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. : 1 r I . ■ 1 , , . ANOTHER TURF MENACE TO DEFEAT i I I With Sport Now Safe in Kentucky Racing Interests 1 I Should Unite Against Sims Bill at Washington. Racing i- safe in Kentucky. The senate of the Blue ;ra— state made it so hist Wednesday, when it practically defeated the Siniins bill by a vote of Jl to 14. There i- little or 110 chance of it -bowing np in -ome other form. The good majority Kgi-lcred for the defeat of the bill preclude- that. The racing interests never were greatly alarmed. Bad they always believed that Cnvernor Morrow. who ha- openly declared himself for racing time and again, would conic to the re-cue if it looked : a- ihoiigh the -port wa- in real danger. Defenders of racing offered several argumenls. chief of which j wa- the fact that racing provided the -inew- af i i war b breeding hor-e- of -lamina and teal age upon arhich the military force- of the Catted Stat. -ci aid rely in time- of need. The fait that prohibition has deprived the people of man] llbertlea araa a potent factor in the de-. fiat of ihe bill. Ihe argiimenl that there was nothing now to do but fish, and that everybody did imt are 10 go fishing, had a real influence on the decision of the Kentucky -enate. Tne Ken tacky legislature will not asset again for two more yea:-, and the good race meeting- will be get in before the matter can be broached again. But there i- another Sim- bill, this one in the initial states House of Beareaeatatives, that needa to be defeated before the racing uatereata can feel safe. That bill pertains to the printing of any racing information whatsoever, and might be amended if it ever come- before Congrc— to preclude the -hipping of a race hor-e from one -tale to the oiaer. Thorough. led intere-t- mu-t not ic-t on their oar-, for the opposition is secretly working at all time- in furtherance of their plans and only constant vigilance on the part of the Hor-emens Association will prevent thi- menaare becoming a law in lime. i Enqaircr.