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j l - . a i ■ | , I r r ANOTHER RACING BILL FOR MARYLAND » ANNAPOLIS, lid., Pehruarj 28. A new racing H commission for Anne Arunihl County i- provided ,| in ;, i, ill introduced in the senate bj Senator r Rrady. The neu nsmmlssion will nave supervisho: it jorer the Laurel track, which, contrarj to the general I hh i, i- in Anne Arundel Conntj . The lull name- a com rain ion consisting of 1.. • .Ml.n Webh. Mi.ha.l Carter and Joseph Wilkinson. i. The members an- to serve four eat- and receive an n annual alat.v nf ,000 each. The rommiasion i- is to be allowed ,000 a ear for expenses. The bill II al-o provides a lax of .*.".. 000 a da. gg the track.