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! ■ j i • ■ • 1 • ■ ■ BIG ENTRY LIST FOR KENTUCKY DERBY I Nominations to Mcst Coveted of All Kentucky Racer. Expected to Break All Previous Records. l.nrisvn.i.i:. Ky.. Pebruary 28. The gre.tesi array of the amst valuable -take races ever run in t Kentucky close for entries Monday. March 1. The i famous Kentucky Derby, with gtO.OM added, which | will make ihe forty sixth running of that coveted ; race, the mo-t valualde in it- long hi-tory. together with the Latoala Derby. 5,000 added; Inde- | pendence Handicap. 5,000 added: Kentucky Han- | dieap. Sill. Kill added: Daniel K ie Handicap, I 0,000 added: Queen City Handicap. 0,000 added; | lark Handicap, ,900 added, are the to. liner- - nf .me of the most Inviting stake prog ran** offered j anywhere. Naturally, the mo-i interest at this time will he centered in the entries for the Ken- t tueky Derby. With Man o War. the ejmmpiou i two year old of liiiii. an absentee, hi- ownci having . decided not to subject his -t;,r colt to the rigorous ■ : early training necessary for such a braising race. | the Kentucky Derby promises to he a mora open i race and it is certain to attract a larger entry list , than if Mr. Kiddles champion had been entered. | Early returns indicate that the .astern naaaiaa- i Hon* will be larger than ever before. Oeaamunder Bona hopes to dupUeate hi- success of last year. , when Sir I.arlon won for him, with either Constancy or His Choice. II. P. Whitney has named John I. Drier, Dania-k. Upset, Wihlair and Panoply. Damask will be train. .1 at Churchill Down* by Mose Goldblatt and the others will be prepared by .lames Kowe at the Itrookdale Farm in New Jersey. Samuel c. Hildreth will have the speedy Dominique ■ i t tarry hi- color-, while i;. w. i.ft bulla a ■hang ham in D mnarnna and on Watch. Mr-. Walter M. Jeffords entertains fond hopes of ■ I I i. lug off the coveted prize with her slashing ; big chestnut colt GoMen Broom, which cost 5,000 I as a yearling, and had 1 be retired last year be cause of a quarter crack after lie had made a fine Impression in hi- few ■ppearaneea on the tnrf. apt. Kal Parr is expected to try for the rich , prise with Biases, or Paul Jones, both candidates . with credential* that give them a good chance. Ki-i:;ird I i artnau is to have named his . Maryland In ., a , ,.,anda ie. the good son nf Meridian , Daruina that displayed a great ileal of speed in , several of ins races last fall. M Ihe more prominent western owners who will I be represented in the richest of all Kentucky Derby* ; Major T. . McDowell ha- named his two cracks. High Command and Distinction, while I". B. Brad-I - i olara maj be carried by cither Ky Jolly or Busy Siena I. Charlie Bowe i- already galloping the grand little • filly Mi-- Jemima at Douglas Dark, with the in ten - Hon of giving her a -low but careful preparation i lor the big race. C. . Vim M ir :s another who thinks well I of a fillys chance in ihe Derby, as he ha- nominated Marjorio Hyn.-s. that good daughter of Dick Kinnell. .to!, i, -on N. Camden ha- named Prince lal and Lorraine, while Mo-.- Goldblatt is counting on Atta Boy II. Gallaher Bras, expect to be represented i in tin race by Kinbuin. Others -aid to have lain entered are Cobwebs. Wendy, Bonnie Mary. Afternoon, Hoodwink, Kin noul. Has.,:, "On, Cinderella, Cleopatra, Homely. Bales. Eddie Blckenbneher. Wedding : Cake. Sam Friedman and Mickey M e. While all the nominations for the Kentucky Derby and oilier valuable event- to be run at the coming • spring and summer meetings in the Blue Hrnss State are not in a- yet. and the results will not be known for several day-, the official* of the Ken- Jockey club are confident that a record- breaking Mm of entries will be received.