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! i j 1 I I j j | j j I | j | I j I ] j j I ! ! j i ANNOUNCE JAMAICA STAKE PROGRAM Values Are Increased and Changes Made from Guaranteed to the Added Money Variety. NKW YORK, N. V.. February 23.- The MetTO- politan Jim key Club, which condmls rai-ing at Jaroalca. has mad" qaite a few financial changes in its stake to be decided dariag the coming spring season. As usual there will be seveateen feature races, qaite a aaaaher of which have been increased ill vabae, aad added money stipulation- are noticeable iii a few rasea where heretofore the eveata were of the guaranteed value. The Excelsior Handicap, while siill I guaranteed -take, hn- I,,.,.,, incna-id from So. Kin to sil.trin; the Kings oaatj Handicap, instead of being a guaranteed stake, now has added, which will probal ly increase its value over the ,000 guai anlee of la-t year. H is a promising program and will no doubt draw entries from every -table which hold- horses of stake caliber. The following i- Hie complete li-l "f stakes and their values: Excelsior Handicap ,000; Kings County Handicap, $°.*hW added; Beach Haadicap, si. ."no added: PauaMaok Handicap, So.tllNl: Kainbow Handicap. ,000 added: Garden City Stakes. .5M added: Newton Stake-. -! 500 added: Olympic Stake-. ,500 added: Southampton Haadicap, xl..ihi added; Btuyvesaat Handi-eap. ,000; Highland Stakes. ,900 added. The la-t three race- are for three year-olds exclusively. in the tWO-year-oM fixture- Die Youthful will be,000 guaranteed Colorado ,000 guaranteed, itose-dale ,000 guaranteed. Greenfield ,500 added, and the Moateak and the Suffolk each ,500 added. All these stake- will be decided during the first two meetings, which run from May 15 to May 22 and from lune 14 to Jane 23. They will l e called iu at t the -ame uider which existed last year Entries dose March 1."..