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i I I . I , j i - ANSWERS TO QUERIES laigli hman. Chicago. "Mr. AMagtoa" died at New «ii han-. I.a.. March Is. ls:i:j. ,ig,.,J thirty-tWO. 1. K. W.. Chhl ago. Ill A bane is in the control of the -tarter a- BOOB a- emerge- from the paddock on it- way to the past. II. c. w.. New Orleans, l.i ffagen on Toddler in the race in which she hid a leg broken lost, -in having passed ktte the atartera control Bx Jockey, Covington, Ky. Pred Archer twice accomplished the feat of ruling six winner- a ana rtday, i- ■■■ at beam, August ."». 1 -K. and al Neu market en April 11. 1S77. Oa each occasion they his i.nlj mounts. Iueie "Hoosier." Kokonio, Ind. Tad Sloun- fir-t mount in England was mi Libra in the Two year old ur- aerj Plate, Newmarket, aa October iiv Iaw7. Ills fir-t winning mount wa- on Quibble II. in the j • Maiden Plate, NeV. market, on October :.o of the | I s.i un. year. i t