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I 1 ,, I s a " " r 1 f SIRE SEAHORSE II. DIES IN VIRGINIA i:V YOIIK. V Y.. March 1. At Clenburnic Kami. ;. it. Tompkins breeding establishment at Warn nion. Va.. Silver Dart. Ihe Uriah jumping mare, baa foaled a filly by seaborne II. ihe bitter died ri.cntly. In 1P1B. the la-t year Silver Dart raced in Ireland, -he «a- on-iden d along with Sione Chase, .tie of the two be-t steeplecl.a-i r- in Inland. Mi- I. Ambrose lark ha- thirty hor-c- in training al Aiken. S. C. twenty of which are being -el led for pun pels by Tim Donohiio. The Jockeys with iiini an- Al Franklin. T. Iarrette and W. Oleen. James Bvaaa ahm has the Cifford Cochran hor-e-at Aiken. Among them are Iair.v Wand. Ardito and several two year-otda of hi- own breeding at his Mount Ki-co Iarm