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i I I 1 I : j i i ITIME TEST SUPPLANTS OTHER METHODS Fred Burlew Says the Watch Is Now Important Factor in Determining Class of a Horse. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. March 1. The watch i-ju-t about -upreme when it comes to the trial of a horse for an important engagement in this country, and according la Fred Burlew. Ihe well known trainer, it is fa-t supplanting other ways of determining the fitness of -take lmr-es in France. Burlew had charge of the Clarence Mackay racing establishment abroad for a number of year- and rloscly ob-erved racing conditions in vogue there. He -aid today that Ihe Lngli-h method of living out horses has few follower- nowaday- in Frame. Burlew says the Lngli-h trainer, a- a rule, doe-nt even take his stopwatch with him when he g..e- oui to Eaeem Downs, Doaeaster, Xewmarkel 1 r wherever the trial i- 10 take place. In order to -aii-r.v him-elf a- to the fitne-s of a hor-e he make- up what i- really a race, putting certain weight on the horse to be tested and oiler hoi-e-of known ability. A good rider i- aatride each of Ihe starter- ill the trial. If the trial is Batis-factory all w-ll and good, the hor-e goes in hi-eiigagcnient : if he is beaten, nine times out of ten 1 he i- snatched. A betting owner, especially, depends upon the trial to give him a true line on his hor-e. Things are much different in tne Catted States, Winn A. K. Macomb* ra call Star Hawk showed trainer Walter Jenuing- a mile and a qaarter in -eii-ai h iially fast lime a couple of day- prior to the running uf the Kentucky Derby -ome oai-Bga leanings thought the race was as good a- wen. or 1 unarm, in- knew the rapabBlties of the batata going along with the son of Sunstar and Sweet Finch in the work-out and the poundage on the hor-e- back, but the font time wa- the factor in the gallop thai made the trainer confident of victory. 11,. wa- beaten becau-e he met a faster her--. According to Burlew -ome of the trial* in F.ngland are run in extremely slant time, but are nevertbeleaa taaaidered satfatfoctaty by the trainer-. The Tetrarch, the faanoan racer along in IMS, and now the famon- -ire. demonstrated conclusively in hi- late yearling form that lie was going to be what i- aometimea railed a "hor-e of the century." The gray son of Roi Ilciode ami Yaliien ran away from seasoned campaigner- of all ages 111 1 trial-. Burlew aaya. It -0 happened that when 1 The Tetrarch was racing Burlew bud the filly Junta in training in France. .Inula beat all the Preach bred two year did- with ram in trial-, and n araa decided to attempt a clean -np in England. J 11-1 before -hipping day. how. wi. Junta wa- takea with the colic. "Thai colic araa the lackiesl thing in the world for 11-." -aid Burlew the other day. "JiiLta would have been beaten -lire, great filly that -he wa-. The Tetrarch would have run away from her a-he ran away from the actual etartera ill the race we had planned to -tart Imt The Tetrarch was the fastest hor-e I ever -aw or ever huge to -ce. We saved a lm of money, a- we had intended to 1 bet heavily, thinking Ihe filly was invincible."