.d about Ihe -am.- superiority t" Hand of Song niiich afterward finished a g I fourth to Kcuuymore, Corcyra and Black Jester for the Two Thousand Guineas a- he had done in their two-year .■! da.-, rig., t wen -eight pounds. The remains, however, thai never in public md he go aiore than three-quarters, and this i- the ■-; distance hi- brilliant -in ha- -o far traveled, so tic question consequently arises, Can he -ia- ■ Should be prove to possess the necessary stamina, then the classics of MOD are already a foregoi conclusion, barring an accident This brilliant roan-gray coil Is not without fault- -■• fa a- hi- 1. informal ion i- concerned and bow few tlioroughhreds an-: but he was at least from tea i" f. in .• i potiada superior t" anj rival last year. "Andax" in Home ami Hounds.